Chapter 61: Call Me Teacher

The incident at Kapin's villa undoubtedly caused a huge sensation in the city. The people involved in the case were all prominent figures in Jowood District! It included not only the wealthy villa owner Kapin but also the deputy director of the police department, a member of the House of Commons who had recently made headlines for his high-profile support of reforms, and a notorious East End gang leader.

On the front page of the newspaper, these once powerful figures were now neatly hung from streetlights, swaying in the wind.

"Kapin is dead," Earl Hall sighed as he read the newspaper.

"Who's Kapin?" asked a curious blonde girl who had just arrived at the dining room and was sneaking glances at Ashes, the guest sitting at the next table.

"A wealthy man suspected of trafficking people," Earl Hall replied, putting down the newspaper. "Last night, over a dozen abducted girls were rescued from his basement and fled to the nearby Church of the goddess, which confirms his involvement in human trafficking. Additionally, several high-ranking officials were killed, including the deputy director of the police department and a member of Parliament."

"The newspaper says the killer was a werewolf, but it doesn't provide more information since it's for the general public."

"That's obviously illegal," Audrey said seriously, blinking her eyes. "But I think that werewolf did a good deed. Usually, though, such things wouldn't be reported, right?"

"Generally, yes," Earl Hall said, not denying it. "Kapin's death is unimportant, but the identities of the others involved would normally be concealed. This time, it happened suddenly. Although the patrolling police discovered the bodies, the rescued girls reached the EverNight Church first. So, the official Beyonders arrived on the scene before the police, and to them, the identities of the deputy director or the member of Parliament didn't matter; they cared about preserving the scene. Ash might have more insight on this."

"Because of that, the police didn't have time to deal with the scene, and the journalists, like sharks smelling blood, seized the opportunity to take photos. At that point, whether to publish them wasn't up to the police."

"Why was the deputy director involved with a human trafficker?" asked Lady Caitlyn, Earl Hall's wife, unable to contain her curiosity.

The deputy director of the police department, although a secondary position, held significant power. In the Ruen Kingdom's police hierarchy, the top positions were the Minister of Police and the Chief Police Secretary, members of the Cabinet. Below them were the directors, deputy directors, and assistant directors of various police departments. The latter positions were almost lifetime appointments unless they made major mistakes, giving them substantial power.

The headquarters of the Backlund Police Department was located on Siviras Street at the edge of the Queen's District, nicknamed "Siviras Field." The deputy director was the indisputable second-in-command there, wielding considerable influence. Why would such a powerful person be involved with a human trafficker, even if the trafficker was a wealthy man from Jowood District?

"I don't know," Earl Hall shrugged helplessly. "Dear, the newspaper doesn't provide much information. Maybe you could ask Ash; he might know more."

Hearing this, the whole family turned their gaze to Ashes. After all, he was an official Beyonder, likely to have more information.

"…" Ashes, who had been silently drinking coffee, put down his cup and, after a moment of contemplation, said, "I didn't participate in the investigation of this case, so I don't know much. However, the werewolf is from the Prisoner pathway, Sequence 7. This pathway is controlled by the Rose School thought."

"The Rose School is a secret organization often involved in horrifying crimes. As I mentioned before, the Rose School thought and the Demon Worship Cult are suspects in the serial killings."

"So, neither side consists of good people?" Earl Hall stroked his chin, speculating. "Could this event have been caused by a fallout between them… like a dog-eat-dog situation, as Roselle the Great might say?"

"Maybe," Ashes said noncommittally, thanking a nearby maid for the food she had cut for him and beginning to eat his breakfast.

Audrey blinked, feeling that things might not be so simple.

"Audrey," Earl Hall suddenly said, "the EverNight Church has found some clues in the serial killings. The targets are women who once sold their bodies, so you no longer need Mr Ash's' protection."

"Eh?" Audrey's eyes sparkled as she asked nonchalantly, "So, are you going to dismiss Mr Ash, Father?"

"No," Earl Hall smiled, trying to read his daughter's expression but finding nothing. "I'll continue employing Ash, but besides protecting you, he will also be your occult teacher, responsible for teaching you some basics of the occult."

"I see," Audrey's eyes gleamed with cunning as she winked at Ashes, "So, should I start calling you Teacher Ash?"

"I think that's a good idea," Ashes nodded seriously, "You should try calling me Teacher to get used to it."

"No way!" Audrey made a funny face at him, decisively refusing.

Earl Hall and his wife smiled at their interaction.

"Clap, clap," Earl Hall clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Then, how about starting the lessons today?"

After receiving affirmative responses from both, Earl Hall and his wife quietly left the room. Audrey then led Ashes to her room on the second floor, with a golden retriever guarding the door to avoid disturbances.

"So, Ashes," Audrey blinked and asked with a smile, "What are you going to teach me? After all, we both know the same 'basics'~"

She knew that Ashes also lacked knowledge of the occult, just like her. They both received their information from The Fool and The Hanged Man. This meant Ashes might not have much to teach her.

"For instance," Ashes calmly said, seeing through Audrey's thoughts, "I have one more information channel than you."

"Eh?" Audrey was momentarily stunned, then recalled something. Besides being a member of the Tarot Club like her, Ashes was also an official NightHawk of the EverNight Church. Unlike her, who usually stayed at home and had limited access to the occult, Ashes, as an official extraordinary, could access occult information and intelligence almost daily. This meant he really could teach her.

Author's Note:

Some people insist that Audrey making a funny face ruins her character, arguing that she's Ruenian, not Intisian, so she wouldn't do that. Well, I have evidence from the original text:

Passage 1: Rosanne made a funny face at his back and whispered fiercely.

Passage 2: Anyway, I know more about the whole thing. She made a funny face in her heart. (Audrey)

Passage 3: Indeed... Audrey made a funny face at herself in her heart, quickly entered the small resting room, changed into her own clothes, and used the ability of "Lie" to manipulate the fire and burn the previous disguise. (Audrey)

In conclusion, the author really knows the original work.

(End of the Chapter)

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