Chapter 117: Whoa, This Young Man

As the thick steam cleared, the sight that greeted everyone was one of disbelief: every single pirate lay on the ground, writhing in pain. Their expressions were a clear testament to the agony they were enduring.

Kaisei and Kaijin were dumbfounded, asking in unison, "Natsuhane, what... what did you do to them?"

Natsuhane, expressionless, waved his hand dismissively. "Nothing much. Just gave them a little... sterilization surgery."

"What...?" The explanation left the two even more puzzled. Before they could inquire further, Natsuhane had already approached Funato Kuroki.

"Tell me, where is your clan's stronghold?" Natsuhane demanded coldly.

"Damn you! Do you think I'll talk?" Kuroki spat, struggling through the intense pain in his abdomen. "Kid, you may have defeated me, but don't get cocky! My father, my brother, and my sister will avenge me! You've messed with the Funato Clan, and you're finished! We always repay our debts!"

"Oh? A sister?" The mention of a sister made Natsuhane's eyes light up with mischievous thoughts.

If Kuroki's sister was also a pureblood member of the Funato Clan, then having a wife with gills could be an interesting addition. Such unique women were rare and would be a great addition to his harem.

"Is your sister... beautiful?"

"Huh...?" Kuroki was utterly baffled by the question. "What is wrong with you? Didn't you hear my threat? Are you even paying attention?"

"My brother, Funato Arumi, has awakened the power of the Sea Dragon! No matter how powerful you are, you are nothing compared to him! You... ugh!"

Before Kuroki could finish, Natsuhane stepped on his head. "You've lost your kidneys, yet you still have so much to say? I don't care about this 'Sea Dragon' power. What I care about is that there are now a lot of widows in your clan, and I feel responsible."

"Now, hurry up and tell me where your clan's stronghold is! My patience is running thin..."

Kuroki's face twisted in defiance. "Hmph, I'll never...!"

"Bang!" Natsuhane's foot connected with Kuroki's head, knocking him out cold. Looking down at the unconscious Kuroki, Natsuhane muttered, "That's not the answer I wanted. If you won't talk, someone else will."

Natsuhane turned his gaze to the pirates writhing on the ground. "Even if you kill me, I won't talk! I'd rather die in pain than betray my clan!"

Natsuhane couldn't help but admire their resolve. "Impressive, you lot have some backbone. But don't worry, I won't waste your lives. You still have a use."

While Natsuhane was "interrogating" the pirates, Kaisei and Kaijin had spread the news of the pirates' defeat to the villagers.

Word spread quickly, and soon, a large crowd had gathered at the harbor, filled with men, women, and children.

"Wow! It's true! Look, all the pirates are down! They look like they're in so much pain..."

"That was fast. When did the Kirigakure ninjas get so efficient?"

"Wait, I haven't seen any of the Kirigakure ninjas. Where are they?"

As the crowd buzzed with excitement and confusion, Kaijin and Kaisei exchanged a glance and then stepped forward together.

"Look, it's our pillars, Kaisei-sama and Kaijin-sama!"

Seeing the two leaders, the villagers' eyes filled with respect. The three pillars had always been instrumental in the survival of the Land of the Sea, more so than even the daimyo.

"The alliance with Kirigakure was proposed by the three pillars. Even though the Kirigakure ninjas are arrogant and troublesome, they do have their uses."

"Kaisei-sama, Kaijin-sama, thank you for your hard work. Where are the Kirigakure ninjas? We want to thank them."

Kaisei's expression turned somber as he shook his head and sighed deeply. "The ones who resolved this crisis were not the Kirigakure ninjas. When the Funato Clan invaded, our daimyo, in order to save himself and his family, took all three squads of Kirigakure ninjas to protect himself. They have likely already left Daikoku Island."

"What? The daimyo did that...!" The villagers were shocked and disheartened.

"In the face of an invasion, our leader chose to save himself instead of protecting his country and its people! Such a person doesn't deserve to be our daimyo!"

The villagers were furious. With such a leader, the Land of the Sea was doomed.

"Wait, that doesn't make sense..." One villager stood up, puzzled. "If the Kirigakure ninjas left, then who defeated the pirates?"

"It was him..." Kaisei pointed towards Natsuhane. The crowd followed his gaze and saw a strikingly handsome young man leaning casually against a wall, with a red-haired woman in his arms.


"Kaisei-sama, you can't be serious. Are you saying that young man defeated all these pirates?"

"That's right," Kaisei confirmed.

The villagers were astonished, taking a deep breath.

"His name is Natsuhane. He single-handedly defeated all the invading pirates with ease."

"Not only that, but just a few days ago, he dealt with the monster on the main island, the pirates in our waters, and the mysterious disappearances on Ghost Island."

"Although he isn't from the Land of the Sea, he has repeatedly stepped up to protect us."

"He is our hero."

The villagers were amazed by the young man's feats. Compared to Natsuhane, the Kirigakure ninjas were nothing.

"Whoa, this young man... is he really that powerful?"

Seeing the villagers' admiration for Natsuhane, Kaisei and Kaijin knew the time was right. It was time to fulfill their promise to Natsuhane.

They exchanged a nod, and Kaisei stepped forward. "I have something important to say to you all..."

"You've all seen the cowardice and irresponsibility of our daimyo. Natsuhane has given us new life, and so Kaijin and I, as pillars of the Land of the Sea, pledge our support. We propose that Natsuhane become our new daimyo."

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