Chapter 63: Orochimaru's Return (Part 1)

After descending the mountain, Natsuhane prepared to return to the Uchiha clan's territory. On his way back, he passed by the training grounds and happened to see Sasuke and a few other children engaged in sparring practice.

The children were none other than Yamanaka Fū, Aburame Torune, Shin, and Sai.

As Natsuhane drew closer, he realized that the sparring was actually a one-sided beatdown of Sasuke.

These children, originating from the Root organization, were indeed different from the others.

With Sasuke's current strength, he had no chance to retaliate.

"Damn it!" Sasuke climbed up from the ground, his face bruised and swollen, but his fighting spirit was undiminished. "Again!"

Aburame Torune responded with an impassive expression, "That's enough for today. If we continue, you'll end up in the hospital..."

"No! I need to get stronger, stronger than all of you, stronger than that man, stronger than anyone!!" Sasuke shouted, swinging his small fists towards Torune.

Torune sighed helplessly. To him, Sasuke's current abilities were full of flaws despite his determination. "Sasuke, you're too impatient..."

Torune effortlessly dodged Sasuke's punch by tilting his body slightly, then tripped him, causing Sasuke to fall flat on the ground.

"You don't even have the strength to make me take off my gloves. Sasuke, you should train for a while longer before challenging us again."

"Haha... haha..." Sasuke struggled to get up from the ground. Despite his body being covered in bruises, he paid no attention to them.

What he cared about was his self-hatred.

He was too weak...

How could he be so weak!

In the ninja academy, Sasuke was the top student in his class, hailed as a genius by everyone.

But now, he was shocked to find such a huge gap in strength between himself and these peers of the same age.

Sasuke roared, "Among the kids, you're the strongest, right? If I don't fight strong opponents like you, how can I get stronger quickly! Let's continue!"

Torune replied, "No, I'm not the strongest. There's another kid stronger than me, someone your age."

Sasuke was taken aback and quickly asked, "Who?"

"Aburame Shino..."

"You mean Shino? That quiet guy?" Sasuke couldn't believe it. "Shino is my classmate. We're in the same class, and I know his level. He can't even beat ordinary kids."

Torune smirked, "Heh... Shino and I are like brothers. I'm well aware of his strength. Shino is just very low-key. He doesn't like to show off in front of others."


Hearing this, Sasuke gritted his teeth, clenching his fists tightly.

Thinking carefully, it made sense. Shino was always quiet, never spoke much, didn't participate in anything, and no one dared to provoke him. He was indeed quite mysterious.

Sasuke had been accustomed to the praises from his school teachers and female classmates, thinking he was the strongest in the class. Little did he know, there were always others stronger than him.

The single tomoe Sharingan in Sasuke's eyes appeared, "In that case, I'll defeat you first, and then challenge Shino!"


Sasuke charged again.

He knew very well that challenging stronger opponents was the fastest way to get stronger.

Not far away, Natsuhane observed everything.

"Sasuke, you're really going all out for your goal..." Natsuhane was pleased. Sasuke's relentless training also inspired Natsuhane himself.

One was responsible for revenge, the other for revitalizing the clan. Together, they would restore the Uchiha clan — Natsuhane and Sasuke.

This motto was not forgotten by Sasuke, and certainly not by Natsuhane.

"Yes! I must work hard to revive the clan too!"

With those words, Natsuhane straightened his back and walked determinedly towards his backyard...

"Wives, let's continue!"


Late at night, within the Uchiha clan's territory.

Natsuhane energetically emerged from one of the bridal rooms and headed towards the next.

A familiar cold, raspy voice came from a dark corner:

"Natsuhane, you're really busy, working so diligently. Aren't you worried about exhausting yourself..."


Natsuhane was startled. Following the direction of the voice, he saw Orochimaru elegantly emerging from the darkness.

Behind him, as always, was Kabuto, but this time Kabuto's expression was filled with resentment and jealousy.

While getting dressed, Natsuhane smirked, "Hehe, Orochimaru, didn't you say you didn't want to see me again? Sneaking around in the dark at night, could it be that you're jealous..."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense!" Orochimaru snorted coldly.

"I have no other intentions. I'm still here to discuss our cooperation. I'll continue to leave Kabuto in Konoha, and you will protect him for me. That's all, Kabuto is in your care."

With that, Orochimaru turned to leave.

"Hey? Leaving just like that? You want me to help without offering any benefits? What kind of cooperation is that?"

"You already got me pregnant, and now you want more benefits!" Orochimaru snapped. "You have to help with this, consider it compensation for me, no negotiation!"

"Uh..." Natsuhane smiled wryly, "If it were before, I would definitely help, but now, it might not be possible."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... Kabuto's identity has been discovered by the higher-ups..."

"Oh, I know about that. I heard it was Danzo who informed Hiruzen Sarutobi. But it doesn't matter, Natsuhane, I trust your ability."

"Sigh..." Natsuhane sighed deeply, scratching his head awkwardly, "It's not just that. There's something else."

"What else?"

"Um... this morning, all the women in the Konoha high council got pregnant....."

"All of them??" Orochimaru's eyebrows furrowed as she stared intently at Natsuhane. "Don't tell me..."

"Uh... you guessed it right. I did it. And... I've pinned the blame on you. Now, the higher-ups believe it was you who drugged them through your spy Kabuto. After all, such an outrageous act could only be done by someone like you..."

"In the future, if necessary, they might take strong measures against Kabuto, and they might even send ninjas to capture you... So sorry, but I thought you were the best candidate to take the blame."

"So, I suggest you find another subordinate to infiltrate Konoha. Kabuto is no longer suitable..."


Hearing this, Orochimaru could no longer hold it in.

"Natsuhane, you son of a...!"
