Chapter 7: Unexpected Events, An Unruly Member of the Inuzuka Clan

After recounting the events of the previous night, Anko rested her head on Xia Yu's shoulder, asking, "So, do you remember now?"

Xia Yu nodded, "Yes, I remember most of it..."

"Good. You told me last night that you like me and want me to have your children. If you dare deny it, I'll... I'll kill you!" Anko threatened with a playful yet serious tone.

"Anko, of course, I'll take responsibility. But there's something I need to discuss with you," Xia Yu said, his expression uneasy.

Anko smiled sweetly, snuggling into his embrace. "I know what you want to say. Is it about taking concubines?"

"What? How did you...?" Xia Yu was taken aback.

Did he mention it to her while drunk last night?

Anko explained, "Yesterday morning, the Third Hokage announced your plan to revive the Uchiha clan to the entire village. This policy is unique to you."

"The Uchiha clan has suffered a great tragedy, and now only a few members remain. The other clans and villagers understand that you're doing this to restore your clan. Since the Hokage has approved it, everyone accepts it."

Looking into Anko's clear eyes, Xia Yu nervously asked, "What about you? Do you have any objections to my plan?"

Anko blushed and smiled, then responded firmly, "Xia Yu, I understand your intentions to revive the clan. Since I've chosen you as my man, your ambitions are mine too!"

"From now on, I will do my best to have children with you! I will also wholeheartedly accept the other women who will join us. I won't be jealous; I'll work with my future sisters to revive the Uchiha clan."

"Last night, when I gave you my first time, I decided. You have a charm that no other man possesses, one that has completely captivated me..."

"Xia Yu, will you marry me? Even though I'm a bit older than you, would you mind?"

At nineteen, Anko was just a year older than Xia Yu.

"Mind? How could I mind?" Xia Yu was stunned, and after a long pause, he said, "Anko, your words have moved me so much. How could I ever mind? To prove my love, let's have our wedding tomorrow!"

Anko placed her finger on Xia Yu's lips, smiling and shaking her head, "No rush. Your promise is enough. I have a long-term mission to complete this evening. It's been assigned to me, and no one else can replace me. Wait for me to come back, and then we'll have a grand wedding."

"Alright, it's up to you! Let's get some dango before you leave for your mission."


The afternoon passed in a blur.

As Anko prepared to leave for her mission, Xia Yu accompanied her to the village gate. After a heartfelt farewell, he watched her figure disappear into the distance before turning back towards the Uchiha compound.

It was time to go home.

Since arriving in this world, he hadn't returned to his own house.

Walking through the crowded streets, Xia Yu bought a thin mask to wear. He didn't want to be recognized by the women he had previous encounters with. Otherwise, he might not make it home.

"Reviving the clan can wait until tomorrow when I'm fully rested," he planned.

But plans often go awry.

A harsh voice suddenly called out behind him, "You pervert, stop right there! Don't run!"

"Hmm? Are they talking to me?" Xia Yu thought, sensing trouble. "Damn, could it be the flower shop owner's husband coming after me?"

The shop owner's husband was a jonin from Konoha. Xia Yu, with his limited skills, couldn't possibly take him on.

As Xia Yu prepared to make a run for it, another angry voice, closer this time, shouted, "Kid, get out of my way! Don't block my path!"


Driven by curiosity, Xia Yu paused, turning to see what was happening. In that brief moment of hesitation, a powerful claw raked across his back.

"Ugh! That hurts..."

Instinctively, Xia Yu dodged to the side, falling to the ground. From this position, he finally saw his attacker clearly...

A beast with dark red fur, sharp fangs, and razor-sharp claws.

"What the... A beastman??"

"No, it's the Beast Transformation Technique! You're from the Inuzuka clan!"

Xia Yu quickly recalled his memories, but couldn't remember any past grievances with the Inuzuka clan.

"We have no quarrel. Why are you attacking me?" Xia Yu shouted.

"It's your fault for blocking my escape! Damn it, I'll kill you!" the Inuzuka clansman snarled, raising his claws to strike again. 

Suddenly, several chains flew from all directions, tightly binding the Inuzuka clansman. At the same time, several ANBU ninjas appeared on the rooftops, followed by a tall man with a scarred face standing next to Xia Yu.

It was Morino Ibiki, the head of Konoha's Interrogation Unit!

Ibiki ignored Xia Yu, focusing intently on the Inuzuka clansman, "Pervert, we finally caught you! I'll make sure you get a proper interrogation for your crimes!"

"Wait... wait a minute!" A girl with red symmetrical markings on her cheeks came running from an alley, panting heavily.

Upon seeing the pervert, she bit her lip, tears welling in her eyes. She jumped up and slapped him with all her strength.

"You're a beast! No, you're worse than a beast!"

The pervert reverted from his beast form to a normal human, kneeling before the girl in despair, "I'm sorry..."

The girl's anger flared, "Why did you molest her?"

Pervert: "That night... she lay there, completely naked in front of me. I couldn't control myself..."

Girl: "Couldn't control yourself? I told you to perform an autopsy on her! How could you...!"

Pervert: "It's my fault, I deserve to die..."

The girl pointed at him, her voice breaking, "You're unfit to be a veterinarian!"

The pervert banged his head on the ground, "I'll take my life to atone for my sins! I... I'm sorry to the ninja dog!"

Girl: "She wasn't just a ninja dog! She was our partner! You defiled our fallen comrade! From today, you're expelled from the Inuzuka clan! I swear it!!"


Xia Yu stood there, dumbfounded.

He had never witnessed such an absurd scene.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"The more I listen, the more confusing it gets..."

"This is just crazy!!"
