Chapter 152: Akatsuki in Chaos, Konan in Premature Labor!

In the original story, Orochimaru and Kabuto were secretly researching cloning technology. They captured a person named "Shin" and discovered that Shin's cells could make cloning a reality. Danzo's arm full of Sharingan came from Shin's body.

Not only that, but Orochimaru also transplanted all the Sharingan that Danzo sent him onto Shin's body, with the hope of one day cloning an army of Sharingan wielders.

"It's surprising that you even know this secret, Natsuhane. Your Sharingan is truly terrifying..."

Orochimaru sighed and continued, "However, you misunderstood me. When I mentioned 'returning double,' I didn't mean giving you two Johuto Seikas..."

"Then what do you mean by 'double'?"

"I will give you an Uzumaki woman in addition to Johuto Seika. How about that?"

Natsuhane paused, "You mean Karin, don't you?"

"Heh, I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Orochimaru smiled wryly, further convinced that Natsuhane's Sharingan truly had the ability to see through everything.

"Yes, it is Karin. I encountered her not long ago. She is still young and disobedient. I thought she could use some company, and this Johuto Seika girl seems like a perfect fit."

Orochimaru, a female in this story, wanted to gift her husband a wife.

Natsuhane pondered for a moment and then agreed, "Alright, take her then..."

Leaving Johuto Seika to be nurtured by Orochimaru was not a bad idea.

"Hmph, agreement is good. Now, I'll take my leave..." With her purpose achieved, Orochimaru didn't linger any longer. She transformed into a dark mist and vanished.

Natsuhane shook his head, "Tsk tsk, always like this. She never wants to talk to me more than necessary..."

"Master, who is that woman who dares to be so arrogant to you? I want to eat her!" Inyo, the summoning beast, tore apart the last pufferfish angrily.

Natsuhane waved his hand, "Calm down, she's just a bit tsundere. It's fine. Are you full now? Sister Honoka made some clothes for you. Let me take you to her. Be careful not to step on any buildings."

Inyo flapped its wings excitedly, "Okay, Master, climb on. Let's fly there."


Not far away, hidden in the dense forest.

A spiral mask appeared from a tree trunk, followed by a head with a plant-like appearance.

"Obito, you've been paying a lot of attention to this Uchiha Natsuhane lately," Black Zetsu murmured in his hoarse voice.

"Hmph." Obito scoffed, "He is indeed worth my attention now. His strength seems bottomless, and if necessary, I want to bring him to our side."

White Zetsu chuckled, "A man with a thousand families in Konoha suddenly becoming the Daimyo of the Land of Waves, hehehe, it's interesting. Could it be that Tsunade is abusing him at home?"

"White Zetsu, be serious!" Black Zetsu snapped, then continued, "Natsuhane's actions are indeed unexpected. Could he be betraying Konoha and seeking to rule the Land of Waves?"

Obito emerged from the tree trunk, "Who knows? Anyway, a face-to-face meeting will reveal his intentions. If he is a rogue ninja now, then let Akatsuki take him in."

Black Zetsu and White Zetsu were both taken aback, "You want to meet him?"

Obito nodded, "Yes."

White Zetsu questioned, "You don't know him well. Is it really wise to meet him abruptly?"

Obito replied, "Hmph, what's the problem? Once we meet, we'll be acquainted. I'll use the same introduction, 'I am Uchiha Madara,' and reveal my Sharingan. He will believe me, just like Nagato, Itachi, and Kisame did."

Black Zetsu cautioned, "Natsuhane is different from them. We don't know his true intentions yet. Let's observe him for a while before making a move. It wouldn't be easy to manipulate him otherwise."

Just then, a voice echoed in their minds. It was Pain.

"Everyone, return to the base immediately. This is urgent and cannot be delayed..."


Inside Konan's bedroom in the Akatsuki base, several figures appeared one after another.

Deidara was the most excited, "Where is it? Where's the baby, yeah?"

Pain, sitting beside Konan's bed, was constantly wiping her sweat and responded, "Deidara, quiet down. Konan hasn't given birth yet, but it should be soon..."

Kakuzu frowned, "Leader, are you sure? How much time has passed since she got pregnant? Why is she giving birth so quickly? This isn't scientific..."

Pain replied, "Some things can't be explained by common sense. You all saw Konan's belly; there's no way she won't give birth today!"

Indeed, the members saw clearly that Konan's belly was extraordinarily large.

Sasori commented, "To develop so quickly in just a few months, this child must be extraordinary..."

Pain nodded, a rare hint of gentleness in his lifeless eyes, "Yes, we guessed correctly. This child is a gift from the heavens, perhaps the true god..."

"Tch!" Hidan sneered, "There's only one god in this world, and that's the mighty Jashin! Leader, you're following the wrong doctrine. Let this child follow me after birth, and I'll introduce him to Jashin. Only immortality is the true power of a god!"

"Hmph, Hidan, do you know that your immortality has many flaws? It's the lowest form of eternal existence..."

Sasori, who was not hiding inside Hiruko, appeared in his true form, not wanting to scare Konan's child with Hiruko's frightening appearance. Sasori had a unique tenderness for children.

"What do you mean, Sasori? Are you insulting the great Jashin?" Hidan fumed, his temper flaring instantly.

Sasori raised an eyebrow and retorted, "What? Want to fight? Your immortality is crude. True art is eternal control. Immortality means nothing. If I dismember you and bury you in the ground, what can you do..."

"Huh...?" Hidan's eyes widened in rage, "Try it! Even if only my head remains, I'll bite you to pieces! No, into sawdust! We'll both enjoy the exquisite pain!"

"Wait! Hidan, calm down, let me say something first!" Deidara interjected, turning to Sasori, "Brother Sasori, we've been together for so long, and you still haven't changed your shallow view. True art is fleeting beauty! Yeah!"

Kisame chuckled, "This group is really interesting. If there's a fight, I'd like to join..."

Kakuzu, exuding killing intent, snapped, "Shut up, all of you! Noisy bunch!"

Kisame, with a cold smile, placed his hand on his large sword Samehada, "Feeling hot-blooded, huh? How about we start? I've heard your Water Style is impressive. I'd like to experience it..."

Kakuzu rolled up his sleeves, revealing wriggling black threads, and warned, "You're quite bold, new shark boy. My strength isn't just in Water Style..."

Hidden behind the Gedo Statue, Nagato sighed in resignation, "Sigh, what a troublesome bunch. Scattered, they're like stars, but gathered, they're just a bunch of idiots..."

Seeing the atmosphere turning hostile, Nagato controlled Pain to shout, "Enough! Silence, all of you! I didn't call you back to watch you argue!"

Deidara asked, "Leader, why did you call us back in such a hurry? Couldn't we wait until the baby is born?"

Pain stood up, casting a sinister glance at all the members present, "I know each of you has unique skills, so I want to ask, does anyone here know how to deliver a baby?"


The room fell silent, with only Konan's painful groans filling the air:

"Ugh... I'm about to give birth..."
