Invitation 3



Storm gulped. He hoped she would love them. Now, judging from her expression, he wasn't so sure anymore. He tucked his left hand in his pocket, trying to keep his cool. "They signify the impossible."

She arched an eyebrow, her expression curious.

"You're an impossible woman to win over. You're also an impossible woman for me to forget." Raven pursed her lips and said nothing. "It also signifies mystery, secrecy, pride, respect and unrequited love."

"Suits you not me." She pushed the flowers back to him and he shook his head holding out his palms.

"Above all, they match your eyes, Asteria, mystery and pride, all of which I love about you."

Raven hid her blush and scoffed, her expression unreadable.

"Raven, I-"

"Excuse me let me put the roses in a vase." She left him there, offering him a seat as she took the flowers in.