Chapter 121: Going All Out for the First Time, World-Shattering Chakra


Accompanied by a deafening dragon roar, the Sea Dragon swiftly descended, its target being Daikoku Island.

"Ha ha ha ha, this is the consequence of defying the Johuto clan. Your lives, along with this island, shall be submerged! From today, the Land of the Sea will cease to exist!"

Listening to Johuto Arakai's booming voice and the dragon's roar from the sky, the villagers at the harbor could no longer hold their ground. Their legs gave out, and they found themselves collapsing to the ground.

"It's over..."

"I don't want to die, waah..."

"Wait, look! The Daimyo is making a move!"

The desperate villagers turned their gaze to Natsuhane, who was standing at the shore. They saw him slowly bringing his hands together, seemingly preparing to form hand seals.

Kaijin, his face pale, asked with a trembling voice, "Kaisei, do you think Natsuhane... I mean, the Daimyo, can withstand that Sea Dragon?"

Kaisei turned his head, not answering directly. Instead, he pointed to Uzumaki Honoka beside him.

"Do you see the look in that girl's eyes? She shows no fear. That's her trust in the Daimyo."

"So, stop asking me such questions. Right now, the only thing we can do is unconditionally believe in the Daimyo. Thinking otherwise is useless."

After speaking, Kaisei suppressed his inner fear, used his hands to steady his trembling legs, stood up with effort, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Daimyo, I believe in you. You can protect our country!"

With the support of Kaisei, the villagers also began to stand up one by one, cheering for Natsuhane.


Hearing the encouragement from the crowd, Natsuhane turned back with a smile and replied softly:

"This time, I will truly give it my all..."

The moment he saw the Sea Dragon, Natsuhane made up his mind. He decided to use all the chakra within him to deal with this Sea Dragon.

This was the first time Natsuhane would use his full strength.

He didn't know what the outcome would be.

He had to try to find out.

"This is a rare opportunity. Let's see how much chakra I have now..."

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

This technique was one of the many ninjutsu awarded by the system, very common and almost every Water Style ninja knew it.

Moreover, this technique had two forms. One could either create a water dragon from the surrounding water environment to attack the enemy or spit out water to form a water dragon from the mouth.

Natsuhane chose to use this technique simply because he felt that facing a Sea Dragon should be met with a water dragon, and since he was by the sea, he didn't need to create water out of thin air, which would be wasteful.

Even the most ordinary technique, when supported by massive amounts of chakra, could have a catastrophic effect.

Just like Johuto Arakai's Sea Dragon Power.

However, Natsuhane still underestimated the amount of chakra in his body.

The moment he went all out, not only did the entire island tremble, but the surrounding ocean also began to quake. The waves quickly gathered in front of Natsuhane, almost all the visible seawater converging before him.


The surrounding seawater surged uncontrollably, making Johuto Arakai, who was hidden in the sea, puzzled. To find out what was happening, he quickly swam to the surface and was stunned by the scene before him.

"This... this can't be happening?"

Johuto Arakai was utterly dumbfounded...

Before him was a water dragon of an unbelievable size, towering into the sky, its full length unseen.

At that moment, the sea level had dropped hundreds of meters, and the missing seawater had nearly all been gathered into Natsuhane's water dragon.

Compared to Natsuhane's water dragon, Johuto Arakai's Sea Dragon paled in comparison, its size akin to a speck of dust on an elephant.

Even more terrifying was that Natsuhane's water dragon continued to grow, and the sea level was rapidly descending. If this continued, the entire ocean might become Natsuhane's water dragon.

Not only that, but even the water from the inland of the four islands of the Land of the Sea was rushing towards Natsuhane.

"How is this possible! Could he be the true master of the sea?"

"This... this... no! This must be a dream! This can't be real!"

The pirates of the Johuto clan were in a state of shock. They couldn't believe their eyes, but the reality was undeniable. They could even see the sweat from their bodies being drawn towards Natsuhane's water dragon.

Whether pirate or villager, as everyone marveled at Natsuhane's power, Kaisei was the first to notice the problem. He hurriedly ran towards Natsuhane, shouting as he ran:

"Daimyo! That's enough! It's already big enough!"

"If this continues, all the fresh water from the inland will be absorbed by your water dragon. Without fresh water, even if we defeat the pirates, our country will still perish!"

Hearing Kaisei's reminder, Natsuhane finally snapped back to reality and sighed helplessly:

"Sigh, using only 30% of my chakra resulted in this. It seems I'll never have the chance to use my full power..."

Through this "all-out effort," Natsuhane finally understood the extent of the chakra within him.

It was almost infinite...

If he wished, he might be able to gather all the water in the entire ninja world into his water dragon.

"Curse it! I... I am the Young Lord of the Johuto clan. Only pure blood from Johuto can control the sea! I am the man who will conquer the ocean!"

Having his clan's strongest trait completely overwhelmed by an outsider drove Johuto Arakai to lose all reason. He immediately activated his power, intending to collide his small Sea Dragon with Natsuhane's water dragon.

However, he soon discovered that his small Sea Dragon had already disappeared, having been absorbed into Natsuhane's water dragon.

In the next moment, the colossal water dragon crashed down, straight onto Johuto Arakai.


"I... I can't accept this!"

These were Johuto Arakai's last words.

Under such immense water pressure, there was no way his mere flesh could withstand it.

Born on the sea, having spent a lifetime at sea, and finally dying in the sea, turning into fish food. One could say he had come full circle...

A minute later, the wind calmed, and the dark clouds in the sky began to disperse.

Natsuhane's water dragon merged back into the sea, and the sea level returned to its original state, seemingly even rising a few millimeters.

"Our Daimyo is too... too incredible."

No matter how it was described, seeing was believing. Only now did the villagers realize how powerful Natsuhane truly was.

"With someone like him leading us, it's hard to imagine the Land of the Sea not becoming strong!"

"Yes..." A young woman's face was full of admiration. She clasped her hands tightly to her ample chest and vowed:

"I've decided. I want to become Daimyo's disciple and become a strong ninja like him!"

"Don't be silly. Becoming a competent ninja is possible, but reaching Daimyo's level is out of reach. Don't forget, Daimyo is an Uchiha. Do you have Uchiha blood?"

"That's right. Hard work is important, but your limit matters too! Bloodline is key!"

"Look at those Mist ninja we deal with. Only those from noble clans can reach higher levels and hold higher positions. Ordinary ninjas, without background, are lucky if they can just protect themselves."

"I..." The woman was left speechless, her excitement quickly fading.

"Exactly!" Hearing the conversation, Kaisei smacked his forehead, a look of realization on his face:

"I finally understand the true meaning of what Daimyo said about population building a nation!"

"What is it? Please explain, Kaisei-sama!"

"Well..." Kaisei paused, then excitedly explained:

"Other great nations are strong because they have been recruiting various ninja clans since their founding! Even if people die, the quality genes are passed down through generations! That's why they remain powerful!"

"When Daimyo spoke about population building a nation, it means our future children are the hope of the Land of the Sea. We may not have had ninjas before, but now we do! Our Daimyo is a real Uchiha! Powerful, with strong genes!"

"Daimyo will eventually pass, but we can leave as many descendants for him as possible to prepare for our future military strength!"

"Ninjutsu can be learned, but genes can't! In this survival of the fittest era, we must ensure that our children and grandchildren start with an advantage!"


Hearing Kaisei's words, everyone suddenly understood.

"Kaisei-sama, are you saying... we should have children with Daimyo?" A woman, blushing, raised her hand timidly, "I'll go first. I agree, with both hands..."

She had long been attracted to Natsuhane's looks, drooling. After all, who could resist such a handsome man...

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