Chapter 114: Natsuhane's True Intentions

For some reason, the sky, which had been clear just a moment ago, was suddenly covered by a mass of dark clouds. Lightning flashed, accompanied by the booming sound of thunder, and on the distant horizon, a formidable fleet of pirate ships appeared, growing ever closer.

In no time, torrential rain poured down, and the sea grew turbulent with crashing waves.

On the lead ship of the pirate fleet stood a young man with his arms crossed. His hair was a pale yellow, his eyes white with gray pupils, and his expression fierce as he stared at the distant shores of the Land of the Sea. Unmoved by the biting sea winds, his solid muscles seemed capable of withstanding any force.

This man was Funato Kurokiri, the third son of the Funato Clan's patriarch, and known among his clan as the "Young Lord."

"Hmph, this is how the sea should be—wild and untamed. Only the ferocious waves can make these weaklings tremble in fear."

As Kurokiri mused, a bald man stepped forward, respectfully reporting, "Young Lord Kurokiri, at our current speed, we will reach the shores of the Land of the Sea in ten minutes."

Kurokiri nodded, "Good. Inform everyone: once ashore, show no mercy. Kill everyone you see! The deaths of our clan members must be avenged by the entire Land of the Sea!"

"By the way, where is my elder brother now?"

The bald man replied, "The Young Lord should arrive with his fleet in about an hour."

"An hour? So soon?" Kurokiri's brow furrowed. "Looks like I need to act quickly. The head of the Land of the Sea's daimyo must not be taken by my brother!"

With that, Kurokiri rolled up his sleeves and leaped directly into the sea...

The Land of the Sea, within Dairou Island

Hearing the continuous alarms blaring from the gold transport ship, the villagers were already in a panic, scattering in all directions. The notorious reputation of the Funato Clan was well known among the coastal inhabitants.

They were a barbaric clan, killing indiscriminately at the slightest provocation. In recent years, many fishermen and merchant ships had met their end at the hands of this clan, leaving no survivors.

At this moment, Kaijin was loudly directing his subordinates. "You lot, go notify the stationed Kirigakure shinobi to come and defend us!"

"The rest of you, evacuate the villagers as quickly as possible. Make sure they hide well and don't come out!"

Despite his orders, Kaijin knew it was impossible to hide everyone in such a short time. The Funato Clan's invasion was imminent, and the villagers, many of whom worked by the shore, had nowhere to hide from the impending assault.

Until the Kirigakure shinobi arrived, someone needed to hold off the Funato Clan.

Kaijin's eyes fell on Natsuhane.

"Master Natsuhane! Once again, we need your help to defend the Land of the Sea. Can you use your power to buy us some time?"

Natsuhane shook his head slightly, "No."

"What?" His response stunned not only Kaijin but also Honoka.

"Master Natsuhane, if you help us resolve this crisis, I will offer you three carts of cloth—no, five carts!"

"I don't need clothes," Natsuhane replied firmly.

"This..." Kaijin was desperate. He had assumed Natsuhane could be persuaded with material goods. "Ten carts! And a million ryo in gold!"

Honoka's eyes widened at the offer, tugging on Natsuhane's sleeve. "Natsuhane, please, think of the materials we could use!"

Natsuhane smiled at her gently and then addressed Kaijin with a raised voice, "I want more than just material wealth."

Kaijin looked perplexed, his anxiety growing. "Then what do you want?"

Natsuhane drew in a deep breath, stepping closer to Kaijin, who felt the intensity of his gaze. "I want the people of the Land of the Sea to see me as their protector, their leader. I want you and the other leaders to support me as the new daimyo of this land."

Kaijin and his men were taken aback, understanding the gravity of what Natsuhane was asking. This wasn't just about fighting off invaders; it was about a complete shift in power.

"Do you accept my terms?" Natsuhane's voice was calm but commanding.

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