Chapter 82: Two Ancestors Return to the Village Part 1

Hearing the unexpected voice, everyone turned to see Orochimaru approaching with a young man. 

"Isn't that... the handsome guy from the hospital?" Seeing him with Orochimaru and realizing he was the only one missing from the battlefield earlier, Tsunade finally confirmed her suspicion.

"This man, he must be Natsuhane Uchiha!"

"Why do I suddenly want to be his woman... forever?"

Confused by her own thoughts, Tsunade felt the influence of a jutsu affecting her mind. Meanwhile, Natsuhane and Orochimaru had reached the group.

Seeing Natsuhane, both Hashirama and Tobirama showed a hint of wariness.

This young man's chakra is enormous!

From the beginning, both brothers sensed an unimaginable amount of chakra nearby. Initially, they thought it was an illusion. After all, no human should possess such chakra.

Even Hashirama's chakra, which was already vast, felt insignificant compared to this young man's.

"Who are you?" Tobirama demanded coldly, a sense of foreboding creeping over him.

"I am Natsuhane Uchiha. Greetings, esteemed elders," Natsuhane introduced himself.

As expected!

Tobirama's face darkened.

That hairstyle, those features, and that arrogant presence—only an Uchiha could possess such traits!

Tobirama raised his hand, ready for combat. But Hashirama placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head slightly before addressing Natsuhane with a smile.

"Young man, you mentioned that Danzo was just a scapegoat. What did you mean by that?"

Natsuhane began, "The downfall of the Uchiha and the decline of the Senju are linked to another person..."

Hashirama and Tobirama leaned in, "Who?"

"Sarutobi Hiruzen..."

"Impossible!" Tobirama shouted, "I knew the Uchiha couldn't be trusted! How dare you slander my most trusted student! You wicked Uchiha brat, I'll deal with you personally...!"

As Tobirama raised his hand, a stern voice halted him.


Hashirama's expression was grave, "Let this young man finish his story..."

Respecting his brother's command, Tobirama reluctantly lowered his hand. He knew Natsuhane's strength was formidable, and fighting him would be no simple task, even with Hashirama by his side.

"Think about it," Natsuhane continued, "Sarutobi Hiruzen has been the true leader of Konoha. Without his permission, Danzo couldn't have done so many things."

"As former Hokage, you must understand. Some people live for appearances, while others live for the substance behind the scenes. Sarutobi lived for appearances, needing someone like Danzo to handle the dirty work."

"Hashirama-sama, you had Tobirama by your side as a sharp blade. Even knowing his methods were ruthless, you allowed it. Similarly, Danzo was Hiruzen's blade, doing the village's dirty work while Hiruzen maintained a facade of innocence, benefiting from the chaos."

"Two years ago, the Uchiha clan was massacred. Danzo was involved, but the true mastermind behind it all was Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"Now, the Senju clan has only a few remaining members, and the Uchiha are slowly recovering thanks to my efforts. If you don't believe me, go back and see for yourselves, or ask Hiruzen directly."

Jiraiya retorted angrily, "Nonsense! I don't believe my teacher would do such things! Tsunade, you agree, right?"

Tsunade clutched her chest, whispering, "I... I think Natsuhane makes sense..."

"What? Tsunade!" Jiraiya was stunned, not expecting her to side with Natsuhane.

Tsunade, entranced, seemed only to have eyes for Natsuhane, ready to agree with anything he said.

"Enough!" Hashirama declared, "Some things can only be understood by seeing them firsthand. Orochimaru, I want to return to the village. Do not release the Edo Tensei, or else..."

"Heh, Hashirama-sama, I have no intention of doing so," Orochimaru replied. She knew that Hashirama, even in a weakened state, could break free of the jutsu if he wished.

"Let's go, Tobirama. Let's see the village with our own eyes."

"Sigh, the once mighty Senju and Uchiha clans have fallen to such a state..."


And so, the story continues. If you enjoyed this chapter, please remember to add to the library and follow for more updates and support me on my Patreon if you want good quality and more chapters: [](