Chapter 14: The Two Mountains of Konoha: Hiruzen and Danzo's Resolution Part 1

The next day, over three hundred women still came to the Uchiha clan's territory for interviews. After filtering, about half were selected. This pattern continued every day. 

Within a week, Xia Yu had successfully taken close to a thousand wives and concubines. But the number of new applicants was decreasing noticeably. Xia Yu understood that the initial frenzy had passed. Those who intended to come had already done so.

These thousand women shared common traits:

1. They were either impoverished girls from Konoha, eager to marry into the prestigious Uchiha clan for its name and wealth.

2. Or they were wealthy merchants in Konoha, leading carefree lives, drawn to Xia Yu's looks and charisma, deeply infatuated and willing to make any sacrifice for him.

There were very few women from the middle class, and almost no female ninjas. Female ninjas had stable incomes from missions. While not wealthy, they were not in need. They were too proud to lower themselves to marry into the Uchiha clan.

The only reason he managed to marry Anko was due to fortunate circumstances—both were in a dimly lit room, and with the influence of alcohol, things naturally progressed. Inuzuka Akira also fell for Xia Yu after experiencing his "charm" up close.

"It seems I'll have to be proactive if I want to win over the high-quality women of Konoha," Xia Yu thought, stretching as he got up from bed. 

For the past few days, he had been tirelessly working on his "Crazy Seed Sowing Plan," day and night. 

"At this rate, I should be able to visit each of my wives in about four months," Xia Yu estimated. "Time to get up and continue! On to the next room!"


Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office...

*Knock knock knock...*

"Come in..."

The door opened, and Danzo walked in with his usual stoic expression, sitting on the couch.

"Hiruzen, what's so urgent?" Danzo asked.

Hiruzen sighed, "Of course it's about the Uchiha clan. Why else would I call you?"

"What has the Uchiha done now?" Danzo queried.

"Come on, Danzo, don't pretend you don't know. I've seen your men monitoring the Uchiha compound," Hiruzen retorted.

Danzo smirked, "So you've been watching them too?"

Hiruzen sighed again, "I'm beginning to regret agreeing to Xia Yu's conditions. I never expected him to gather so many wives... Young people..."

Hiruzen took a deep drag from his pipe, his eyes filled with envy.

Danzo scoffed, "You envy a Uchiha who only thinks with his lower half? As Hokage, you have time for this?"

Hiruzen snapped, "Danzo, you have no idea! I've received numerous complaint letters from young men in the village. If this continues, Konoha will become a village of bachelors!"

Danzo dismissed his concerns, "Hiruzen, at this rate, Xia Yu will likely die from overexertion within six months. His women will become widows and eventually marry the men of the village. No bachelor village."

"Who wants to marry a widow?" Hiruzen argued.

"It's better than staying single. Those who complained are probably the powerless ordinary folk. The strong don't worry about marrying a wife. The weak deserve widows," Danzo said coldly.

Hiruzen frowned, "Danzo, you risk alienating our villagers with that attitude."

"I don't care about the opinions of the powerless. Their feelings are irrelevant to me," Danzo replied.

"Enough. I shouldn't have brought this up with you. I've decided to limit Xia Yu's number of wives to a thousand," Hiruzen declared.

"No, I disagree," Danzo said firmly.

"Why?" Hiruzen demanded.

"You've observed Xia Yu for a week. You know his goal is to increase the Uchiha population through his offspring," Danzo stated.

Hiruzen nodded.

"Although I dislike the Uchiha, I acknowledge their strength. Increasing their numbers benefits Konoha's overall power. Let Xia Yu continue," Danzo continued. "At his current pace, he won't last six months. A year later, there will be around a hundred Uchiha children. Without restrictions, he might leave behind even more."

"These children are blank slates, to be molded by Konoha's will. We might produce more like Shisui, loyal and self-sacrificing," Danzo speculated, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "And if they don't conform, we can always wipe them out again. Uchiha bodies are valuable."

"Hiruzen, this is for Konoha's good. Let Xia Yu continue. Ordinary villagers marrying and having ordinary children offer little benefit. Investing these women in Xia Yu is a strategic move."

Hiruzen fell silent, deeply contemplating Danzo's words.