Chapter 38: My House is Quite Big

"Why were you just watching earlier?"

After confirming the safety of her friend, Xio breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up, looked Ashes directly in the eyes, and asked through gritted teeth.

Ashes could have cast that spell a bit faster, sparing Fors the pain and torment.

But he just watched, only acting after Fors had suffered.

Although Xio knew that he had saved Fors and that she had no right to question him,

Sometimes people aren't completely rational, especially women.

"Because I needed to confirm her state under the whispers."

Faced with the question from the petite yet imposing Xio, Ashes expression remained calm, "The facts prove that I didn't waste time. Fors is unharmed, almost as good as new. If my miracle couldn't work, releasing it a few seconds earlier wouldn't have made any difference."



Fors grabbed Xio, who wanted to argue further, and said softly, "No need to say more. He's right."

Ashes, as an official Beyonder, had no obligation to help. Helping was a favor.

After all, he could have arrested her a few days ago instead of taking the risk to treat her now.

They already owed Ashes a favor and shouldn't be too demanding.

Besides, the 'curse' on her wasn't cast by Ashes.


Xio looked at her friend, pursed her lips unwillingly, and ultimately refrained from arguing further with Ashes.

She understood the reasoning that Fors did, but even so, she still felt some resentment.


Xio took a deep breath and said softly, "I lost my composure earlier. I hope you don't mind."

"It's fine."

Ashes glanced at the two with some surprise and said calmly, "I thought you would rush up and punch me, or at least yell and throw a tantrum. Just talking back a bit shows your emotions are relatively stable, or rather, well-controlled."


Xio bit her silver teeth and wished she could take a bite out of him.

Her fists clenched hard!

"Five minutes are up."

Ashes suddenly spoke, "Do you feel any other abnormalities in your body?"


Fors closed her eyes and felt for a moment, then said softly, "I feel great, better than ever, especially on a full moon night."


Xio breathed a sigh of relief, genuinely happy for her friend's redemption.

"Don't be too happy yet."

Ashes said expressionlessly, "I can perform a treatment on you every full moon, but what about a blood moon?"

Fors and Xio's expressions froze simultaneously.

Full moons are predictable, appearing on fixed days each month.

And if they're lucky, a rainy night might even hide the moon.

But blood moons are different.

They appear suddenly and unpredictably, often hanging in the sky for just a few seconds.

Which means,

If a blood moon appears, Ashes wouldn't be able to help in time.

"Can't you lift the curse completely?"

Xio looked at Fors worriedly and asked pleadingly.

"Sorry, I can't."

Ashes shook his head under Xio's hopeful gaze, causing her anticipation to turn into disappointment.

This wasn't an excuse; he truly didn't have a good solution.

Although healing tears could theoretically cure any abnormal state,

The whispers Fors endured were in the realm of 'curses.'

Healing tears could heal the abnormal state during a curse outbreak, like the whispers on a full moon night,

But they couldn't root out the curse.

It was a temporary solution.

Actually, Ashes remembered that he should know a miracle that could cure the root cause.

But unfortunately,

He had completely forgotten what kind of miracle it was.

"No worries, this isn't so bad."

Fors was more optimistic than Xio, waving her hand, "As Emperor Roselle said, take one step at a time. At least I won't die now, right?"

"And blood moons aren't that common. There have already been two this year; there won't be a third one soon, right? Right?"

By the end, Fors was amused by herself, but Xio still looked serious.

She hadn't known how severe Fors's suffering was on full moons, but now that she had witnessed it, she couldn't let it go.

Full moons could be anticipated and Ashes contacted for help.

But even if Ashes was willing to tirelessly treat Fors, he couldn't stay by her side all the time.


Suddenly, an idea struck Xio. She looked at Ashes with a peculiar light in her eyes, "Ashes, where do you live?"

"Church of the EverNight Goddess."

Ashes gave her a strange look and replied.

"I know you're a NightHawk."

Xio gestured with her hands, trying to explain, "I mean, where do you live now?"

"Church of the EverNight Goddess, Saint Samuel Cathedral."


Xio stared at Ashes unchanging expression, the words she wanted to say stuck in her throat.

Even for a NightHawk, living in the Church seemed odd, right?

From Viscount Glaint's information, Ashes had only recently arrived in the capital.

So, was he temporarily staying at the Church because he hadn't found a place yet?

Or was there some special reason?

"Why are you living at the Church? Is there a special reason?"

Fors asked in surprise, then added, "If it's confidential, you don't have to say."

"No, there's no special reason."

Ashes shook his head slowly, "I just happen to know the bishop of the Church of the EverNight Goddess, and he invited me to stay there temporarily."


Before Fors could speak, Xio's eyes lit up, and she quickly said, "Since you don't have a place, why not stay here? Our house is quite big, and we won't charge you rent!"

"This location and size of the house would cost at least a hundred pounds a year if you rented it!"

"If you stay here, you could save a hundred pounds a year!"


Ashes looked at Xio in surprise, not understanding why the girl who had just been hostile was now so eager to invite him to stay.

As if she couldn't wait for him to move in.

"A hundred pounds, huh."

Ashes sighed lightly.

That was a week's salary.

After thinking for a while, Ashes nodded slightly.

"It's not impossible."

For him, it didn't matter where he stayed.

After all, nowhere had a bonfire.

**PS: I know this might not help much, but I still want to ask for monthly votes.

After all, the data is so poor it makes me sad.**

(End of the Chapter)

50 Power stones = Extra Chapter