Chapter 149: The Fugu clan Appears

Seeing Mei Terumi return safely, all the Kirigakure ninjas breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mei Terumi, you're late. Why did you come back so late??" The Daimyo of the Land of Water first complained, but then lowered his tone, "But it's good you're back. How did things go? When you proposed the divorce, did Natsuhane give you a hard time? Our alliance with the Land of the Sea is over, let it be. When we return, if necessary, we'll ally with other great nations against the Land of Fire. Konoha has gone too far!"

The Daimyo of the Land of Water had already made his plans. Once back on his own territory, he would immediately contact the Daimyo of the Land of Wind, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Lightning, informing them that the Land of Fire had annexed the Land of the Sea.

He believed that upon learning of this, the other three great nations would not sit idly by. The Land of Fire was already very powerful. If they continued to expand so recklessly, it would only be a matter of time before they attempted to annex the other great nations.

The balance among the five great nations must be maintained; no one nation should be allowed to dominate!

"Daimyo-sama, actually, the divorce... didn't happen."


Everyone was stunned by her words.

"Mizukage-sama, what do you mean? Did Natsuhane refuse to divorce? How infuriating! We'll go confront him right now!"

The Kirigakure ninjas were anxious and determined to reclaim the honor of their village flower.

"Wait! You don't need to go. I decided not to divorce him..."

"Huh? Mizukage-sama, how could you...?"

The consequences of not divorcing were severe.

The Mizukage of Kirigakure, married to the Daimyo of the Land of the Sea, would mean she would have to stay there. This was unacceptable!

"Mizukage-sama, do you understand what this decision means? Kirigakure has just begun to recover and is at a crucial stage of resurgence. We can't lose you now!"

Mei Terumi explained, "Don't worry, I won't leave the village..."

"After thinking it over last night, I realized that maintaining a marital relationship with Natsuhane is actually beneficial for Kirigakure's development..."

"Divorcing hastily would only make enemies. Right now, the village is at its weakest. If we encounter difficulties, given my relationship with Natsuhane, he would certainly help us."

"This is a well-considered decision. Please, trust me and don't try to persuade me otherwise."


Hearing Mei Terumi's words, everyone fell silent.

After all, she was the Fifth Mizukage, and the decisions of a Kage must be followed.

The Daimyo of the Land of Water was furious about Mei Terumi's sudden decision. Just as he was about to say something, the elderly female elder stopped him, shaking her head and whispering in his ear, "Daimyo-sama, let's discuss this further once we return to the village. Let's not risk alienating Mei Terumi right now."


The Daimyo of the Land of Water quieted down, realizing the wisdom in her words. If they angered Mei Terumi and she refused to return to the village, they would be doomed.

"Let's go, back to our country!"

Swallowing his anger, the Daimyo of the Land of Water turned and left.

His anger wasn't solely directed at Mei Terumi but also at Natsuhane! As the Daimyo of a great nation, he was leaving the Land of the Sea, yet Natsuhane didn't even come to see him off.

This was a clear sign of disrespect!

"Natsuhane, just wait. One day, I'll make you pay!"


Three days later.

In the Daimyo's mansion of the Land of the Sea, Natsuhane and Honoka were wiping sweat off their bodies with towels, then getting dressed.

"Natsuhane-kun, is it really okay to let Mei Terumi return? You're too intense. I feel like I've lost 10 pounds these past few days... With her here, at least she could share a few nights."

"Hahaha..." Natsuhane laughed, "What, can't handle it?"

"No one could handle it..." Honoka smiled shyly. "Now I understand why you have so many wives. I bet they all voluntarily suggested you take more."

Just then, urgent knocking came from the door, followed by Kaisei's anxious voice, "Daimyo-sama, something's wrong! A large number of giant fugu have appeared on the sea, heading towards the port. They don't seem friendly!"

"Giant fugu? Are they summoned beasts?"

Natsuhane was puzzled but knew that going to see for himself would provide answers.

"Wait for me, I'll get dressed and come see."

A few minutes later, as Natsuhane and Kaisei were heading out, Kaijin came running, shouting, "Daimyo-sama! The owner of those fugu is a remnant of the Funato Clan! She's come to cause trouble! It's a young girl with gills on her neck. She's definitely a pureblood Funato!"

"Oh?" Natsuhane smirked. "I was going to look for her, but she's come to me."

He turned to Honoka with a gentle smile, "Looks like someone to share the burden has arrived."


At the port of the Land of the Sea, Funato Seika stood on the lead giant fugu, yelling, "Where is the Daimyo of the Land of the Sea? Come out! I'll kill you with my own hands to avenge my brother!"

For the past few days, after ensuring the safety of the remaining clan members, she had roamed the Land of the Sea, gathering information in her innocent and harmless disguise.

Her harmless appearance aroused no suspicion.

When she asked the villagers of Halou where the invading Funato pirates had gone, they all gave the same answer:

"They were all killed by our Daimyo!"

Seika realized that her brother and the male clan members hadn't gone missing but were all dead.

Fury burned within her, and she vowed to kill the mysterious Daimyo of the Land of the Sea herself.

Today was the day for revenge.

Anyone who could kill Funato Aranami and Funato Kurokiri had to be formidable.

But now, Seika had absolute confidence. Her own strength surpassed the average, and having just inherited her father's immortality, she had a trump card. As long as she could endure, she believed she had a chance for revenge.

"Where are you? If you don't come out, I'll start killing people!"
