Chapter 127: Immortality? Johuto Clan Leader's Terrifying Ability

Johuto Daihai casually shook his arm.

"Surprised? What's so impossible about it? Did you really think such a simple technique could kill me?" he mocked.

"However, I didn't expect you to possess two Kekkei Genkai. I underestimated you before... You're not just a pretty face."

Mei Terumi's eyes were filled with caution. "What kind of ability is this? Are you immortal?"

"Hahahahaha! In a sense, yes!" Daihai laughed heartily, his face twisted with malice.

He kicked up the shark-bone trident from the ground, leaping towards Mei Terumi with incredible speed. Mei quickly pulled out a kunai to parry, retreating as she did. She was rattled; this was the first time she'd faced an opponent she couldn't kill.

After a few rounds of hand-to-hand combat, Mei was clearly outmatched in terms of physical strength. Using her combat experience, she instinctively pulled back, preparing to use long-range attacks to understand Daihai's abilities better.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

A water dragon shot from Mei's mouth, twisting and turning in the air as if it had a mind of its own, targeting Daihai's blind spots.

"Hahahaha! Using Water Release against me? Little girl, are you trying to die faster?" Daihai mocked.

Mei's brows furrowed as she focused intently on her opponent. Daihai didn't even attempt to dodge, allowing the fierce water dragon to crash into him.


The force of the Water Dragon Bullet sent water spraying everywhere, but as the water receded, Daihai stood unscathed, not a scratch on him. In fact, his body seemed even larger and more muscular than before.

Mei was shocked. "Damn, what is going on? Can he absorb my water to increase his size?"

To confirm her theory, she decided to use another Water Release attack.

"Water Release: Water Pillar!"

Mei gathered chakra in her throat and spat out a water sphere that shot towards the ceiling. It then came crashing down on Daihai, breaking into countless sharp water blades that pierced his body from all directions.

Despite the powerful attack, Daihai remained unharmed. If anything, his muscles had grown even more.

"So, that's it..."

Mei finally understood. The man before her could absorb water to restore his body and enhance his strength. She recalled an old story told by the elders of the Mist Village about the Johuto clan.

According to the tale, the first leader of the Johuto clan possessed an "immortal" power, unable to die as long as there was water around. No matter how damaged he was, he could recover and even absorb water from the air.

This ability was unique and couldn't be learned. It was passed down to the next leader through a ritual that involved the current leader sacrificing their life to transfer the power.

As a child, Mei had dismissed this story as a myth. But seeing it firsthand, she realized it was true.

"The elders were right..."

Compared to earlier, Mei was now much calmer. She wasn't afraid of Daihai's "immortality."

Immortality was terrifying, but it wasn't unbeatable. Since she couldn't kill him, she would find a way to seal him.

Seeing Mei's composed expression, Daihai raised an eyebrow.

"Little girl, you must have figured out my ability. Not bad, you're quite clever."

Mei didn't respond, raising her hands to attack again.

"Heh... Still willing to fight? It's pointless. You can't kill me. You and your subordinates should surrender to the Johuto clan. If you obey, I'll spare your lives."

Mei snorted. "Who said I need to kill you to win?"

"Then how do you plan to defeat me?" Daihai asked, genuinely curious.

"You'll see soon enough!"

Mei's hands moved rapidly, forming a series of seals with incredible speed, finishing dozens of seals in just five seconds.

"Water Release: Water Colliding Wave!"

Instantly, a vortex of rapidly spinning water appeared around Mei, spreading out like a waterfall towards Daihai.

"More Water Release? Hahahahaha! I praised your intelligence, but it seems I was wrong. You're just a foolish woman with no brain!"

Daihai raised his arms, absorbing all the water into his body. Mei continued to generate more water, biting her lip as her chakra drained. Her legs trembled, and she looked ready to collapse.

Though Daihai absorbed the water quickly, Mei's speed was faster. Soon, the entire palace was flooded.

These chakra-infused waters were much stronger than ordinary water. Absorbing all of it, Daihai felt his power reaching new heights.

By the time Mei's water was exhausted, Daihai licked his lips, satisfied. "Such sweet water... not bad..."

"Hmm? Where is she?"

Mei had vanished. Daihai scratched his head, unfazed.

"Hmph, she must have tried to escape during the attack. Foolish. This is my territory, surrounded by my men. With her chakra almost gone, where can she run?"

Daihai lumbered towards the exit, planning to hunt down the fleeing Mei.

As he opened the door, a blinding green light forced him to shield his eyes.

"What's happening?"

Peering through his fingers, he saw a massive green barrier surrounding the entire palace.

Adjusting to the light, he saw Mei Terumi standing outside the barrier, smiling confidently.

"This is...?"

"This is a high-level sealing technique, the Three-Way Sealing Formation, designed just for you."

"Hmph, a mere sealing technique? With your depleted chakra, how do you expect to hold me?"

Daihai roared, punching the barrier. To his shock, the barrier repelled him with even greater force.

"Impossible!" Daihai was stunned.

His immense strength couldn't break the thin barrier? It even retaliated?

Getting up from the ground, Daihai turned to the back of the palace.

"If the front is sealed, I'll go out the back! I refuse to believe you have enough chakra to maintain this!"

With a mighty punch, he shattered the rear wall, only to find another Mei standing outside the green barrier.

"...Shadow clone?"

Realizing the green barrier surrounded the entire palace, with a Mei stationed at each corner, Daihai's confidence wavered.

"No way! How do you still have enough chakra for shadow clones and this powerful barrier?"

Mei elegantly flicked her hair, her lips curling into a cold smile.

"You called me brainless, but you are the simple-minded one. The water you absorbed, only the first wave was chakra-infused. The rest were summoned from water scrolls I carried."

"In the chaos of the water, you focused solely on absorbing power, missing my actions. I created two shadow clones to help set up this sealing barrier."

Hearing Mei's explanation, Daihai roared in frustration.

"That trembling and exhaustion earlier... it was all an act?"

Mei chuckled, looking down at the frantic Daihai.

"You belittled me because I'm a woman, but do you know the unique advantage women have on the battlefield?"

Staring at Mei's alluring figure, Daihai thought of saying 'charm,' but realized it couldn't be that simple.

After a moment's thought, he remained silent, unsure of the answer.

Mei's red lips parted in a whisper, "Remember, a woman's greatest weapon is playing the victim. You thought I was weak, but my thorns are countless."

"You are indeed powerful. If it weren't for your immortality, I wouldn't have resorted to this method..."

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