Chapter 143: Using People as Bride Price, Truly Inhuman

"The members of the Jonin clan are my bride price," Natsuhane announced.

Orochimaru's smile faded, and her aura grew even colder. "Natsuhane, are you proposing to me in front of everyone? I've told you before, I'm not interested in you..."

Natsuhane waved his hand dismissively. "Whether you're interested in me or not doesn't matter. I'm doing this for the sake of the child you're carrying. I don't want to be a deadbeat; if it's my child, I have to take responsibility…"

This statement caused an uproar. The onlookers were on the verge of losing their minds, unable to believe their ears.

"The legendary Sannin... Orochimaru is pregnant, my goodness!"

"Wow... They say the entertainment industry is chaotic, but the ninja world isn't much better."

"I've never seen live people used as a bride price before..."

"Did you hear that? Those Jonin clan members are going to become experimental subjects. What does that mean? It sounds terrifying..."

While the villagers were confused, the high-ranking members of the Mist were not. According to their intelligence, Orochimaru defected from the village because his human experiments were exposed, eventually becoming a rogue ninja.

If this goes through, the fate of those Jonin pirates who become experimental subjects is grim.

However, the Mist ninjas were more concerned about tomorrow's plan. Orochimaru's sudden appearance was unexpected.

Based on Natsuhane and Orochimaru's conversation, it was clear that Orochimaru was already carrying Natsuhane's child, making their relationship significant. If Orochimaru, a legendary Sannin, supported Natsuhane during their plan to seize the Land of Sea, the outcome would be uncertain...

While the crowd continued to discuss how Natsuhane and Orochimaru could have a child, no one noticed Orochimaru's growing anger.

"Natsuhane, I think I told you... I didn't want too many people knowing about the pregnancy!" Orochimaru's voice was cold.

"It was bound to come out eventually, don't dwell on it," Natsuhane replied, moving closer to Orochimaru and whispering in her ear. "I'm getting married today. Since you're nearby, I thought it was time to clarify our relationship. Let's get married today..."

"It's not just for show. You know the Jonin clan; their pure-bloods are valuable for research. Even I want to dissect them to see what makes them different from ordinary people. Aren't you curious?"

"And I know you value your freedom. A marriage certificate won't bind you. I won't insist you stay with me after the wedding. You can continue your pursuits. Just agree to marry me today..."

"I've proposed in front of everyone. If you reject me, it'll be embarrassing. Do me a favor, at least for our child's sake."

"Don't worry, it won't take long. Just put on the wedding dress and take a photo with me. It'll only take a minute."

Listening to Natsuhane's earnest plea, Orochimaru felt a bit swayed. It wasn't his sincerity that moved her, but the potential research value of the Jonin pure-bloods.

The Jonin clan's immortality and sea dragon power had intrigued her for some time. With a pure-blooded Jonin to experiment on, Orochimaru was confident her high level of scientific expertise would eventually uncover these secrets.

After a moment of thought, Orochimaru nodded slightly. "Fine, I agree. But I have one condition..."

"What is it?"

"We can get married, but I don't want to wear a wedding dress."

Natsuhane immediately agreed, "Fine!"

Seeing this, Kaisei, who had been standing on the sidelines, quickly called over a subordinate and instructed, "Quick, prepare a larger bed for the Daimyo's wedding room, one that can fit four people. Make it fast! It has to be done before sunset!"


Under the envious and confused gazes of everyone, the wedding finally proceeded.

Well, almost.

The first bride, Uzumaki Honoka, was enthusiastic. The second bride, Mei Terumi, was indifferent. The third bride, Orochimaru, was even more detached. She posed for a photo and was ready to leave before the vows were finished.

Watching Orochimaru leave, Natsuhane quickly called out, "Hey, where are you going?"

"To the prison to get my subjects..."

"Wait, don't rush. You don't have the key yet!"

"Hmph, Orochimaru goes where she pleases. Who needs a key..."

"So, will you come back for the wedding night?"

"What do you think?"

Leaving that cold remark, Orochimaru vanished in a wisp of smoke.

After Orochimaru left, Natsuhane noticed the stunned faces around him and awkwardly explained, "My wife has a strong thirst for knowledge. Don't mind her. Let's continue with the wedding."

The wedding finally concluded as evening approached.

The Daimyo of the Land of Water, thoroughly drunk, slurred, "Good brother! Drinking with you is such fun! Let's do this again, not stopping until we drop! But not tonight. I know you'll be busy... Haha..."

"Eh? Why are there two of you? No, three! Brother, this isn't fair, using shadow clones during drinking!"

"I didn't use shadow clones. You're just drunk..." Natsuhane sighed. "Someone, please help the Daimyo back to his room."

"No need, let us handle it." Several high-ranking members from the Land of Water approached apologetically and supported their Daimyo.

"You don't need to help me, I'm not drunk!"

"Daimyo-sama, let's get you to your room..."

Natsuhane turned to them and said, "Friends from the Land of Water, please follow my minister Kaisei. He has arranged accommodations nearby."

The representatives from the Land of Water respectfully declined. "Thank you for your kindness, Daimyo-sama, but we have rooms on our ship. We won't trouble you."

"Alright then, safe travels."

After seeing off his guests, Natsuhane turned to his two beautiful brides beside him. "Let's go to our room. Night is falling, and it's our time now."

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