Chapter 24: You’re an Apprentice Too? What a Coincidence, So Am I


Just as Audrey was about to say something more, she suddenly heard a violent cough.

Turning towards the sound, she saw Viscount Glaint coughing like he was seriously ill, continually giving Audrey meaningful looks.

Seeing Audrey finally glance over, Glaint motioned with his mouth towards the direction of the study.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the washroom," Audrey said softly, a bit helpless.

She then lifted her skirt slightly, stood up gracefully, and walked towards the washroom. However, midway she diverted from sight and headed towards the study on the first floor.

Clearly, she was familiar with the layout and it wasn't her first time attending a salon at this villa.

"I need to discuss something with Glaint. Guard the door and don't let anyone in," Audrey instructed her maid Anne.

"Understood," Anne nodded gently, watching Audrey enter the study.

At that moment, Glaint was anxiously waiting inside the study.

"Audrey," Glaint began as soon as she entered, but Audrey interrupted by changing the subject.

"Miss Fors," Audrey looked suspiciously at another lady casually flipping through books by the bookshelf, "I heard from Glaint that you're a true Beyonder. Is that true?"

Of course, she knew what Glaint wanted to say—reminding her of her noble status, being an earl's daughter, and that she was out of reach for a country noble.

But my god, hasn't he ever considered that Mr. Lover might also be a Beyonder?

Audrey wanted to complain but knew it was out of character for her.

"It seems I need to prove it,"

Fors wasn't angry at Audrey's doubt. She just smiled slightly and walked to the door.

Then, in a flash, both Audrey and Glaint saw Fors seemingly turn into a phantom and pass through the door.

In Audrey's deliberately surprised expression, they reached an agreement—

Fors would sell them some sequence potion formulas, and they would help Fors rescue her friend.

After successfully making the deal, Glaint suggested that they leave the study one by one to avoid suspicion.

Fors left first.

"Audrey," Glaint started again, hesitating, "I have something to tell you."

"I knew it," Audrey discreetly rolled her eyes and changed the topic, "I have something to tell you too, Glaint. From now on, whenever you host gatherings, make sure to invite Mr. Ash."

"Mr. Ash?!" Glaint's eyes widened.

You've only known each other for a few minutes! How have you already gotten to first-name terms? But that shouldn't be possible!

As a young and promising noble due to his father's early death, Glaint had indeed considered pursuing Audrey—

Of course he had.

After all, she was a wealthy, beautiful noble lady. Who wouldn't be interested? However, after noticing Audrey had no such intentions, he gave up on the idea.

Their relationship became purely a friendship based on shared interests in mysticism.

But now, Audrey had been swayed by a down-and-out noble from the countryside?!

I can't accept this!

"Don't think too much," Audrey sighed inwardly and explained, "I'm inviting him because Mr. Ash might also be a Beyonder."

"Sorry, Mr. Lover," Audrey silently apologized in her heart.

To gain Glaint's trust and prevent further suspicion, she had to reveal something.

Moreover, she used the word "might."

"A Beyonder?" Glaint gasped and then seemed to understand, "Is that why you behaved that way? Audrey, how did you find out? I didn't notice anything!"

"Did you see the rings on his hands? I suspect those are magical items." Audrey explained with some helplessness, "And don't reveal this to anyone."

"Got it!" Glylint nodded solemnly.

Although he wasn't a Beyonder, he knew about magical items—

Of course, he didn't know the specifics, just that they possessed beyonder abilities.

These items were said to be as rare as Beyonders.

And that Mr. Ash...

Glylint suddenly paused.

The man seemed to wear rings on all ten fingers.

A full ten magical items?! No, it should be just one or two, and the rest are disguises.

Yes, that's it!

Audrey watched Glylint as he fell into his own deductions and quietly left the room.

She returned to the hall, where Fors was elegantly approaching the dessert table.

After a moment's hesitation, Audrey walked back to Ash's side.

"Excuse me, Mr. Black. Um, can I call you Ash?" Audrey asked.

"If you wish," Ashes nodded slightly.

"Then, Mr. Ash," Audrey blinked, "but if that's the case, you should call me Audrey."

Ash nodded slightly.

"Alright, Miss Hall."

"It's Audrey!" she insisted.

"Alright, Miss Hall."

Audrey looked at Ash in frustration, feeling like he was teasing her on purpose but having no proof.

"Mr. Ash," Audrey switched the topic, "should I hand you the diary directly in the future?"

At the moment she asked this, far away in Tingen, Klein suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

"No, there's no need," Ashes refused without hesitation, "I'm not interested in the diary."

He didn't want to waste time reading Roselle's ramblings.

"Okay," Audrey nodded, then hesitated before asking quietly, "Mr. Ash, do you know what kind of Beyonder can walk through wooden doors or disable locks?"

As soon as she asked, she noticed Ash's gaze change slightly.

"That's the Apprentice pathway, Sequence 9, Apprentice," Ash replied slowly, "I don't recall showing such an ability in front of you. How did you learn about the Apprentice?"

"Eh?" Audrey was stunned and surprised, "Mr. Ash, are you also on the Apprentice pathway?"

"Yes," Ashes nodded calmly, "As you can see, I just became an Apprentice a few days ago."

After a pause, Ashes added, "A newbie among Beyonders."

Audrey's face showed some disbelief. She believed Ash was on the Apprentice pathway but couldn't believe he was just Sequence 9—

How could a Sequence 9 have ten magical items!

"So," Ashes asked, "have you encountered another Apprentice?"

"Mm," Audrey nodded softly, "the author of the book you're reading, Miss Fors."

With that, Audrey honestly told Ash about her deal with Fors.

*P.S. Audrey dared to talk to Ash in public because she is an Spectator.

She can see if someone is eavesdropping, thus avoiding her conversation being overheard.

But Glaint and Fors didn't know this, so they chose the study for privacy.

This should be easy to understand, right?

(End of Chapter)

50 Power stones = Extra Chapter