Chapter 50 Why Didn’t you Say So Earlier?!

Hilston District, 117 Birmingham Road, late afternoon.

Ashes returned home from the Queen's District and walked through the door.

"Can't you just use the door?" Fors, who was lying on the sofa, rolled her eyes.

"I don't have a key," Ashes replied calmly.

"Then why don't you knock? If you knocked, I'd open the door for you!" Fors retorted.

"I live here. Why should I knock?" Ashes countered, then glanced at the girl lying on the sofa and said coolly, "Given your personality, if I did knock, you'd probably question why I didn't just use my ability to come in instead of making you get up to open the door."


Fors face flushed, and she angrily threw a key at Ashes. "Next time, remember to open the door, or I'll report you for trespassing!"

Ashes caught the key, noting its considerable weight, but he didn't argue with her. Instead, he asked, "Where do I stay?"

"Xio and I live on the second floor. You live on the first floor."

"Got it." Ashes nodded calmly, then scanned the room and asked, "Where's Miss Xio?"

"No idea," Fors said confidently. "She doesn't tell me everything, but I guess she's out in the East District administering justice or something."

At this, Fors couldn't help but mutter, "I've told her many times not to get herself into trouble helping others. If she ends up in jail again, I can't help her."

"By the way," she continued after muttering for a while, "I've submitted your manuscript to the publisher. Sir William at the publishing house was very pleased and announced it would be published within a week."

"But," Fors couldn't help but ask, "do you really think this will work?"

"I said it was an experiment," Ashes replied calmly. "If it succeeds, great. If it fails, there's no real loss."

"It's more than just no loss," Fors rolled her eyes, feeling somewhat frustrated. Having written "Stormwind Mountain Villa" she was already a well-known author, one of the top in her field. Like the "One Penny" newspaper, books in Backlund usually sold for one soli per copy. As of this month, "Stormwind Mountain Villa" had sold over 150,000 copies, meaning it had generated more than 7,500 pounds in sales. But as the author, Forsi only received 10% of that, and after taxes, it was less than 700 pounds. Even so, this amount was substantial, equivalent to thirty years' income for an average person. However, compared to the costs of mysticism, it was still paltry. A Sequence 8 potion alone cost at least 400 pounds and was often hard to find.

"Wait!" Fors suddenly had an idea and looked at Ashes instinctively.

"What is it?" Ashes sensed her gaze and turned to her, puzzled.

"You're an Apprentice," Fors said slowly. "So you're playing the role of an Apprentice to quickly digest the potion. And you're an official Beyonder, which means you have the formula for the Sequence 8 potion, 'Trickmaster,' of the Apprentice pathway?"

A glimmer of hope appeared in Fors eyes as she looked at Ashes expectantly.

"No," Ashes shook his head.


The light in Forsi's eyes vanished, her mouth slightly open, her expression stiff. She looked empty.

"But," Ashes suddenly added, "the Church of the EverNight Goddess has it, and I can indeed get the Trickmaster potion formula."

"Can you get me a copy of the potion formula after you obtain it?" Fors eyes lit up again, looking at Ashes with hope and anticipation.

"Sure," Ashes nodded, but quickly added, "Four hundred pounds."


Fors face stiffened again.

"Ashes," Forsi sat up straight, speaking seriously, "you're also an Apprentice and need the Trickmaster potion formula to advance, right? So, we should share the cost of this potion formula."

Ashes seemed to ponder her words, nodding slightly in response to her hopeful look.

"Right?" Fors smiled, taking advantage of the situation, "So, we should each pay two hundred pounds."

"You make a good point," Ashes agreed but then suddenly changed his tone, "But I refuse because I can buy the formula myself and resell it. Why should I partner with you? Do I look easily fooled? Four hundred pounds, not a penny less!"

Fors smile froze, and she pouted in dissatisfaction, glaring at Ashes.

At that moment, the front door opened, and a small girl in a novice knight's uniform walked in.


"I'm exhausted. What are you two doing?" Xio asked, stretching as she entered, noticing the two staring at each other.

"Nothing," Ashes said calmly, looking away. "Fors was just asking me to get her the Trickmaster potion formula."

"Potion formula?" Xio's eyes sparkled, and after a moment's hesitation, she asked quietly, "Can you get the Sequence 8 potion formula for the Arbiter pathway?"

"Yes," Ashes nodded slightly. "The Sequence 8 for the Arbiter pathway is the Sheriff. I can get it from the Church of the EverNight for four hundred pounds."

"Great," Xio said excitedly, nodding eagerly.

Fors glared at Xio, feeling frustrated. How could she give in so quickly? By agreeing so easily, Xio left Fors with no bargaining leverage.

Unaware of her friend's thoughts, Xio walked over to the sofa, sat down lightly, and asked, "Ashes, is NightHawk work tough?"

"Tough?" Ashes thought back to his day, rubbing his chin, "Not really."

"Like what?" Xio asked curiously, "What do you do every day? For instance, what did you do today?"

"Today," Ashes recalled, "I reported to headquarters at eight in the morning, then received news of a NightHawk being murdered. I went to the scene to assist in the investigation..."

Ashes briefly described the situation, then added, "By the way, the killer is at least a Sequence 7 Beyonder, most likely a cultist from the Demon Worship or Rose School of Thought. According to others' predictions, he's likely to strike again, so you should avoid going out at night."

"Where did it happen?" Fors shivered, wrapping herself tightly, while Xio remained calm and asked.

"Hilston District," Ashes replied.

Fors body stiffened, feeling like she had plunged into an icy abyss.

 (End of Chapter).