Chapter 6: Hello, Traveler

Thursday, July 12th

Around noon, the train carrying the four of them arrived in Tingen.

As before, they waited until everyone had left the station and it was completely empty before they disembarked.

This was to minimize the chances of innocent bystanders getting involved.

Outside the station was a carriage that had been waiting for a while, and next to it stood a man with gray eyes dressed in a black trench coat.

This made Ashen One instinctively glance at Al—

He was also wearing a gray trench coat.

Except for the color, their outfits were almost identical.


When the gray-eyed man saw Al Harsen, a smile appeared on his face.


Al Harsen also smiled, pointed at the gray-eyed man, and introduced, "Dunn Smith, an old fellow like me."

"These are my team members, Loretta, I believe you've met her… right? And this is Bor… ge…"

Seeing his movements slow down, Ashen One gave him a push.


Al Harsen sighed, took the box from Loretta, and continued, "Where was I? Borgia, and Ashen One."

"Let's get in the carriage first."

Dunn nodded slightly and then spoke.

Al Harsen nodded, too, and without wasting any time, led the others into the carriage.

After placing the box on the ground, just as he was about to drive, he noticed Dunn's movements slowing down significantly.

"Looks like you should let me drive."

Al Harsen gave Dunn a push and said with a smile.

Dunn glanced at him, said nothing, climbed out of the carriage, and drove it towards the NightHawks' headquarters in Tingen City.

It was less than a ten-minute journey before the carriage arrived at their destination—

St. Selena Church.

"Tingen, St. Selena Church…"

Ashen One frowned slightly, as fragments of his memory reminded him that these two places seemed very important.

Could it be that Tingen is a high-plot area?

"Are you being affected?"

Seeing Ashen One in a daze, Al Harsen thought he was being influenced by "2-049".

His expression changed slightly, and he gave Ashen One a push, asking in a deep voice.


Ashen One shook his head and explained, "I was just thinking."

"That's good."

Al Harsen breathed a sigh of relief.

Since "2-049" tried to influence Ash in Backlund and got repelled, it hadn't attempted to influence him again.

This made Al Harsen and the others see Ashen One as their last insurance.

If Ashen One were truly influenced just now, then even this insurance wouldn't be effective.

The group quickly passed through the main hall of St. Selena Church.

Perhaps because it was noon, there weren't many people in the church.

This made it easier for them to escort "2-049" through the hall and slip through a hidden door.

They then followed a dim, narrow corridor and arrived at a stone staircase.

"You all go directly to the Chanis Gate."

After descending the stairs and reaching a crossroads, Dunn said, "I'll go get my team members."


Al nodded, and the two groups went their separate ways at the crossroads.

Even without Dunn's guidance, Al could easily find the Chains Gate—

Because the layout underground is similar in every city.

This allows NightHawks from other areas to seek help from local NightHawks when in trouble.

Soon, Al Harsen and his group arrived at the Chains Gate.

But instead of trying to enter, they went into a small room beside it.

It seemed to be the guard room that oversees the Chanis Gate from the outside.

Inside, someone was already waiting for them.

It was a young NightHawk wearing a white shirt and tight pants, exuding a bit of a poet's romantic aura.

He stood up and nodded slightly to them.

"Leonard Mitchell, Sequence 8's Midnight Poet."

"Acting method?"

Seeing the poetic aura around him, Al Harsen and his team all had the same thought at the same time.

Before knowing about the acting method, they might have just thought he was a young man with a penchant for drama.

But now they didn't think so—

It was obvious that he was acting as a Midnight Poet.

"Have a seat first."

Al Harsen nodded at Leonard and then, placing the box on the ground, asked, "We might head out on a mission soon, Ashen One, do you need to rest?"

Both he and Borgia were on the Sleepless pathway, so they didn't need rest.

Loretta, being on the Corpse Collector pathway, also didn't need much rest.

So only Ashen One needed attention.


Ashen One shook his head gently.

Although he didn't understand why, he could sleep well even without a campfire.

But that didn't mean he needed long rests.

"That's good."

Al Harsen nodded and didn't ask further.

However, he was actually a bit curious.

Ashen one had never disclosed his Sequence, and because Ashen One had shared the acting method with them, they hadn't been too concerned about it, thinking Ashen One might have his reasons.

But not asking didn't mean they weren't curious; they had some guesses in their minds.

"Who is he?"

Leonard, doing some awkward arm exercises, looked at Ash with a scrutinizing and curious gaze.

Since everyone there knew about "2-049's" nature, the arm exercises were to avoid being controlled.

But Ashen One was the only one not doing it.

And Al Harsen and the others clearly had no intention of correcting him.

Why is that? Could he be a high-sequence Beyonder? "Old man!"

Leonard's eyes moved, and he called out in his mind.

"Don't ask, he's not a high-sequence Beyonder; he's not even a Beyonder."

An old voice sounded from within Leonard, making the young "poet" widen his eyes.

Not a Beyonder? Not a Beyonder and still so bold? And Al Harsen and the others don't care?

Not long after, Dunn Smith returned to the guard room.

This time, he brought with him a young man with black hair and brown eyes, exuding a scholarly aura.

The young man's eyes were curious, clearly observing everyone in the room.

Eventually, his gaze settled on Ashen one, as if finding his attire somewhat familiar.

"Klein Moretti, has a mysterious connection with the Antigonus family's notes."

Dunn briefly introduced the young man, then pointed to Ash and the others, "These ladies and gentlemen are colleagues from the Backlund parish, escorting the sealed artifact '2-049' here. This is Miss Loretta, Sequence 8's Gravedigger, and also a sharpshooter."

"Al Harsen, an old fellow like me."

"These two are Borgia and Ashen one."

"Ashen one?"

Klein's pupils shrank, and he quickly lowered his head to hide the change in his eyes.

He had heard this name in his previous life!

(End of this chapter)