Chapter 22: Revelation! The Sinister Truth of Danzo's Right Arm

In a small, rundown attic in Konoha Village, empty instant noodle cups piled on the table alongside a half-bottle of spoiled milk that had been left out of the fridge.

Little Naruto lay sprawled across his bed, wearing a cute black nightcap, sleeping deeply. The commotion outside, combined with the blue glow filling the window, did nothing to disturb his rest.

He slept soundly...

However, within Naruto, Kurama slowly opened its eyes, sensing an enormous and familiar chakra.

"This familiar yet unfamiliar feeling... could it be that person has appeared?" Kurama mused.

"Wait, no, it's not him..."

"I see... another Uchiha, huh? Hmph, another powerful one has emerged. How irritating..."

"Still, they're far from my concern..."

Outside, the noise of the battle drew nearly all the villagers out of their homes to see what was happening. The giant blue-flamed figure was too captivating under the early dawn light, instantly grabbing everyone's attention.

"Is that a... monster?"

"No! It's a god! Oh my..."

The Konoha ninjas present had the same reaction as the villagers.

In front of them stood Natsuhane, surrounded by a massive blue skeletal figure, with golden eyes radiating an aura of immense power. Everyone felt a chill run down their spine.

Might Guy's eyes widened in disbelief, quickly turning to his friend Kakashi. "Kakashi! What is this? An illusion? Damn it, when did this happen?"

Kakashi, although shocked, remained composed. "No, it's not an illusion! This half-bodied giant is real! Guy, be cautious. We need to understand his abilities before we act..."

Asuma Sarutobi called out, "Kurenai, stay behind me. Your abilities aren't suited for dealing with the Uchiha. I'll protect you!"

Kurenai Yuhi, seemingly entranced, murmured, "Natsuhane... he's so... big..."

Asuma Sarutobi, confused, responded, "Huh?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi wore a grim expression, feeling a mix of emotions. Natsuhane's display was clearly the Uchiha clan's Susanoo! The last time he had seen such a scene was during Uchiha Madara's era.

Since Madara's fall, no other Uchiha had ever activated Susanoo. Hiruzen realized the complexity of Natsuhane's mind, knowing that if his previous frivolity was a façade, it meant his cunning might surpass even Itachi's.

"Natsuhane, you've hidden yourself well... Your eyes have reached such a level..."

Though Natsuhane's Susanoo was not on par with Madara's, Hiruzen knew how difficult it was to awaken such power.

Danzo's furious roar interrupted Hiruzen's thoughts.

While everyone marveled at Natsuhane's strength, Danzo decided to take matters into his own hands. He secretly unsealed his right arm's metal seal, drawing a kunai and attempting to stab Susanoo.

His courage was commendable, but the result was disastrous.


The kunai shattered.

"Hahaha, I never thought I'd witness you trying to stab Susanoo with a kunai, Danzo. Are you truly stupid or deceptively clever? I, Uchiha Natsuhane, declare you the bravest warrior of Konoha!"

Natsuhane's eyes glinted as Susanoo's skeletal arm swiftly grabbed the bewildered Danzo.

Danzo, baring his teeth, sneered, "Hmph, such impressive defense, able to block my kunai... Ugh!"


Natsuhane didn't waste time. With Susanoo's overwhelming grip, Danzo's body was crushed into a bloody mess instantly.

Everyone present was stunned, not expecting Natsuhane to kill Danzo.

The blood and flesh were too vivid to be a shadow clone.

"Well done!"

While the clan leaders outwardly showed regret, inwardly they rejoiced: Danzo was finally dead! No more sacrificing their young clan members to his Root organization!

"Danzo!! Natsuhane... you!"

Hiruzen was genuinely moved by Danzo's "death." He had been contemplating how to resolve the situation, not expecting Natsuhane to decisively kill Danzo.

"Natsuhane, are you insane? Danzo was my right-hand man. Have you considered the consequences of your actions?"

Unable to contain his anger, Hiruzen leapt in front of Natsuhane, removing his Hokage hat and robe, ready for battle.

"Natsuhane! You killed a key leader of the village in front of all these ninjas. As the Third Hokage of Konoha, I officially declare you an enemy. Surrender now!"

Though Natsuhane's power was strong, Hiruzen believed he could defeat him.

"This boy cannot be allowed to live! All ninjas, I command you to kill Natsuhane immediately to prevent further casualties!"

Hiruzen preferred obedient Uchiha over rebellious ones.

"Calm down, Lord Hokage. I am a Konoha Uchiha. Why would I kill a village leader? Sigh, you know too little about Danzo. Here, see for yourself."

Natsuhane smirked, opening Susanoo's hand and tossing out the remains of Danzo.

A severed white arm covered in Sharingan rolled to Hiruzen's feet.

A few seconds later, the arm vanished.

"This... this is...?"

Hiruzen's pupils dilated, his mind blank.

The ninjas also saw the arm, gasping in horror.

The numerous Sharingan on the arm spoke volumes about the number of Uchiha lives taken.

"Surprised? Lord Hokage, your trusted friend Danzo has committed countless atrocities behind your back. The arm full of Sharingan is proof!"

"The sins Danzo has committed against the Uchiha clan will be revealed today for all to see!"

The crowd gasped, the tension palpable. Hiruzen felt a wave of realization and horror wash over him. Danzo, his closest ally, had hidden such darkness. The revelation threatened to shatter the very fabric of trust and unity within Konoha.

Natsuhane's voice rang clear, "Today, the truth will be known, and justice will be served."

The village, now in turmoil, stood on the brink of significant change, driven by the unmasking of one man's relentless ambition and the courage of another to expose it.