Chapter 60: Orochimaru's Invitation

Listening to the medical ninja's report, the three elders were completely baffled, except for Natsuhane.

"The entire building, every single woman is pregnant, without exception!" the medical ninja repeated meticulously.

"Ah! Lady Koharu is here too! Let me check your body. I suspect this building is contaminated with something foul! It's truly bizarre!" The medical ninja quickly moved forward, gathering chakra into his palm, carefully scanning Koharu Utatane.

After a few seconds, his tightly furrowed brows slightly relaxed. "Phew... Lady Koharu, it seems you're not pregnant. That's a relief..."

The three elders were visibly shocked. They could hardly believe this was real. It was simply too outrageous.

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Homura Mitokado questioned, skeptical of the bizarre situation.

"I'm sure!" The medical ninja nodded firmly. "There are a total of 64 women in the building. Oh, actually 65, excluding Lady Koharu. The oldest is 34, the youngest 19, and they all exhibit symptoms of abdominal pain. We checked three times, and the final results were consistent: they are all pregnant!"

"Pregnant! Truly pregnant!!"

"The most absurd part is that three of them are known to be infertile! Yet they're pregnant too!! This... this simply defies common logic!"

"Alright, I understand. You may leave now," Hiruzen Sarutobi said, his face dark with irritation, signaling the medical ninja to exit.

After the medical ninja left, Koharu Utatane whispered, "Only someone as twisted as Orochimaru could do something so bizarre. With his spy in the village, his goal must be to undermine our logistics. This might just be the first step..."

Homura Mitokado nodded, "Yes, I think so too. He probably developed a drug to induce pregnancy. That man always comes up with the most outrageous experiments!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi pondered for a moment, then sighed lightly. "The priority now is to investigate thoroughly. Natsuhane, I'm entrusting this matter to you. Start with the most likely suspect, Orochimaru, and trace the line back from Kabuto..."


Asking the real culprit to investigate the "real culprit."

How interesting.

Natsuhane agreed readily, "Alright, I'll get on it right away. Time is tight, and the mission is critical..."



Just as Natsuhane left the Hokage building, intending to return to the clan grounds to further his clan's revival, three Root ninja suddenly knelt on one knee before him.

"Lord Natsuhane!"

"Huh? I was just about to find you guys..." Natsuhane gestured for them to rise. "There's someone named Kabuto who needs to be investigated. You three will handle it. Just follow him; don't do anything else."

"By the way, I suspect the Hokage's ANBU might secretly monitor you. Don't mind them; act as if you don't see them. The ANBU wants to see if we're working. As long as you follow Kabuto diligently, they won't trouble you."

"Understood, Lord Natsuhane! We came here because someone is looking for you."

"Oh? Who?" 

"The person you instructed us to follow..."


Natsuhane was startled.

This is quite the coincidence.

But I've never interacted with Yakushi Kabuto. What could he want from me?

Natsuhane was puzzled. "Where is he now?"

Root member: "He's at the Uchiha clan grounds. Just now, he appeared at your doorstep, saying he has something to discuss with you."

Another Root member added, "Yes, Lord Natsuhane. This person is significant. When Danzo was alive, he collaborated with Orochimaru. Kabuto was their go-between. Our people have seen him before."

Hearing this, Natsuhane made an educated guess: 

"With Danzo dead and the leadership of Root changed, Orochimaru must be unwilling to sever ties with Root and wants to continue the collaboration with me..."

However, it's hard to be certain, as Orochimaru's motives are always unpredictable.

Well, a meeting will clarify things.

"Alright, lead me to him..."


Konoha Village, Uchiha Clan Grounds.

At this moment, Yakushi Kabuto was leisurely leaning against a wall, arms crossed. 

Surrounded by a group of Root members, Kabuto remained unfazed, his composed demeanor unshaken.

"I heard you were looking for me?" The Root members stepped aside, and Natsuhane slowly approached Kabuto.

Kabuto straightened up, greeting him respectfully. "You must be Natsuhane Uchiha. So young... I didn't expect such a strong member to emerge from the Uchiha clan."

Natsuhane smirked, "You've got guts, Kabuto. Despite being under the Hokage's scrutiny, you still dare to come to me."

Kabuto chuckled softly, his gaze shifting. Following his eyes, there were three ANBU corpses piled in a corner.

"I've recently realized my cover is blown. Danzo's death has given me a headache..."

Pushing up his glasses, Kabuto continued, "Lord Natsuhane, you probably know from Root members that my master, Orochimaru, collaborated with Danzo. I'm here today regarding that matter."

"My master, Orochimaru, wishes to meet you alone..." As he spoke, Kabuto pulled a small vial from his pouch. "This vial contains living cells from Hashirama. If you agree, my master can transplant Hashirama cells into your body, enhancing any part you choose."

"I heard you have a fondness for having children. These cells might be beneficial to you. If transplanted correctly, you'll maintain vitality regardless of age."

He chuckled again, and Natsuhane shook his head with a smile. "Weakness has long been irrelevant to me."

Despite his words, the Hashirama cells were tempting.

Possessing them would grant the strength of the Senju clan.

"Where is Orochimaru?"

"I'll take you to him, but you must come alone."

A Root member immediately warned, "Lord Natsuhane, Orochimaru is dangerous. It's too risky to go alone. Let us accompany you!"

"No need..." Natsuhane patted the Root member's shoulder. "Don't worry. I... am very strong!"
