Chapter 95: The Journey Begins, Farewell to All

Hearing Natsuhane's words, Nara Shikaku stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"This is a good idea. If Konoha can gain the power of the Uzumaki clan, our position as the top ninja village will be even more secure."

Tsunade, however, had not been thinking along these lines. Her mind was entirely on Natsuhane, and she couldn't bear the thought of him leaving.

"You want to go on a mission? I disagree! Someone else can handle finding the Uzumaki clan members!" Tsunade protested.

Natsuhane smiled and reassured her. "I am a senior advisor to the village and a member of the Uchiha clan, one of Konoha's founders. It is most appropriate for me to personally recruit the Uzumaki clan. Tsunade, listen, everything I'm doing is for the sake of our Konoha."


"Alright..." Natsuhane walked over to Tsunade, gently caressing her stomach and whispered in her ear, "I'm certain you're already carrying a child who embodies both Uchiha and Senju power. Take care of yourself and the baby, and wait for my return."

"What if I'm not pregnant? There's no way to be sure..." Tsunade was still reluctant to let Natsuhane leave.

"Trust me, you're definitely pregnant. Otherwise, it would be an insult to our efforts these past few days."

"But I feel like we haven't tried hard enough. If you must go, can you at least wait until I'm sure? Once we confirm it, you can leave."

Seeing Tsunade's determined attitude, Natsuhane couldn't refuse.

And so, Natsuhane and Tsunade spent another week working hard to secure the future of their clans...

One morning, as Natsuhane lay sprawled on the sofa, deeply asleep, a warm breath tickled his ear.

"Tsunade, stop it, I'm so tired. Let me sleep a little longer..."

"What are you thinking? I'm pregnant! I just tested it this morning!" Tsunade exclaimed excitedly, hugging Natsuhane and shaking him. "The Senju clan finally has new blood!"

Natsuhane wasn't as surprised. He knew Tsunade's pregnancy was inevitable, the only question was when they would confirm it.

The "Fertility Jutsu" he used was no joke.

Natsuhane pulled Tsunade into his arms, kissed her forehead, and softly asked, "Do you hope for a boy or a girl?"

Tsunade snuggled against his chest. "It doesn't matter. Whether it's a boy or a girl, we'll have a bunch of them in the future."

Natsuhane chuckled. "I think the same. Now that we've succeeded, I should depart tomorrow."

Tsunade sighed. "Make sure you come back soon."

"Don't worry, I will."

The next morning.

At Konoha's main gate, a large crowd had gathered, all women.

Aside from being women, they shared another two commonalities.

They were all Natsuhane's wives, and all of them were pregnant, some with their first child, others with their second.

They had gathered to see their husband off as he prepared to leave the village on a mission to find the remaining Uzumaki clan members.

Their faces were marked with worry and reluctance.

They wanted to accompany him, but Natsuhane insisted they stay due to their physical conditions and the impracticality of long journeys.

Nearby, a group of men, both young and old, watched with envy. They gnashed their teeth, their molars nearly cracking from jealousy.

"Every time I see Natsuhane, I feel like I've wasted my life," one man sighed.

"Right? Life should be like Uchiha Natsuhane's," another agreed.

"I just don't get it. With so many wives, Natsuhane never seems to falter. What did he eat growing up? Or maybe... this is the true power of the Uchiha?"

"Probably. From what I know, Uchiha men have always been stoic and abstinent. Maybe that's why this power went unnoticed."

"It's so unfair! As if the Sharingan wasn't powerful enough, he also has an indomitable body! Why couldn't I be born an Uchiha?"

"We can't change it. The gap between people is just that wide! Let's stop watching, it's only making us feel worse. I'm going home to sleep. Maybe the fastest way to live Natsuhane's life is to dream about it..."

While the onlookers continued to bemoan their fate, Natsuhane was busy hugging and kissing each of his wives goodbye.

This part of the farewell took a full three hours.

By the end, Natsuhane's lips were numb...

"Alright, everyone, go back now. Don't worry about me. I'll return before the children are born," Natsuhane assured them.

Tsunade added, "Natsuhane, if you don't come back, I'll come looking for you with the baby..."

Anko Mitarashi chimed in, "Me too!"

Kurenai Yuhi echoed, "Same here!"

Tsume Inuzuka added, "+1."

Yugao Uzuki said, "Even if you don't come back, I'll wait for you forever, my love..."

Shizune pleaded, "Natsuhane, are you sure you don't want to take me with you? I won't be a burden. If you get hurt, I can heal you..."

Natsuhane shook his head with a smile. "Take care of yourselves and the babies. I'll be back soon."

With that, Uchiha Natsuhane left, heading northeast...

He wasn't wandering aimlessly to find the scattered Uzumaki clan members. Having read the original story, Natsuhane had his plan.

The first stop was the coastal area of the Land of Fire, the nearest place being the Land of Sea...

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