Chapter 55: A Dark and Windy Night

TL/N: Hello before you read this chapter I wanna say that's going to be a little bit confusing but believe me it will all make sense it's mostly the original author skipping somethings but it will make sense.

Hillsdon District, 117 Barningham Road.

"So, it's all over?" Fors instantly relaxed upon hearing Ashes account of the case. She slumped into the sofa, complaining, "If I had known, I wouldn't have spent the past half month in constant fear."

"A NightHawk had such a past?" Xio fell into silence, thinking of her own situation. Though her father didn't abandon them, he was executed for 'rebellion,' stripped of his title and lands. Had they not left in time and with some savings, would her mother have been forced to sell her body to support them?

And Fors… if her father hadn't left her an inheritance, would she have walked the same path?

"Xio! What's with that look?" Fors snapped, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Before becoming an Beyonder, I was at least a doctor. No matter how bad things got, I wouldn't starve."

"Now that it's safe," Ashes suddenly said, "can you return Kula to me?"

"Hmm~" Fors held the soul jellyfish like a cushion, looking pitifully at Ashes.

"So, you want to continue employing Kula?" Ashes wasn't surprised and didn't press to take back Kula. "If so, continue paying the weekly fee of ten pounds. I don't mind."

"Deal!" Fors agreed without hesitation. Ashes had said Kula and Kularis had the strength equivalent to Sequence 9. Hiring two Sequence 9 protectors for ten pounds a week was a good deal. Though ten pounds a week was a significant expense, she wasn't strapped for cash at the moment.

"Here." Fors, holding Kula in one hand, took out four hundred pounds and handed it to Ashes with the other. "This is your manuscript fee. The sales for the past two weeks totaled 100,000 copies. The publisher raised your royalty rate to 10%, so after taxes, it's four hundred pounds."

She couldn't help but look a bit envious. Like newspapers that cost only a penny, books in Backlund typically sold for a soli per copy. As of now, Stormwind Mountain Villa had sold 160,000 copies, making it a bestseller. But Ashes Blizzard's Heights was even more impressive! In just half a month, it had sold over 100,000 copies, generating more than five thousand pounds in sales. Fors' Stormwind Mountain Villa took six months to reach 160,000 copies, averaging only 20,000 copies a month, or 10,000 in half a month. Ashes sales were ten times that in the same period!

"Thank you." Ashes took the money and handed Fors two hundred pounds in return. Fors accepted without hesitation. They had an agreement—Ashes published the book under her apprentice name, and she received half the royalties.

"How is your potion digestion progressing?" Fors asked curiously after taking the money. Ashes had written the book to test if it could help digest his potion, with making money being secondary. For Fors, the two hundred pounds was a nice bonus.

"Pretty well," Ashes nodded slightly.

"What does 'pretty well' mean?" Fors was annoyed, disliking vague answers.

"It means," Ashes said calmly, "I've completely digested the potion."

"…" Fors' mouth hung open. Xio was also astonished, "That actually worked?"

"As I thought," Ashes nodded, "the essence of the Acting method is to convince others that you are the role you're playing. The specific method of playing isn't important."

"When did you finish digesting it?" Fors couldn't help but ask.

"A week ago," Ashes replied lightly.

Fors and Xio exchanged looks, seeing the shock in each other's eyes. If true, Ashes had gone from becoming a Beyonder that had digested his potion in less than a month.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Did you ask?" Ashes countered Fors' complaint.

"I just find it… a bit… in Roselle's words, magical." Fors hugged Kula tighter, muttering softly. Could this method really work? It didn't feel mystical at all. Shouldn't Acting method involve practical experience? How could Ashes shortcut be successful, and faster than anyone else?

"I don't understand!" Xio held her head, clearly struggling to accept this.

"So, you're now a Trickmaster?" Fors looked at Ember with complex emotions.

"Mm," Ashes nodded. After confirming his potion was digested, the Church of the EverNight Goddess had prepared the corresponding potion formula for him six days ago. Now, exactly a month since becoming a Beyonder, he was a Sequence 8 Trickmaster.

Fors looked envious, muttering, "I don't know how long it'll take to digest my potion. Should I find a writer to apprentice under? But writing a book is so tiring…"

"By the way," Ashes suddenly said, "could you return Kula and Kularis to me? I need their help."

"Alright." Xio nodded, patting her flat chest. A soul jellyfish, similar to Kula but only the size of a ping-pong ball, emerged from her neckline and quickly grew to Kula's size. Fors reluctantly let go of Kula, who floated beside Ashes, resembling two obedient young maids.

As time passed, Ember recalled some memories. For instance, he had several ashes of unknown origin. Kula and Kularis' ashes were among them. After summoning their souls, Ashes didn't want them confined to the ashes, so he 'rented' them to Fors. She helped care for them, and he made some money—why not?

But Ashes needed Kula's help now, so he asked for them back.

"Need help?" Xio asked.

"No," Ashes shook his head lightly.

He had something to do tonight that couldn't be shared with outsiders.

Because he was going to kill.

"I can help clean up," Xio offered seriously, seemingly understanding his intent.

"I…" Fors hesitated, then whispered, "I can help you escape." She wasn't strong in combat, but with her stone bracelet, she was good at running.

"No need," Ashes shook his head deeply at the two women.

Author's Note: The protagonist's potion digestion isn't just because he convinced others he was an apprentice, but due to the 'Power of Contemplation.'

The approximate digestion process is: I think I'm an apprentice, so I am, even if I'm not. I think potion digestion takes a month, so it does—no more, no less.

(End of Chapter)

50 Power stones = Extra Chapter

Other Works- The Boy's Perfect Hero