Chapter 124: Mei Terumi's Maiden Battle I

Ao immediately quieted down, closing his mouth and sitting upright in his seat. After reprimanding Ao, Mei Terumi ignored the Daimyo of the Sea Country and gently placed her delicate hand on Chojuro's shoulder, speaking softly.

"What's wrong? You seem to be trembling a lot," she said.

Being so close to Mei Terumi, and smelling her fragrance, Chojuro blushed and nervously replied, "Lady Mei, I'm only eleven years old, and you're letting me participate in such an important battle. I'm really afraid I might disappoint you."

"You won't. I believe in you. You're very strong~" Mei Terumi's sweet smile never left her face. Seeing this smile, Chojuro's heart nearly melted, and he couldn't help but think, "Lady Mei is so kind..."

"Why is your face so red?" Mei Terumi asked with concern.

"It's nothing! I might have a slight fever...but it's no big deal," Chojuro stammered.

"Oh? Let me check..." Mei Terumi furrowed her brow and pressed her forehead against Chojuro's.

"...You do seem a bit warm. Chojuro, if you're not feeling well, you should rest," she said.

"'s okay. I can manage!"

"Sigh..." Watching this, Ao couldn't hold back any longer. "Lady Mei, you're spoiling Chojuro too much. That's why the youngsters these days are getting arrogant. Back in my day, even if I lost an eye, I wouldn't be so dramatic. None of my comrades would have shown me any sympathy either..."

"Ao! That dark period is over! The era of the Bloody Mist is in the past. As seniors, we should care for our juniors, fostering a positive environment! Stop flaunting your past experiences!" Mei Terumi interrupted sternly.

The past of the Mist Village was something Mei Terumi never liked discussing. Sensing his mistake, Ao hurriedly apologized. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Alright, let's not dwell on unpleasant memories. Let's focus on our battle plan," Mei Terumi said as she returned to her seat, pointing at the map spread on the table.

"This island is called Potou Island. In the past six months, after we opened our ports, we've had several encounters with Johuto pirates. We finally confirmed that this is their main base," Mei Terumi explained.

"Most of Johuto's forces are currently in the Sea Country. This is our chance to strike their core. Today, we settle the decade-long feud between the Mist Village and Johuto. After the Fourth Mizukage's fall, Master Gengetsu has been pushing for me to become the Fifth Mizukage. But I know I'm still young and lack the necessary achievements. Many seniors are skeptical. This battle to eliminate Johuto is my chance to win the people's trust and prove myself. My maiden battle must be a victory!" Mei Terumi declared.

"Don't worry, Lady Mei. I will support you with all my strength!" Ao said. He glanced at the map, then closed his eyes and formed a hand seal, saying, "We should be close enough. Potou Island is within my sensory range. Everyone, stay quiet while I sense the enemy's positions."

As the captain of the Mist Village's sensory unit, Ao's abilities were unmatched and had never failed before.

After a moment, Ao opened his eyes and said gravely, "There are many chakra signatures gathering on Potou Island. They seem aware of our attack and are preparing their defenses. Among these chakras, there are five particularly strong ones. One of them even matches your strength, Lady Mei."

" wonder they are Johuto. Even after sending out so many troops, they still have such a formidable defense. This will be a tough battle," Mei Terumi mused, stroking her chin.

"The one with chakra similar to mine must be the Johuto clan leader. I'll handle him. The rest of the enemies are up to you," she instructed.

Chojuro, nervous but determined, clenched his fists, his palms sweaty. This was his first real confrontation with a formidable enemy. Despite his lack of confidence, for Mei Terumi's sake, he bit his lip and said in his most timid voice, "Lady Mei...I will kill them all, and then come to support you..."

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