Chapter 67: Tsunade’s Return

Within the borders of the Land of Fire lies the bustling Shortbook Street. This is no ordinary street; it is a lively commercial hub, comparable to the busiest city districts and not far from the Hidden Leaf Village.

The most notable feature of this area is its abundance of gambling dens. Gamblers, both underground and above ground, can be found everywhere.

Late at night, a voluptuous middle-aged woman and a young woman carrying a small pig walked briskly along a forest path, heading toward Shortbook Street.

"Tsunade-sama, please slow down. I can't keep up with you!" the young woman pleaded.

"Shut up, Shizune! The next gambling session is about to start! Wait, no, we need to hurry, or there won't be any rooms left at the inn!" Tsunade barked back.

"Tsunade-sama, the inn isn't going anywhere. You're being too—" Shizune's words were cut off by the rustling of leaves. Moments later, several figures darted through the forest, disappearing as quickly as they had appeared.

Holding her pig, Tonton, tightly, Shizune guarded Tsunade closely, whispering, "Tsunade-sama, those people seemed to be—"

"I know who they are," Tsunade replied, her expression serious as she watched the figures vanish. "But we have more important things to do. Let's go!"

Reluctantly, Shizune stopped her questioning, and the two continued towards Shortbook Street.

Early the Next Morning

As dawn broke, a casino worker yawned as he opened the front door, broom in hand, to clean the entrance. He was preparing for the day ahead.

As he looked towards the entrance of Shortbook Street, the morning sunlight appeared unusually bright. Squinting through the glare, he saw two women radiating an aura of wealth approaching his establishment.

"Is that…her?" the worker stammered, realizing who it was. He ran inside, shouting, "Boss! Boss! You need to see this!"

"What's all the noise about? If this isn't important, I'll deal with you myself!" the boss growled, emerging with a few henchmen.

"Just look over there! Look who's coming!" the worker insisted.

Following the worker's gaze, the boss's eyes widened at the sight of the approaching woman. "That…that's…!"

Recognizing the woman by her impressive physique, the boss was stunned. "It's the legendary big spender from the gambling world!"

"Who is she, boss? Who is she?" his men clamored.

"You idiots! She's the legendary big spender! Prepare the best seats, snacks, drinks, everything! We're going to make a fortune today!" the boss exclaimed.

"Welcome, esteemed guests!" they all chorused, bowing deeply and smiling ingratiatingly, their eyes forming crescent moons.

To gamblers, Tsunade's striking figure was nothing compared to the allure of her money.

Tsunade scoffed and tossed a briefcase onto the counter. "Exchange all this for chips!"

"Thank you for your patronage! I mean, enjoy your stay!" the boss babbled, almost in tears from excitement. "Everyone, make sure our guest is well taken care of. Set up the tables!"

"Understood, boss!" the men responded enthusiastically, scrambling to prepare.

Watching the scene, Shizune sighed deeply. "Here we go again…being treated like a cash cow."

As Tsunade and Shizune prepared to enter the casino, three figures suddenly appeared, blocking their path. Cloaked in black robes and wearing masks, the trio knelt before Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, the Hokage has summoned you. He requests your immediate return," one of the figures said respectfully.

The distinctive attire made it clear they were from the Anbu.

Frowning, Tsunade asked, "What does the old man want in these peaceful times?"

"We are not privy to the details," one Anbu replied.

"Hmph. Did he say it was urgent?" Tsunade questioned.

"No, he did not," the Anbu admitted.

"Good," Tsunade smirked, her excitement returning. "Wait at the door. I've already spent my money, and I need to finish my game. Today, I'm going to win big!"

With that, Tsunade strode into the casino.

An Hour Later

Tsunade emerged from the casino, her face flushed with anger.

"Hey, you three, got any money?" she snapped.

The three Anbu exchanged glances, instinctively patting their pockets before shaking their heads in unison. "No, we don't…"

"Cheapskates," Tsunade muttered. "Shizune, we're heading back to the village."

On the Way Back

Tsunade grumbled about her losses, her mood sour. She was reluctant to return to the village, fearing it would stir painful memories of her loved ones, memories she couldn't escape. She used gambling and alcohol to numb the pain of their loss.

As they walked, Tsunade suddenly announced, "I'm thirsty. Let's find a bar and have a drink before we go."

Shizune tried to protest, "Tsunade-sama, that's not a good idea…"

"What's the rush? The old man isn't going anywhere!" Tsunade retorted, ignoring the objections of Shizune and the Anbu. She headed towards a bar in the distance.

Just as they were about to enter, a familiar voice rang out from inside, "Hahaha! Fantastic! Young women are the best! What an inspiration for my novel! Hahaha…"

Lifting the door curtain, Tsunade cringed at the sight inside. "Looks like I'm not the only one shirking responsibilities. Jiraiya…"

Jiraiya's face was flushed, surrounded by women as he drank. He was busy groping them with his hands.

Nearby, three Anbu members lay unconscious on a table, either drunk or deliberately knocked out by Jiraiya.

When Jiraiya noticed Tsunade standing at the entrance, he froze, sobering up quickly at the sight of her disapproving glare.

"Eh?" he stammered. "Tsu…Tsuna…Tsunade?"

End of Chapter