Chapter 119: Arrival of Johuto Arakai

"Have... children?"

Kaisei and Kaijin were dumbfounded. They never expected such a method for establishing a strong foundation.

"That's right, have children."

Natsuhane cleared his throat and adopted a wise, serious demeanor:

"Uchiha's power flourishes with its descendants. Population is the primary driving force. Without enough people, everything else is meaningless."

"The so-called great nations are powerful because they have large populations as their foundation. Our Land of the Sea must first increase its population. With a robust population base, our productivity and military strength will greatly increase, making it hard not to become powerful in the future."

"Well, that does make sense..."

The crowd exchanged glances, initially skeptical about the idea of having children as a solution. But after Natsuhane's explanation, they were enlightened. It was as if he had awakened them from a dream.

At that moment, a large fleet of ships appeared on the distant horizon.

Johuto Arakai's fleet had arrived.

A villager shouted, "Look, it's the pirate ships!"

Panic ensued as people instinctively began to flee, with the young leading the charge.

"Stop! No one moves! Stay right here!"

Natsuhane's commanding voice halted everyone in their tracks. They looked at him anxiously.

"Listen, as your new daimyo, I will protect you. Stop running at the first sign of danger. You'll never become strong with such a cowardly mindset!"

"Y-Yes, Daimyo-sama! We won't run anymore!"

Spurred by Natsuhane's words, fear began to fade from the villagers' eyes. Some young men even picked up fish spears, ready to fight the approaching pirates.

"Good..." Natsuhane nodded approvingly.

He had no intention of letting these ordinary people fight, but he wanted them to regain their courage, spirit, and confidence. These qualities would be essential for future training and development.

Meanwhile, on the sea...

Johuto Arakai led the vanguard, with dozens of ships trailing behind. Beside him, a bald man smirked as he observed the port of the Land of the Sea through a telescope. Due to the distance, he couldn't see clearly, only making out general shapes.

"Young Lord, it looks like Lord Kurokiri has already subdued the area. The port is quiet. Look at all those bodies on the ground. Lord Kurokiri is as ruthless as ever."

"Huh? Wait a minute, those clothes... they look like our Johuto clan's attire."

"What did you say? Let me see!"

Johuto Arakai grabbed the telescope. As they approached the shore, the view sharpened.

Indeed, the bodies on the ground were their own clan members.

"Useless fools! How could they struggle so much with taking Daikoku Island!"

He cursed and angrily smashed the telescope on the deck.

"Young Lord, it must have been the Kirigakure shinobi! They're the only ones capable of inflicting such damage. Lord Kurokiri and his men must still be fighting valiantly."

"My brother is like that. He's always seeking glory without putting in the effort. This defeat will teach him a lesson."

Johuto Arakai clenched his fists, eyes fixed on the approaching Land of the Sea:

"Dare to harm my brother! Kirigakure shinobi, you will pay! I will crush you with the power of the Sea Dragon! None shall be spared!"

"I'll show you the consequences of defying the Johuto clan!"

Back at the port, Natsuhane was busy instructing the villagers to bind the writhing pirates and throw them into a corner. Johuto Kurokiri was among them.

After quickly cleaning up the battlefield, Kaisei and Kaijin hurried to Natsuhane.

"Daimyo-sama, what should we do with these captives? Shall we kill them?"

"Not yet. Their lives still serve a purpose. Don't worry, they won't be able to resist for at least twenty-four hours..."

These rare and resilient captives were valuable. Natsuhane planned to deliver all the invading Johuto clan members to Orochimaru.

Not for any particular reason, just to see her smile, hopefully not an evil one.

After all, Orochimaru, now dressed in mature attire, had a unique charm when she smiled.

Five minutes later...

Johuto Arakai's fleet reached the shores of Daikoku Island.

Standing at the bow, Johuto Arakai crossed his arms and surveyed the area with disdain.

"Just ordinary people? Where are the Kirigakure shinobi? Show yourselves! Or are you hiding like cowards!"

Silence. The only sounds were the groans of the tied-up pirates suffering from their wounds.

"B-Brother! Help me! Please, help me!"

Seeing his brother, Johuto Kurokiri struggled to his feet, crying out for rescue.

"How could you be reduced to this! Are you still a pure-blooded member of the Johuto clan!"

Johuto Arakai scolded harshly, though his heart ached for his only brother.

"Kirigakure shinobi! Show yourselves! Or I'll slaughter everyone in the Land of the Sea!"

"There are no Kirigakure shinobi here..." Natsuhane's calm voice cut through the air.


Johuto Arakai turned his gaze to Natsuhane, sneering.

"Are you kidding? I know Kirigakure handles the Land of the Sea's military. Without them, how could my brother be captured!"

"B-Brother! I was defeated by this guy. He's very strong, be careful!"

"Oh?" Johuto Arakai scrutinized Natsuhane more closely. He then noticed the red-haired woman beside him and felt a surge of anger.

"Red hair? And such a striking face... Are you from the Uzumaki clan?"

Feeling Johuto Arakai's sudden killing intent, Honoka instinctively hid behind Natsuhane.

"As I thought..." Arakai sneered.

"When I was young, I joined my father in the campaign against the Land of Whirlpools. I know the Uzumaki clan's distinctive features and terrifying abilities!"

"Today is my lucky day. To think I'd encounter an Uzumaki remnant here."

"Girl, you'll be my captive! We are ninja clans abandoned by the times. Let's unite and seek revenge on this world!"

"Men! Charge! Kill everyone except the woman!"

"Yes! Aaaaaah!"

Dozens of pirates, brandishing their weapons, prepared to storm the shore. But before they could set foot on land, the sea surged violently. Waves rose high, smashing their ships to pieces.

"What's this... Water Release: Water Collision Wave!"

Johuto Arakai reacted quickly, leaping to the shore as his ship was destroyed. His men weren't so fortunate, swept into the sea along with the wreckage.

Stunned, Johuto Arakai realized the immense scale of the Water Collision Wave.

Regaining his composure, he glared at Natsuhane.

"Was it you?"

"Heh..." Natsuhane chuckled.

"Didn't you hear your brother's warning? He said... I'm very strong."

"I initially planned to keep you all alive for a different purpose, but you dared to covet my woman. That's unforgivable..."

"Prepare to die!"

Natsuhane's Sharingan glowed a fierce red as he prepared to strike...

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