Chapter 36: Sorry, I Came at the Wrong Time


Hillsdon District, 117 Birmingham Road.

Fors sat on the sofa, looking at her short friend standing in front of the fireplace with a serious expression, feeling somewhat helpless.

"Xio, I've already told you, it's not what you think!"

"It's all a misunderstanding, there's really nothing between him and me!"

"Don't try to fool me."

Xio Derecha said with a straight face and no expression, "I heard it with my own ears."

"I'm telling you, it's a misunderstanding!"

Fors sighed, knowing that Xio wouldn't let it go until she explained clearly. She had to say, "You know what day it is today, right?"

"July 25th?"

Xio frowned slightly, puzzled, "Is it a special day?"

"Today is the full moon."

Fors pointed helplessly at the ceiling, "Think about it, even if I wanted to do something with someone, I wouldn't choose a time like this, right?"

Xio was momentarily stunned, remembering that today was indeed the full moon.

And just as Fors said.

Even if she really wanted to have something with that guy named Ash, it wouldn't be now.

Because Fors hears strange murmurs every full moon—

Murmurs that torture her to the point of losing control.

Although Fors always said it was nothing, Xio knew very well the pain and torment Fors endured from hearing those murmurs from unknown beings, something she could not even imagine.

Even though Fors acted as if nothing had happened the day after every full moon.

If she really wanted to have a more-than-friends relationship with Mr. Ash, it wouldn't be on the full moon.

But how could she explain the conversation Xio overheard at Viscount Glaint's villa?

"He's also a Beyonder."

Seeing that her friend was still not getting it, Fors could only explain more plainly, "And he has a way to help me with the murmurs, so we agreed to meet tonight."

"Help with the murmurs? Him?"

Xio's face showed realization but quickly turned skeptical.

"You mean you just randomly found someone who can solve the murmurs that have tortured you for over a year?"

Xio stared at Fors with a 'do you think I'm an idiot?' expression.

"Not randomly."

Fors whispered, "He's a NightHawk of the Church of EverNight, and like me, he's an Apprentice, so I trust he can solve the murmurs."

"An official Beyonder? Are you crazy!"

Xio's expression changed drastically. They were wild Beyonders! How could she dare to get involved with an official Beyonder? What was even more suffocating was that Fors had even revealed her suffering from the murmurs! If an official Beyonder only knew she was a wild Beyonder, they might not arrest her but try to develop her as their informant.

But once they knew she suffered from murmurs every full moon, those official Beyonders would never let her go!

And now, Fors dared to actively seek help from an official Beyonder for her murmurs.

Wasn't this seeking death?

"It should be fine..."

Under Xio's gaze, Fors shrank her neck and whispered, "Besides, I didn't actively tell him about the murmurs, I'm not that stupid. He figured it out himself, otherwise I wouldn't have trusted him."

"You still have the nerve to say that?"

Xio glared at her angrily, "If that's the case, you might as well go directly to the Church of EverNight and turn yourself in. That might even be easier!"

Xio was furious, but Fors blinked at her.

At first, Xio thought she was teasing her, but soon realized something was wrong.

When she turned around cautiously, she saw a strange man standing behind her.

"Sorry, I seem to have come at the wrong time."

Ash looked at the two arguing women and said quietly, "You continue, I'll wait outside and come back later."

"No, you came at just the right time."

Fors quickly went forward and grabbed his arm. She didn't want to continue arguing with Xio.

As soon as she grabbed Ash's arm, Fors met her friend's suspicious gaze and hurriedly explained, "It's almost the full moon. If you leave now, it might be too late later."

"Should I step out for a moment?"

Xio put away her suspicious look and asked.

Although it seemed like a friendly inquiry, her gaze at Ash carried a hint of wariness and scrutiny.

Unlike Fors, she wouldn't easily trust a stranger.


Fors hesitated, not wanting her friend to see her 'episode.'

But it seemed it wasn't up to her to decide now.

"No need."

Ash shook his head slowly, "You should stay and watch."

With that, Ash turned his gaze to Fors, "I think you would prefer it if, in case you lose control, the one to kill you is your friend, not a stranger, right?"


Fors opened her mouth but couldn't say anything, only lowering her head in dismay.

"Lose control?!"

Xio said in a deep voice, "What do you mean? Aren't you here to 'treat' Fors?"

"I am."

Ash said calmly, "But ultimately, this is just an experiment. I don't guarantee success."


Fors grabbed Xio's hand, stopping her friend who was about to speak, and pleaded softly, "This is fine, please."


Xio looked at her pleading friend, remained silent for a long time, then raised her head again, her voice dry, "Okay."

She wasn't stupid.

Fors's state was clearly not right.

Although she claimed the murmurs had little effect on her, her attitude suggested she knew the murmurs were increasingly harmful to her, and if this continued, she would soon lose control.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be urgently seeking help from a stranger.

Even if Ash threatened her, she could have exposed everything after being released from prison.

They could have left Backlund together, starting a new life in a place where no one knew them.

But Fors hadn't done that. Instead, she revealed everything only today— And that was only because Xio noticed something was wrong and forced her to talk.

Otherwise, she believed Fors would have kept it a secret until the day she lost control due to the murmurs.

If this continued,

She would inevitably lose control without Ash's intervention.

If that's the case,

Then as a friend, she might be the one to send Fors off, which could be the best relief for Fors.

"Let's reintroduce ourselves."

Xio took a deep breath and extended her hand to Ash, "Xio Derecha."

Ash was silent for a long time before slowly extending his hand.


(End of Chapter)

50 Power stones = Extra Chapter