Chapter 88: The Senju Clan Returns to the Hokage Seat

"You're ruthless..."

After throwing down these words, Hiruzen Sarutobi slowly pulled out a sharp kunai from behind him, aiming it at his heart.

Five seconds passed…

He still hadn't moved.

Hashirama, Tobirama, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru said nothing. They showed no reaction, only staring at him with expressions of cold indifference.

Because of him, the three great ninja clans had nearly faced extinction.

For someone who made deceit a habit, once everything was exposed, trust no longer existed. No matter what he did, no one would believe him.

Even if it seemed like he was about to commit suicide.

Seeing that none of his predecessors, teacher, or his three beloved students were stepping in to stop him, Hiruzen shook his head, laughing bitterly at himself.

"Heh… I really did live a failure of a life…"

Another five seconds passed…

The scene remained the same.


With a heavy swing of his hand, Hiruzen plunged the kunai into his chest.

"Forgive me, Sensei, I have failed you. Today, I will atone with my life..."

These were Hiruzen Sarutobi's final words.

As Hiruzen fell, Tobirama's eyes revealed a hint of sorrow, but mostly disappointment and self-blame.

"I never thought I could be so wrong. The plight of the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki clans today is partly my responsibility. Brother, I..."

Before Tobirama could finish, Hashirama gently patted his shoulder. "What's past is past. We start anew."

"Jiraiya, make a public announcement. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, has confessed and committed suicide today. Detail all his confessions for the villagers to know."

"Understood..." Jiraiya nodded.

Looking at Hiruzen's body, Hashirama sighed. "Bury him in the Hokage Cemetery. Despite everything, he did contribute to the village..."

As the announcement spread, the entire village was shocked to learn of the Third Hokage's suicide and the list of his crimes.

Inoichi Yamanaka commented, "So that's why the Third acted so strangely during Danzo's interrogation. Shikaku, you were right; the true culprit was the Third."

Shikaku Nara replied, "Yes, though I tried to deny my suspicions, the truth often is this harsh."

Choza Akimichi wondered, "If our Ino-Shika-Cho formation had threatened the Third's position, do you think he would have targeted us?"

Inoichi nodded, "If it were him, definitely! Fortunately, our clan techniques are mainly supportive..."

Shikaku added, "Since the day Sakumo Hatake committed suicide, I saw the Third for who he truly was. Sakumo's death is partly his doing. The White Fang's fame and prestige were even greater than the Third's at that time..."

Inoichi concluded, "Perhaps overshadowing one's superior is the original sin..."

Choza mused, "I wonder who will be the Fifth Hokage. Shikaku, you might have a chance..."

"Haha, don't joke. I don't have the qualifications or the desire. I'd rather assist quietly than handle troublesome political matters daily. I just want a peaceful life..."

As they discussed, several figures appeared on the Hokage Office's balcony.

"Look! That's… the First Hokage and the Second Hokage!"

"No way! It's true! My mom said she saw them this morning, but I thought she was getting senile!"

"What's going on? Did I wake up too early? I need to go back to bed..."

"Everyone, calm down," Tobirama began. "You should recognize me. I'm Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage. Beside me is my brother, Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage who founded this village."

"We are not resurrected nor ghosts. We've been temporarily summoned from the Pure Land by a high-level, advanced jutsu..."

"Just now, my student, Hiruzen Sarutobi, confessed everything. The decline of the Senju clan, the massacre of the Uchiha clan, were all orchestrated by him, with Danzo Shimura as his enforcer."

"My brother and I are deeply grieved by this. My brother founded the village to unite clans and end wars, to make the village a family. But Hiruzen used his position to harm his own people..."

"As Hiruzen Sarutobi's teacher, I want to apologize to all the souls who died by his hand."

Tobirama bowed deeply, his head lowered.

After his apology, Hashirama spoke, "Today, I announce the Fifth Hokage. This person is trustworthy and will not repeat Hiruzen's mistakes."

He turned to Tsunade with a smile, "Come forward, Tsunade..."

Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure.

This decision was made just moments ago.

Initially, Hashirama had wanted Natsuhane Uchiha to take the position.

He felt indebted to the Uchiha clan since the village was founded by both the Senju and Uchiha. It seemed fitting for an Uchiha to finally become Hokage.

But Natsuhane declined.

Natsuhane's true goal was known only to himself.

To spread the Uchiha lineage across the ninja world.

"I don't want to be Hokage. I just want to marry the Hokage..."

This was Natsuhane's reason for refusing.

Jiraiya also had no interest in becoming Hokage. His carefree life, coupled with the recent losses of his beloved woman, his valued brother, and his revered teacher, left him heartbroken and unmotivated for the role.

"I just want to cherish those still with me."

"The only one left is Naruto Uzumaki."

"Both lonely souls, we will stick together."

Thus, Tsunade had to step up as the Fifth Hokage.

In terms of status, experience, and skill, Tsunade lacked nothing.

Most importantly, she was of the Senju clan.

The advisors, Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado, had no objections.

Hashirama addressed them, "Homura, Koharu, Tsunade is my most beloved granddaughter. You must support her well. If she acts impulsively, remind her as needed."

Homura and Koharu quickly agreed, "Rest assured, First Hokage. We will assist her to the best of our abilities..."

After dealing with the Hokage succession, Hashirama called Natsuhane to his side. Placing a hand on Natsuhane's shoulder and the other on Tsunade's, he brought them together in front of all the villagers.

"And now, one final announcement. The Senju and Uchiha clans will unite in marriage!"

The crowd erupted.

The two most powerful clans joining through marriage was unprecedented.

On the platform, Hashirama smiled broadly. He was genuinely happy.

His wish had come true.

The century-long conflict between the Uchiha and Senju clans would end today, turning them into true family.

"Natsuhane, Tsunade, choose a date for your wedding."

Natsuhane suggested, "How about… today?"

Tsunade eagerly nodded, "Agreed! I agree!"

She had been waiting for this moment.

If her grandfather hadn't been around, she might have already had her way with Natsuhane multiple times.

"Uh, today? That's not appropriate…" Hashirama hesitated.

After all, Hiruzen had just passed away.

"Getting married on an enemy's death anniversary has been a proud tradition of the Uchiha in the past two years. Lord Hashirama… I mean, Grandfather, please agree..."

Hearing Natsuhane call him Grandfather, Hashirama laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, alright! The wedding will be today!"

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