Chapter 137: What’s Going On? Is This Still My Country?

"Lord Daimyo, Minister Takeshi, did the Johuto Clan really invade your country? Could you be deceiving us? Or is this a plot to win over our Mizukage?"

As they entered the Land of the Sea, everything seemed calm, with no suspicious individuals or ships in sight. In fact, Dairou Island even had fireworks, causing the Kirigakure high officials to question the Sea Daimyo's words.

The Sea Daimyo quickly defended himself, "I wouldn't joke about my country's safety. The Johuto Clan indeed sent many members to invade. However, I'm also unsure of their current whereabouts."

"If you don't believe me, we can ask my citizens once we're on the island. Please trust me!"

"Alright, everyone calm down. Let's disembark and see what's going on," declared the Water Daimyo, bringing the conversation to a halt.

Ten minutes later...

The Kirigakure fleet was only a few hundred meters away from Dairou Island's port.

The island's villagers were all smiles, setting off fireworks and decorating with flower garlands.

"Are these people from the Johuto Clan or your citizens?"

"They are... they're my citizens."

"Hmph..." The Water Daimyo's face turned cold.

"Little brother, this scene makes it hard not to believe this was your plan all along. You didn't come to my country for help but to win over Mei Terumi."

"Look at those clean, orderly houses. There's no sign of an invasion. If you wanted to marry Mei Terumi, you could've just asked directly instead of going through all this trouble."

The Water Daimyo had concluded that the Sea Daimyo was lying but didn't mind since he was focused on securing Gokai Island and Mother Island.

"Big brother, I..." The Sea Daimyo felt helpless. As soon as the boat docked, he ordered Takeshi, "Go ashore and ask the villagers what happened. Find out why everything looks like this."

"Yes, my lord!"

Takeshi, just as puzzled, was even more curious about why Kaisei and Kaijin hadn't come to greet them.

He hurried off the boat and grabbed a random villager, asking, "Where are the Johuto Clan members?"

"Hey? Isn't this Minister Takeshi? You're back from the Land of Water?"

"Don't waste time! Tell me what's been happening in the Land of the Sea! The more detailed, the better!"

"I don't have time to chat. Can't you see I'm busy?"


Minister Takeshi, one of the three pillars of the Sea Country, was shocked by the villager's rudeness for the first time.

Takeshi roared, "How dare you speak to me like that!"

The villager retorted, "Who do you think you are? I'm busy preparing fireworks for the Daimyo's wedding. I don't have time for you!"


Watching the villager walk away, Takeshi was even more confused.

What is going on?

At this point, the Sea Daimyo and the Kirigakure group also disembarked.

"Takeshi, what's the situation? Did you find out anything?"

Takeshi stood still, not responding to the Daimyo's question. His mind was a mess.

"Hey! Takeshi, what's going on? Speak up!"

"Oh!" Takeshi snapped back to reality. "Lord Daimyo, I'm not sure yet. The villagers are preparing for your wedding."

The Water Daimyo laughed, "Haha, little brother, it seems you've been preparing for the wedding all along. No more excuses."

"Big brother, it's not what you think..."

"Never mind, it's better this way. The wedding can proceed quickly. I can't wait to see you marry Mei Terumi. Haha... Let's head to your Daimyo residence."

"Yes... yes."

The group headed to the Sea Daimyo's residence.

Along the way, villagers avoided them, some even giving hateful looks.

The Water Daimyo remarked, "Interesting. Your people seem very respectful and humble. You must be well-loved."

"Uh... yes, I suppose." The Sea Daimyo forced a smile, filled with confusion.

What's going on?

Is this still my country?

These villagers looked familiar, yet they were ignoring him. Normally, they would greet him with respect.

Wait... could they be Johuto pirates in disguise?


That must be it!

That explanation made sense. They weren't attacking because of the Kirigakure forces present.

Feeling confident, the Sea Daimyo said, "Everyone, be cautious. These people may look like my citizens, but they're Johuto pirates in disguise!"

Ao, who had been following Mei Terumi, retorted coldly, "Stop spouting nonsense. Johuto pirates aren't this weak."

"My eyes can see a wide range, and I can detect the chakra within each person. They are ordinary people, with chakra levels indicating they've never trained before."

"There are no Johuto Clan members here!"

After silencing the Sea Daimyo, Ao whispered to Mei Terumi, "Mizukage, I sense two powerful chakras on this island. We are getting closer to them."

Mei Terumi nodded, "Understood, I'll be cautious."


A short while later, they arrived at the Daimyo residence.

The area in front of the residence was packed with people.

Everyone was loudly celebrating, shouting their blessings: "Congratulations on your wedding, Lord Daimyo!"

The Water Daimyo, puzzled, turned to the Sea Daimyo and asked, "Strange, your citizens are all shouting congratulations, but they aren't even looking at you. It's as if they're celebrating someone else…"

Some villagers yelled, "Look, the Daimyo is here!"

Hearing this, the Sea Daimyo quickly adjusted his attire and stepped forward, only to see a young man and woman dressed in wedding clothes walk out onto the balcony. Though their faces weren't clear, their figures and demeanor showed they were a perfect match.

"Wow! The Daimyo looks so handsome in his wedding clothes!"

"And the Daimyo's bride is stunning! Look at her beautiful red hair, so unique!"

The Sea Daimyo was stunned, standing frozen in place.

What's going on?

I am the Daimyo of the Land of the Sea!!

Who are these young people getting married in my residence???

I've only been gone for two days, and my home has been taken over?

Even my identity has been stolen!

"Stop this immediately!!!"

The Sea Daimyo could no longer hold back, pushing through the crowd to the front of his residence, shouting, "Who the hell are you two??"

"Wait… could you be…?"

Looking closely, he finally recognized the young couple.

Aren't they the ones who came to collect the reward for dealing with the monster on Mother Island?


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