Chapter 29: A Pleasant Salon

July 21st, Saturday.

In the afternoon, another literary salon was held in the luxurious villa of Viscount Glaint.

The attendees were almost the same as last time, except for an additional lady who came with Viscount Glaint—

Well, "lady" might not be the right term.

This lady, with her shoulder-length, messy blonde hair and traditional knight training attire, looked like an imposing tomboy.

However, her delicate and soft facial features, along with her yet-to-mature eyebrows, made her appear quite youthful.

Coupled with her height of only 1.5 meters, she resembled an oversized loli.

This was the very same Ms. Xio Derecha whom Fors had asked Glaint to rescue from prison.

"Glaint," Audrey approached the host with an elegant smile, politely asking, "May I borrow your study for a moment?"

"Of course, it would be my honor," Glaint replied with a gentlemanly bow.

But the next moment, he saw Audrey heading to the study with Ash, which made his expression freeze.

"Annie," Audrey instructed her maid, "Stand guard outside, and don't let anyone in."

"Alright," Annie looked at Ash, wanting to say something but ultimately nodded.

"So, Mr. Ash," Audrey locked the study door and took out 600 pounds from her small bag, handing it to Ash with a hopeful look, "Here's the agreed payment. How soon can I get the 'Mind Reader' formula?"

"Anytime," Ash replied calmly, "The only question is, when would you like me to give it to you?"

"Hmm~" Audrey considered that there were no gatherings she needed to attend soon, so she responded, "The day after tomorrow afternoon, perhaps?"

"That works," Ash nodded slightly.

The day after tomorrow afternoon, which was Monday afternoon, meant they would trade during the Tarot meeting.

At least Miss Audrey didn't find this problematic.

"There's one more thing," Audrey seemed to be organizing her thoughts, "My friend, Viscount Glaint, the host of this salon, also wishes to become an Beyonder."

"If he needs a potion formula, he can come to me," Ash said calmly.

"No, what I mean is..." Audrey shook her head, speaking softly, "If Glaint becomes an Beyonder, would you also need to capture him?"

Strictly speaking, even she was a wild Beyonder.

But since she and Mr. Lover both attended the Tarot Club, she was left alone.

However, Glaint and the petite Ms. Xio Derecha might not have this privilege.

"Audrey," Ash shook his head and said calmly, "There are many wild Beyonders in this city. If we captured them all, even the NightHawks would be overwhelmed. As long as they're not on the brink of losing control or trying to pose a threat to the city, the official Beyonders won't capture everyone."

"In fact," Ash paused briefly, "even Miss Fors from last time wasn't captured by me."

"Huh?" Audrey blinked, "But wasn't Miss Fors on the brink of losing control?"

"Just on the brink," Ash explained succinctly, "I'm trying to suppress her impending loss of control. If I fail, it won't be too late to capture her."

"I see," Audrey inexplicably felt a sense of relief.

If they were this lenient with an Beyonder on the brink of losing control, then Glaint certainly wouldn't have any issues.

Mr. Lover is indeed a gentle enforcer.

"Audrey!" As they left the study one after another, Glaint approached the latter, lowering his voice, "What were you discussing in the study? By the goddess, your father would kill me if he found out!"

"It's not that dramatic," Audrey felt a bit helpless at Glaint's exaggerated performance, but knowing this matter couldn't be brushed off, she explained, "I struck a deal with Mr. Ash. I paid him 300 pounds, and he'll provide me with a Sequence 9 potion formula."

"A potion formula?" Glaint's eyes widened. No longer concerned about Audrey and Ash's relationship, he eagerly asked, "So Mr. Ash is truly an Beyonder? Audrey, can you ask him to get me a potion formula too?"

"What about Miss Fors?" Audrey looked at him in surprise, "Ordinary Sequence 9 potions should only cost about 200 pounds. Since Miss Fors said she would help you find a potion formula, she wouldn't go back on her word, right?"

She deliberately mentioned the 300 pounds to make Glaint back off, but he didn't seem to be deterred.

"Actually," Glaint lowered his voice, "I did trust Miss Fors, but after seeing that petite Miss Xio, I suddenly felt they might not be reliable. Besides," he paused, speaking even more softly, "Miss Fors hasn't shown up yet. I'm even worried she might have run away."

"On the other hand, Mr. Ash is willing to make a deal with you, so I think he wouldn't mind earning a bit more. Besides, it's just 100 pounds above the market price, not a big deal."

"Glaint," Audrey sighed, "Miss Xio is just a bit short, and Miss Fors might be delayed by something important, which doesn't mean they're unreliable. We're nobles, don't you remember Emperor Roselle's words? Never judge a person by their appearance!"

"Emperor Roselle also said, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed,'" Glaint retorted, "As long as someone can help me get a potion formula, he's like a brother to me!"

"Alright," Audrey pretended to give in, "I'll help you contact him, but only after I get my potion formula."

She paused and added, "If Mr. Ash is unwilling to help, I can share my potion formula with you."

Hmm. She planned to refuse Glaint's request with an excuse later and directly hand him the Audience potion formula.

As Glaint celebrated, Miss Fors finally arrived midway through the salon.

Seeing Hugh, she couldn't hide her excitement.

"Miss Fors," Glaint asked curiously, "May I ask why you were so late today?"

"Hmm~" Fors blinked, explaining, "I suddenly got inspired, so I got absorbed in writing. Just like Emperor Roselle said, 'forgetting food and sleep.' I apologize for the delay."

"Oh," Audrey admired, "You truly are a reliable famous writer who wrote 'Stormwind Mountain Villa'"

Xio rolled her eyes on the side.

Her? Writing with such dedication?

From what Xio knew, it was more likely she had just woken up from a nap!

(End of chapter)

50 power stones = Extra chapter