Chapter 26: Which is More Important, Face or Feelings?

Kurenai Yuhi's beauty was well-known. She was considered one of the most attractive jonin in Konoha, with her fair and smooth skin. Her mummy-style outfit added to her allure, making many imagine the excitement of unraveling her white cloth wraps. Most importantly, she was a powerful kunoichi at the prime age of twenty-two. Having children with her could potentially result in SSS-ranked offspring.

Natsuhane was almost ecstatic at the thought. Initially, he had planned to approach these high-quality kunoichi in the future. However, Kurenai had unexpectedly come to him, making it imperative to secure her as soon as possible. With a determined stride, he made his way toward the group of women, ready to approach Kurenai.

"Yuhi Kurenai!"

Before he could speak, a deep, angry voice called out from afar. The voice belonged to Sarutobi Asuma, her childhood friend and admirer.

The previously noisy crowd fell silent, with all eyes turning towards the couple. Asuma marched up to Kurenai, his face a mask of anger, and grabbed her wrist forcefully.

"Kurenai, I can't believe you actually came here! You've disappointed me!" Asuma's voice was filled with hurt and frustration. "You were my girlfriend, and now you're here to apply to be this stud's concubine? You're making a mockery of me, Sarutobi Asuma! I don't care if you marry someone else, but I won't let you marry Natsuhane Uchiha!"

Kurenai's eyes filled with despair. She bit her lip and yanked her hand away from Asuma. "Asuma, you told me you didn't want me anymore! Why do you care now?"

"You were my publicly acknowledged girlfriend! Coming here to be this stud's concubine is a disgrace to me! I can't let you do this!" Asuma's voice was desperate and angry.

Kurenai felt her heart break. She had come here to provoke Asuma, hoping he would show he cared. Seeing him arrive had initially made her happy, but his words now filled her with sadness.


Earlier that day, after the incident with Danzo and Natsuhane, Asuma had been jealous of the way Kurenai looked at Natsuhane. This led to a heated argument.

"In front of all our fellow ninjas, you looked at Natsuhane like that! Where does that leave my pride?" Asuma had shouted.

"Asuma, you misunderstood! That wasn't my intention..."

"You embarrassed me today!"

"Asuma, I..."

No matter how Kurenai tried to explain, Asuma was adamant that she had emotionally cheated on him. As the son of the Hokage and brought up in a patriarchal environment, Asuma's pride was extremely important to him.

The argument escalated, and in his anger, Asuma had said, "Get out! I don't want you anymore! Go to that stud, Natsuhane! As the son of the Hokage, I can have any woman I want! I don't need a woman from a fallen clan like you!"

These were words spoken in the heat of the moment. Despite his anger, Asuma still loved Kurenai deeply. But his jealousy and pride overwhelmed him.

Hearing this, Kurenai felt devastated. She had only admired Natsuhane's strength but had no intentions beyond that. Since Asuma didn't believe her, she decided there was no point in explaining further. She forced back her tears and walked away.

Asuma didn't follow. He believed she would come back.

Similarly, Kurenai thought Asuma would come after her and apologize. But neither turned back. When Kurenai reached the end of the street, she glanced back, hoping to see Asuma chasing after her, but he was walking in the opposite direction.

At that moment, her heart shattered...

This is how many relationships end—through stubbornness. Outwardly strong but inwardly hurting, relationships often dissolve, leaving both parties to be picked up by others.


At the Uchiha compound, Asuma and Kurenai were still arguing. The onlookers held their breath, not daring to intervene.

"Asuma, let go of me! Go back to your pride!" Kurenai shouted.

"Kurenai, if you can't respect your boyfriend's pride, what kind of woman are you? Get out of here and stop embarrassing yourself!" Asuma retorted.

"Stop! Asuma, let go of her!" Natsuhane's voice cut through the tension.

The women around them gasped, their admiration for Natsuhane evident. "Natsuhane! I want to have your children! Look at me!" they shouted.

Natsuhane raised his hand to calm them. "Please, control yourselves. This is the Uchiha compound. Let me deal with this man first."

Turning to Asuma, Natsuhane's expression was stern. "Asuma, women should be cherished, not shouted at. Can't you see she's crying?"

"Shut up, Natsuhane!" Asuma's eyes blazed with anger. He blamed Natsuhane for the rift between him and Kurenai. "Did you use genjutsu on Kurenai to make her fall for you? You're just a breeding machine, and you've bewitched her!"

"Hey, hey! Watch your accusations," Natsuhane replied calmly. "You call me a breeding machine, but where's your proof? Marrying many wives is part of my plan to revive the Uchiha clan."

"Hmph, as a man, you take pride in being called a breeding machine? You're a disgrace to all men."

"Why should it be disgraceful? I believe a man should accept what he is without pretense. What's disgraceful is denying the truth about oneself. You'll understand this someday," Natsuhane responded.

"Are you lecturing me? Don't think that just because you have the Mangekyou Sharingan, you can act superior. Today, I'm going to teach you a lesson!" Asuma shouted.