Chapter 41: The Man’s Message

Dusk settled over the Uchiha compound.

Natsuhane took a deep breath, full of confidence, and entered the first house.

"Ninja Art: Everlasting Vitality!"

"Ninja Art: Winning Jackpot!"


The moon set, and the sun rose...

In the morning, Natsuhane emerged from the last house on the street, his face glowing with vitality. He had spent the entire night moving from house to house, and rather than looking tired, his energy was even more intense.

"These techniques are truly amazing~" 

Natsuhane was thrilled. His efficiency and combat power had both improved significantly, making him even more excited. He walked across the street with a spring in his step, eating the wife cake that his last wife of the night had made for him.

"To the wives on the other side, here I come~"

Suddenly, two cats blocked his path, one long-haired and the other short-haired.

"Meow~ Meow~"

"Huh?" Natsuhane looked closely and exclaimed, "Hinata? Taika? What are you doing here?"

These were ninja cats living with Cat Granny in the abandoned district. Cat Granny had a close relationship with the Uchiha clan, being their exclusive supplier of ninja tools and a vital source of information. In return, the Uchiha clan provided security and financial support.

Taika squinted and licked her paw, "What? Can't we wander around our partner's territory?"

Natsuhane scratched his head awkwardly, "Of course, you're welcome to explore. I just rarely see you two, so I was a bit surprised."

Hinata leaned forward with a mischievous grin, "Natsuhane, you've done well! The compound is thriving again, as if nothing ever happened. Since we've come all this way, shouldn't you offer us some silvervine drinks as a proper host?"

Silvervine, like catnip, is a plant that excites cats.

"No problem~"

Natsuhane agreed immediately, leading the two cats to a nearby store.

As they entered, the store owner was in the middle of putting on her shirt. Seeing Natsuhane, she beamed, "Natsuhane, you finally came back! Just in time. Come with me inside~"

"No rush, I'm just here to get some silvervine drinks. Actually, make it a whole case."

"Sure thing~" 

The store owner took off her half-worn shirt and went to the back to fetch a case of drinks.

Before she could hand it to Natsuhane, Hinata jumped and grabbed the case with her mouth.

"Wow, such a cute and strong cat!" the owner exclaimed.

Natsuhane smiled, "These are our honored guests. Let's not keep them waiting. Put your shirt on before you catch a cold. I'll be back another day."


Natsuhane and the two ninja cats sat on a bench, watching them drink bottle after bottle of silvervine drinks.

"Glug... Glug..."

"Ah, so good~"

"Indeed, I'm tipsy now~"

"Surely, you didn't come all this way just for drinks. Is there something Cat Granny needs to tell me?"

Hinata finished the last bottle, licking her lips with satisfaction, "Natsuhane, it's been almost two years since Uchiha bought ninja tools from us. We rely solely on you, and without your orders, Cat Granny is struggling financially."

"Oh, so that's it. Simple enough. I'm planning to purchase some explosive tags. Just tell Cat Granny to prepare the usual amount. We'll stick to the old arrangements—cash and carry."

Natsuhane gestured a number with his hands.

The two ninja cats' eyes lit up with joy.

This order would be substantial.

"Meow~ Natsuhane, you're much easier to deal with than Fugaku~"

"After two years without orders, it's impressive that Cat Granny has kept her loyalty. I couldn't let her down. Anything else? If not, I need to get back to work. I'm on a tight schedule."

"Wait a moment~ There's something else for you."

Hinata narrowed her eyes and let out a low meow.


A scroll appeared in front of Natsuhane amidst a puff of white smoke.

"What's this? A gift from Cat Granny?"

Natsuhane picked up the scroll.

Hinata shook her head, "This is from another Uchiha. You can probably guess who. Don't let little Sasuke find out about this. We're done here. The rest is between you and that other Uchiha. We're not getting involved."


Natsuhane's mind suddenly conjured the image of a man.

Uchiha Itachi.

"It seems my recent actions have caught his attention too..."

Natsuhane slowly opened the scroll in his hand...
