Chapter 130: Unexpected Incident, Is Johuto Daihai Dead?

After giving his orders, Ao adjusted his headband and stood up to leave the ship. A nearby ninja, puzzled, asked, "Lord Ao, aren't we supposed to rest? Where are you going?"

"I need to check on Johuto Daihai on the island," Ao replied, his expression stern.

"But you've just been through a tough battle and you're injured. Let us go instead," the ninja insisted.

"No," Ao shook his head, maintaining his stoic demeanor. "We can't afford any mishaps with the capture of the Johuto clan leader. I don't trust anyone else to handle this."

"But you're injured," the ninja argued.

"My injuries are nothing," Ao dismissed. "I'll be fine."

Hearing Ao's resolve, the Mist Village ninjas stood up, ready to accompany him. "We'll go with you then! If something happens, we can help."

"No, you stay here and guard the Johuto widow," Ao commanded. He then disembarked alone, his expression grave. His Byakugan eyelid had been twitching nonstop—a sensation he had never experienced before.

"Strange, is it from overusing my eye today?" Ao mused. "Or is something bad about to happen?"

Worried, Ao quickened his pace towards the highest point of the island.

Upon reaching the barrier, everything seemed normal. The barrier maintainers nodded at Ao, acknowledging his presence. "Lord Ao, you're here."

"How's it going? Can you manage?" Ao inquired.

"Of course. We've been rotating every thirty minutes as per Lady Terumi's instructions. Our chakra reserves are sufficient," one ninja assured him.

"Good," Ao sighed in relief, thinking he might have been overreacting.

He approached the barrier, looking at Johuto Daihai inside. "Johuto Daihai, you'll be staying in the Mist Village from now on," Ao taunted. "The thought of you spending eternity in a cage, unable to live or die, makes you pitiable. Sometimes, not being able to die is a form of torture, don't you think?"

Johuto Daihai remained motionless, lying within the barrier.

"What? Did I touch a nerve?" Ao continued, "How about we make a deal? Tell me the secret of your immortality, and I'll recommend to Lady Terumi to make your confinement more comfortable, maybe give you more room to move around."

Still, Johuto Daihai didn't respond.

"Stubborn, aren't you?" Ao muttered, frustration building. "Don't underestimate us. Do you think we won't find out your secret if you don't tell us? Mist Village specializes in uncovering such mysteries. One day, we'll harness your abilities, and our ninjas will become immortal."

There was no reaction from Johuto Daihai. He lay still, unresponsive.

"Not talking, huh?" Ao's frustration peaked. "Wait a minute... could it be?"

Activating his Byakugan, Ao examined Johuto Daihai closely.


Through the Byakugan, Ao saw that Daihai's chakra points were inactive. He was lifeless.

"Johuto Daihai is dead!" Ao exclaimed.

The other ninjas were stunned. "Lord Ao, what are you saying? That's impossible! Lady Terumi said he couldn't die!"

"Yes, and we haven't done anything to him. How could he be dead?" another ninja added.

"Could it be a state of suspended animation?" a third ninja suggested.

"No, it's not suspended animation! My Byakugan sees clearly. He's truly dead!" Ao insisted, his face pale.

At that moment, a loud noise echoed from the shoreline. "Something's wrong with our fleet!" Ao thought, rushing towards the beach.

"You all stay here and maintain the barrier! Don't let your guard down, in case it's a trick by Johuto Daihai!" Ao ordered.



At the beach, all the Mist Village ships had been overturned by an unknown force. A massive blowfish leaped from the sea, destroying the fleet.

"A summoned creature!" Ao exclaimed. "Who summoned it? We thought all enemies were eliminated!"

The Mist ninjas, resting on the ships, were caught off guard by the sudden attack.

"How dare you disrupt Lady Terumi's rest! Prepare to die!" Long Ten shouted, brandishing his Hiramekarei blades and charging at the giant blowfish.

Before he could get close, the blowfish inflated, its body covered in sharp spikes, making it impossible to approach.

"Damn it!" Long Ten cursed. He wanted to use the chakra cannon from Hiramekarei, but he was out of chakra after the previous battle. The other Mist ninjas were similarly drained, resorting to throwing kunai and shuriken.

The projectiles barely affected the massive blowfish. Just as they were losing hope, several water pillars shot up from the sea, wrapping around the blowfish and restraining it.

"Water Style: Multiple Water Binding!" Mei Terumi's voice rang out.

In the crucial moment, she had come to their rescue.


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