Chapter 90: Reactions from Various Factions

PS (Translator): I'll add an extra chapter for every 25 power stones or new Patreon member. Additionally, I've written up to Chapter 145 on Patreon if you're interested.


The news of Tsunade becoming the Fifth Hokage and getting married quickly spread throughout the ninja world.

As the most powerful village among the Five Great Nations, any change in Konoha's leadership is bound to attract attention from all quarters.

Land of Lightning, Hidden Cloud Village

Reading the urgent information, the Fourth Raikage felt a mix of emotions.

He was pleased about the death of Hiruzen Sarutobi, seeing it as a loss of a significant power for Konoha.

But learning about Tsunade's marriage left him frustrated.

"Tsunade, I misjudged you! I thought we were alike—both admiring strength, both loving a fierce life, and both believing we were the perfect match. But you married a pretty boy! Hmph, what a joke!"

The Raikage repeatedly muttered the name, Uchiha Natsuhane.

"Uchiha Natsuhane, huh?"

"One day, we will meet. I want to see what makes you so special that you won Tsunade's heart!"

Land of Earth, Hidden Stone Village

Onoki floated back and forth in his office, deep in thought.

He felt a sense of regret about Hiruzen Sarutobi's death.

"It seems I'm the last of the old generation of Kage..."

"Hiruzen, I thought you would outlive me, but I didn't expect you to die so soon..."

"Heh... sigh..."

Land of Wind, Hidden Sand Village

The Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, was surprised by the changes in Konoha's leadership, but he had more pressing concerns.

His eight-year-old son, Gaara, was a significant headache.

Since the death of his wife's brother, Yashamaru, Gaara had become uncontrollable. Rasa saw him as a failed Jinchuriki unable to control Shukaku.

Fearing for the village's safety, Rasa had sent assassins to kill his son multiple times, but all attempts had failed.

Still, he wasn't willing to give up.

After reading the information, he turned to his subordinate.

"Draft a letter congratulating Konoha on their new Hokage... and send ten more assassins tonight to eliminate Gaara. This time, they must succeed!"

Land of Water, Hidden Mist Village

While Tsunade's inauguration was taking place, significant events were happening here as well.

The Fourth Mizukage, Yagura, had unexpectedly died...

However, this information was kept secret from the outside world.

In their isolationist state, all information was buried within the village.

After Rin Nohara's death, Isobu was resealed within Yagura, making him a perfect Jinchuriki. However, he later fell under genjutsu control, which was eventually broken by Mei Terumi and Ao, who used his Byakugan. The village finally enjoyed a brief peace.

With Yagura's death, the village once again found itself leaderless.

The villagers rallied around Mei Terumi, a hero who saved the Fourth Mizukage. Her actions, beauty, and dual Kekkei Genkai made her an ideal candidate for the Fifth Mizukage.

However, Mei declined the position...

She believed she was too young and inexperienced, suggesting Elder Gengetsu take the role instead.

Seeing her determination, Gengetsu reluctantly agreed.

"Mei, the village is still in turmoil. I will grant you authority to restore order. This will also prepare you for future leadership."

"Rest assured, Elder. I will do my best to restore Hidden Mist to its former glory. Given Konoha's new Hokage, I believe we should send a congratulatory message, signaling our openness to the world..."

"Hmm, a good idea. Proceed as you see fit..."

Akatsuki's Secret Base

Several members gathered, suggesting a meeting.

Pain spoke first, "We have news. One of the Sannin, Tsunade, is now the Fifth Hokage."

Hidan scoffed, "This news is everywhere. Did you really call us here for this?"

Pain replied, "There's more. You won't hear this elsewhere..."

Kisame was curious, "What is it?"

Zetsu chimed in, "Hehehe, allow me to explain. You'll be surprised... Orochimaru is pregnant..."


The room fell silent, with the members showing no reaction.

Zetsu was puzzled, "Strange, why aren't you surprised?"

Itachi remained silent.

Kisame shrugged, "I don't care about Orochimaru's business."

Sasori added, "Not surprising. Orochimaru's experiments often lead to bizarre outcomes. His latest project might involve gender transformation."

Deidara scoffed, "Disgusting people do disgusting things. I suspected his gender last time I saw him. Hmm!"

Hidan, addressing Pain, "Leader! You said we'd kill this traitor. Let me do it! Experiencing a double kill would be thrilling. The Jashin would be pleased with two sacrifices from one kill."

Kakuzu agreed, "I'm in. Orochimaru's head is valuable."

Pain shook his head, "No, we have more important tasks. We can't waste time on him."

Zetsu asked, "How is Konan?"

Pain replied, "She's fine. The baby is due in a few months."

Deidara was excited, "Hehe, leader, I want to take the day off to see the baby's hair color! Hmm!"

Pain declared, "No need for leave. Everyone must be present. It's a significant event for the organization."

Sasori grumbled, "How boring..."

Kakuzu sighed, "A wasted day means less money..."

Hidan muttered, "I prefer witnessing death over birth..."

Itachi remained silent.

Kisame asked, "Leader, must I attend? I'm not interested in childbirth..."

Pain's eyes flashed dangerously, "Yes, everyone must attend! This is an order! And that includes you, Zetsu..."

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