Chapter 52

Janemba sparkled, and then turned into colorful particles flying all over the sky and disappeared.

To be honest, Gohan was very annoyed.

This was the first time that Gohan encountered such an annoying opponent.


Janemba condensed his body not far away, and Gohan noticed it. In the blink of an eye, energy bombs were thrown at Janemba like crazy.

This time, Janemba had not been completely condensed, and it was hit into colorful particles and dissipated in the air.

Suddenly, a circular wormhole opened behind Gohan, and one of Janemba' arms stretched out from it like lightning and grabbed Gohan's neck.

Gohan sensed the danger and quickly dodged to the side. The arm that stretched out dozens of meters grabbed the ground.

The ground cracked.

In the time Gohan dodged, Janemba had already condensed his body again.

And the two arms that stretched out continued to attack Gohan.

Gohan was like dancing on Hanemba fingertips, dodging attacks again and again.

On the North King Kai planet.

After being given a bottle of red medicine by the North King Kai, Goku recovered some of his strength and energy.

Now he put his hand on the North King Kai's shoulder and closed his eyes to watch the fight in the underworld.

He sighed as he watched.

"Gohan is to strong"

"But why didn't he transform to a Super Saiyan? It's really strange, but even if it's the case, his current energy is not inferior to Janemba. Can Gohan be so strong without becoming a Super Saiyan? This is too amazing."

ChiChi on the side said:"Gohan, is Gohan really that powerful now?"

"Chichi, come and see for yourself, it's really amazing."

The Supreme Kai Realm.

The two Supreme Kai, Kibito, and Dende, gathered around a basketball-sized ball, also watching the fight in the underworld.

The glass bead projected the scene of the battle between Janemba and Gohan.

"See? This is his power after I unlock his potential."Old Kai said proudly

"Come on, Mr. Gohan!" Supreme Kai clenched his fist and cheered from a distance

"Come on, Gohan." Dende was not to be outdone, Gohan is his best friend


Vegeta woke up in a daze.

After being unconscious for a while, he felt better and his physical strength and energy were restored.

When he woke up, he felt two extremely terrifying auras constantly colliding.

Vegeta's pupils kept shrinking and he looked in the direction where Gohan and Janemba were fighting.

"Who is fighting with Janemba? His Ki is just as strong as Janemba's."

"Huh? Why did that bastard Kakarot's energy disappear? Is he dead? Damn it!"

He had to go and see.

Driven by curiosity, he slowly flew up and approached the place where Gohan and Janemba were fighting.

Suddenly, whoosh!!!

Two figures passed by him.

It was Gohan and Janemba who were fighting.

Vegeta was swayed by the strong wind and almost fell from the air.

"Damn it, who is it?"

"This Ki is so familiar, it seems to be the Ki of Saiyans."

"No, it's impossible. Absolutely impossible."

"The only Saiyans left now are me, Kakarot, and Kakarot's bastard son, Gohan, and Trunks... Gohan? Gohan???"

Vegeta's eyes widened as he spoke.

He finally remembered who this Ki belonged to.

Who else could it be but Kakarot's son? Has that little mushroom-head grown up to this point now?

When he saw Androids 17 and 18 coming to Hell, he knew that something big must have happened on Earth. It must be Gohan or Trunks who killed the Androids.

But even so, he never thought that Gohan's Ki could be so strong.

Vegeta's heart was shocked, as if a magnitude earthquake had occurred.

Oh, and there is Trunks. Is Trunks here too?

Vegeta try to remember, Trunks seems to be fourteen or fifteen years old?

He can't remember, he really can't remember.

It turns out that so many years have passed without him noticing.


On the other side.

Gohan punched Janemba in the face.

Janemba kicked Gohan in the stomach.

Gohan whipped Janemba's eyes with his tail, causing blood to spurt out. The two had been fighting for more than half an hour with blood gushing out of their mouths.

Soon, they appeared near the Yama Palace.

At this moment, No. 18 was riding on King Cold, punching King Cold in the face.

No. 17 tore off Frieza's tail, and Frieza screamed.


Gohan was kicked away by Janemba, and he crashed down into the middle of the four of them like a meteor.

Janemba stood in the air with his hands folded across his chest, laughing"Hehehe".

Gohan landed on the ground with a bang, and Frieza and others were directly knocked away by the aftermath.

"Hahaha, what a relief

Gohan stood up from the thick smoke, laughed loudly, then appeared right in front of Frieza and punched Frieza in the head with a straight punch.

"I..."Frieza was stunned, his pupils dilated, and then he was punched in the head by Gohan.


Gohan disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he stepped on King Cold and broke him into two pieces, and on the way, he fired another Ki attack, and King Cold was instantly reduced to ashes.

"Son Gohan?"

No. 17 and No. 18 were horrified and turned to run.

However, they didn't fly far before they were blown into fireworks by two Ki bombs thrown by Gohan.

After doing all this, Gohan charged two huge energy waves with both hands, and then appeared behind Janemba in a flash.

The energy waves were pushed out with a bang. Janemba turned into colorful particles again in the explosion.

The people watching the battle in the Yama Palace couldn't help but be stunned.

Goku on the North King Kai Planet was also speechless.

What is this?


But the battle was far from over.

Because Janemba was came again.

It laughed coldly and pounced on Gohan again. Its body flexibility reached an incredible level, and its whole body twisted into a ball and rolled over.

Gohan was caught off guard and was knocked away.

"Fuck you."

Gohan cursed, his figure flashed in the air, approaching Janemba, and the two of them fight again in a life-and-death struggle.

Both of them had amazing recovery and self-healing abilities. They had been fighting for nearly an hour, and the battle was as intense as when they first started.

The people watching were numb.

But this time they gradually found something wrong.

Because as time went on, Janemba's Ki began to decrease.

And Gohan's Ki became more and more fierce.

"What is that?" Krillin pointed to a spot high in the sky on the TV screen.

"Huh?"Everyone noticed it too.

"Spirit Bomb? It's a Spirit Bomb." Yamcha said with wide eyes.

In the sky, a bright ball of energy was shining.

"No, this is not the Spirit Bomb." Tien Shinhan shook his head.

"The energy of the Spirit Bomb is pure and righteous, but this energy bomb is filled with evil energy. How could it be a Spirit Bomb?"

"Ah, could it be that this is the work of Janemba?" Krillin said in shock.

"Gohan, be careful." Several people couldn't help but worry about Gohan.

Goku on the North Kai planet also discovered this.

But his view was completely different from that of the people in the Yama Palace.

"This is not Spirit Bomb, this is Gohan releasing Janemba Evil energy."

"He was able to separate the energy of Janemba, no wonder the energy of Janemba was reduced."

The scene changed, and Gohan tore off the two arms of Janemba.


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