Chapter 85: The Return of the Ancestors, Part Two

Half an hour later, they arrived at Konoha.

The sun had just risen, marking the beginning of a new day. Looking at the village they had once built with their own hands, Hashirama and Tobirama Senju couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

"Decades have passed, but the village remains much the same. It's heartwarming to see," Hashirama remarked. "But wait, who is the young man's face on the far end of the Hokage Rock?"

Jiraiya quickly replied, "That's my student, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. Eight years ago, he sacrificed his life to seal the rampaging Nine-Tails and protect the village."

"What? He died just to seal the Nine-Tails?" Hashirama shook his head, feeling a pang of regret.

"Uh, yes," Jiraiya replied awkwardly, seeing Hashirama's reaction.

Tobirama crossed his arms, "Brother, not everyone can be compared to you. Sacrificing oneself to protect the village from the Nine-Tails is commendable. Minato Namikaze, I acknowledge this young man."

Jiraiya laughed, "Hahaha, Second Hokage, Minato was quite skilled with your Flying Thunder God technique. He was known as the Yellow Flash."

"Oh?" Tobirama was intrigued. "The Flying Thunder God requires immense chakra to perform. Not many can handle it. It's gratifying to know someone continued my legacy. If only I could meet him."

Tobirama glanced at Orochimaru, his gaze full of meaning.

Orochimaru understood immediately and sighed, "You want me to use the Impure World Reincarnation to summon Minato, right? Well, I don't mind, but it requires a sacrifice. I could use my subordinates in my own territory, but using villagers as sacrifices in Konoha is something neither of you would permit."

Tobirama replied, "...We will discuss this later. Let's enter the village first."

At the gates of Konoha, Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki were on guard duty.

"Look, Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama are back!"

"But who are those two men with them? They look familiar..."

"You idiot, how can you forget the faces of the First and Second Hokage? Report this to the Third Hokage immediately!"

As they walked through the village towards the Hokage Tower, the villagers couldn't help but stop and stare at Hashirama and Tobirama, whispering among themselves.

"Am I seeing things? Those two men look just like the faces on the Hokage Rock!"

"It's not just a resemblance! They're exact matches! This is spooky; I must be hallucinating. I'm going back to bed."

In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi was enjoying his first cup of strong tea, awaiting the return of his two students. The timing seemed just right.

An Anbu suddenly appeared in his office, "Hokage-sama! Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama have returned!"

"Good, have them come to my office."

"Hokage-sama, there are others with them!"

"Who else?" Hiruzen's brow furrowed; this was not part of the plan.

"Uchiha Natsuhane, Root members, a woman who looks like Orochimaru, and... the First and Second Hokage."

"What!" Hiruzen nearly dropped his tea. "What nonsense are you spouting!"

"I swear, Hokage-sama, I saw them clearly!"

At that moment, Kotetsu burst into the office, "Hokage-sama! I saw the First and Second Hokage entering the village!"

Seeing his guards confirm the report, Hiruzen felt a deep unease and quickly put on his Hokage hat, heading outside.

As he stepped out of the building, he saw Hashirama and Tobirama approaching. His heart sank as he recognized the telltale signs of the Impure World Reincarnation.

"This... this is... Impure World Reincarnation!" Hiruzen recognized the technique. Only Orochimaru could have used it.

"How did things turn out like this?" Hiruzen was bewildered and anxious.

"Monkey, you've aged..." Hashirama greeted with a smile. "Last time I saw you, you were a spirited young man."

"First Hokage... Master, you..." Hiruzen removed his hat, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm so happy to see you again. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you both."

"Let's go up to your office and talk," Hashirama suggested.

"Uh... alright," Hiruzen agreed.

They entered the Hokage's office.

Hashirama closed the door tightly, an unusual move that heightened Hiruzen's anxiety. He gripped his hat more tightly.

"How is the village?" Hashirama asked, getting straight to the point, his expression serious.

Hiruzen hesitated, then replied, "The village is flourishing. Everyone is doing well, and under your legacy, we have raised many talented young ninjas."

"Oh, and what about the Senju and Uchiha clans? Do they have any outstanding ninjas?"

Hiruzen's heart skipped a beat, understanding why Hashirama was so angry. "Of course, there are excellent ninjas from both clans. Standing before you is Tsunade, your beloved granddaughter from the Senju clan, and Natsuhane from the Uchiha clan."

"And besides them, are there any others?"

"This..." Sweat dripped from Hiruzen's forehead as he struggled to answer.

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence, all eyes on Hiruzen, waiting for his explanation.

Tobirama's cold voice broke the silence, "Monkey, speak up! Say what you have to say. I trust you."

"I..." Hiruzen wiped his forehead and sighed, recounting how the Senju and Uchiha clans fell into decline, the story matching what Hashirama and Tobirama had already heard. The blame fell heavily on Danzo.

After hearing Hiruzen's explanation, Hashirama shook his head in disappointment, "Hiruzen, why did you stand by and let Danzo ruin the Senju and Uchiha clans?"

"Or... was this all part of your plan?"

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