Chapter 12: "You Don't Understand, Everything I Do Is to Save the Uchiha"

Sasuke stared at the Uchiha compound, which should have been a place of mourning and desolation. Instead, it was bustling with activity, resembling the commercial center of Konoha. He had never seen the compound so lively.

Looking at the long line outside Xia Yu's house, Sasuke finally understood: "This guy! He really thinks he's the master of the Uchiha, summoning so many people into our compound!"

Clenching his fists, Sasuke pushed through the crowd of women and approached the front. His young body strained against the throng as he shouted, "Get out of my way! This is Uchiha territory! You can't just come in here!"

No matter how loud he yelled, his voice was drowned out by the chatter of the crowd. Several irritated women turned to scold him.

"Who's this brat? Go play somewhere else!"

"Careful with that toy kunai, kid! If you ruin my stockings, I'll make you pay!"

"Isn't he cute, though? He must be looking for his mom. Don't worry, your mom's probably inside for the interview."

"Such a serious face! Pray your mom gets accepted, kid. Then you'll be part of the Uchiha too!"

"What did you say?" Sasuke was furious. His face twisted with rage as he shouted, "I'm Uchiha Sasuke, son of the clan leader, the purest Uchiha blood!"

The women gasped and stared at Sasuke. When they saw the distinctive Uchiha crest on his back, their faces turned pale. They had unknowingly offended the Uchiha heir.

Sasuke pushed past them and barged into Xia Yu's house.

Inside, Xia Yu sat at a table, interviewing a young woman. Behind him, Inuzuka Akemi was changing Xia Yu's bandages with care. They exchanged knowing looks, Akemi's disheveled appearance hinting at recent intimate activity.

Xia Yu glanced at the woman's resume and then at her figure, questioning, "36D? Are you sure?"

Blushing, the woman hesitated, then offered, "I can show you if you don't believe me..."

Before Xia Yu could stop her, she started to lower her collar. His attempt to intervene landed his hand in an inappropriate place.

"Uh, you weren't lying. I must have misjudged," Xia Yu stammered.

"Xia Yu! What are you doing?" Sasuke's voice rang out, filled with anger.

Startled, Xia Yu and Akemi turned to see Sasuke, who was fuming. "You pervert! You're disgraceful!"

Sasuke's anger boiled over, and he flung a shuriken straight at Xia Yu's head. Akemi swiftly kicked it away, her reflexes honed by years as an elite ninja.

"You hide behind women again! You did this when my father was alive too! You've disgraced the Uchiha name!" Sasuke shouted.

Xia Yu sighed and tried to reason with him, "Sasuke, we are the last pure-blooded Uchiha. We need to work together, to rebuild our clan."

"I have nothing to say to a lecher like you! The Uchiha clan has me; it doesn't need you. Everything you do just tarnishes our name!" Sasuke retorted.

"Sasuke, your hatred for me is deep," Xia Yu noted calmly.

"It's not just hatred; it's pure loathing! I've despised you for as long as I can remember, Xia Yu!" Sasuke screamed.

"I understand. I was indeed a source of shame for the Uchiha, but now I'm trying to save our clan," Xia Yu explained.

"Save the Uchiha? By groping women in public? Do you think I'm a fool?" Sasuke sneered.

"You need to understand the bigger picture, Sasuke. There's more to my actions than you realize," Xia Yu said.

Xia Yu motioned for Akemi and the woman to leave. "Akemi, please take her outside. I need to speak with Sasuke alone."

Reluctantly, Akemi left, closing the door behind her.

"You've got some nerve, facing me alone," Sasuke muttered, gripping a kunai tightly.

Unfazed, Xia Yu sat down, poured two cups of tea, and said, "Sasuke, hear me out. If you still want to kill me afterward, I won't resist."

Sasuke hesitated, then nodded. "Fine. Speak."

Xia Yu began, "Sasuke, our clan was known for its strength, its pride. But after the massacre, we were left with nothing. Rebuilding our clan isn't just about numbers; it's about survival. Konoha needs the Uchiha, and the Uchiha need Konoha."

Sasuke scoffed, "And how does that justify your behavior?"

"The clan's survival means everything to me. I've been gathering allies, people who are willing to support us. My methods might seem unorthodox, but they are necessary. The more connections we have, the stronger we become," Xia Yu explained.

"By marrying multiple women?" Sasuke asked, skeptical.

"Yes. It's about creating alliances, securing our future. These women, their families, their influence, all of it adds to our strength. I'm not just thinking about myself; I'm thinking about the next generation of Uchiha," Xia Yu continued.

Sasuke looked conflicted. "I still don't trust you."

"You don't have to trust me right away. But understand this: everything I do is for the Uchiha. For you, for our future. Give me a chance to prove it," Xia Yu urged.

Sasuke's grip on the kunai loosened slightly. "I'll give you a chance. But if you fail, I won't hesitate to end you."

Xia Yu nodded, "Fair enough. Let's work together, Sasuke. For the sake of our clan."

Reluctantly, Sasuke agreed, and the two Uchiha began to discuss their plans for the future, both aware of the challenges ahead, yet determined to restore their clan to its former glory.