Now everything depended on Talilia and Othorion. They had to act as if everything was okay with them. They would cry when they were alone and kept sobbing at night taking each other's names. Talindra and Baraion saw all this for one day, for two days, for a week, for a fortnight but their brother and sister never stopped. They kept missing each other.

On the other hand, Drelduin would tell Othorion about Talilia and Talilia about Othorion. Both were receiving news about each other and Drelduin could tell that something as off with Talindra and Baraion. He could tell that they were hurt and agitated. He could tell that they were feeling the pain of their siblings.

"You can come to the college with me if you want. That way you can meet with your friends too. Edi and Guru were asking for you," said Talindra.

"I miss them too, they were too good to me," said Talilia.