Chapter 2: Acquirement

The sun peeked over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the campus of Aetherium Academy for the Gifted. It was a beautiful sight, with the metallic structure of the academy reflecting the glow like a mirror.

Ethan's morning routine was very monotonous. He started with a run around the academy's grounds, pushing his enhanced body to its limits. Despite his struggles with control, he couldn't deny the benefits of his Gift when it came to physical prowess. This part of the routine wasn't really needed, as he already had inhuman strength, but he did it anyway. After a quick shower and breakfast, he headed to his first class.

He arrived early, entering the classroom and taking his usual seat in the back corner. He preferred it there, away from general attention. As other students began to fill the room, Ethan kept his head down, avoiding eye contact and focusing on his notebook.

Students were talking to each other about their day yesterday, their homework, and the future. Some, the ones with telekinetic abilities, were doing tricks with their pens and other small objects, rotating them out of boredom. Some of the toughest guys were already engaging in strength competitions, while girls were discussing new clothes and recent trends. A few students were immersed in their books, studying ahead for upcoming exams, while others were playing card games or chatting excitedly about the latest movies and video games. In one corner, a group was huddled together, planning their next big prank.

The room was full of energy. Suddenly, the door opened, and a tall, stern-looking teacher entered the classroom. Instantly, the chatter died down as the students took their seats and focused their attention on him.

"Good morning, everyone," the teacher began, his voice commanding respect. "I have an important announcement to make. The academy will be hosting a new tournament next month. This tournament is designed to test your skills, abilities, and teamwork in a series of challenging events. Participation is voluntary, but highly encouraged, as it will be an excellent opportunity to showcase your talents and earn recognition."

Excited murmurs broke out among the students as they exchanged glances, imagining the possibilities the tournament would bring.

"Now, let me explain in more detail," the teacher continued, raising a hand to quiet the room. "The tournament will consist of several rounds, each focusing on different aspects of your abilities. There will be individual competitions for strength, speed, and precision, as well as team-based challenges that will test your coordination, strategy, and cooperation."

The students listened intently, their curiosity piqued.

"In the individual rounds, you'll be competing against your peers in events such as obstacle courses, target practice, and endurance tests. For the team challenges, you'll need to form groups of four. These events will include simulated rescue missions, tactical scenarios, and problem-solving exercises that will require you to work together and use your diverse skills effectively."

A hand shot up in the front row. "What are the prizes?" a student asked. The other students also pondered this in their minds.

"The winners will receive medals, certificates of achievement, and a chance to represent Aetherium Academy in the upcoming inter-academy championship," the teacher replied. "Additionally, top performers will have the opportunity to be mentored by some of our most esteemed alumni, gaining invaluable experience and insights."

"More details will be provided in the coming days," the teacher concluded. "For now, I want you to start thinking about forming your teams and preparing yourselves. This will be a test of not only your individual strengths but also your ability to work together. Class dismissed. You are free to do whatever in this hour."

As the students filed out of the room, the buzz of conversations about the upcoming tournament filled the air. Ethan, however, remained seated for a moment longer, his mind elsewhere.

"A tournament? Great, just what I need—another chance to show off my powers I can barely control." Ethan thought to himself, his frustration mounting. "I already struggle enough with daily training. The last thing I need is the added pressure of competing in front of everyone."

The idea of showcasing his abilities in front of the entire academy didn't appeal to him. The thought of possibly losing control during a competition made his stomach churn.

"And forming a team? Who would even want me on their team, given my reputation? I may accidentally break one or two of my teammates' bones..."

With a sigh, Ethan gathered his things and headed to his next class. The excitement around him felt distant and irrelevant.

As Ethan exited the classroom, a group of classmates intercepted him. Among them were Alex, Mia, and Sarah. Alex, the only boy in the group, sported platinum blonde hair slicked backward, exuding a somewhat "rich kid" aura that wasn't far from the truth. His striking blue eyes added to his confident demeanor. Mia had straight brunette hair cascading down her back, her aquamarine eyes glistening with determination. Sarah, the final member of the trio, had short black hair just reaching her neckline, and her view was obscured by bold red square glasses.

"Hey, Ethan," Alex greeted with a friendly smile. "We were hoping you'd join our team for the tournament," he said, getting straight to the point.

Ethan glanced at them, his gaze flickering briefly over their expectant faces. They stood there, earnest and hopeful, waiting for his response.

"I won't," Ethan replied flatly, his voice barely above a murmur.

There was a moment of awkward silence as his words hung in the air. Alex shifted uncomfortably, while Mia and Sarah exchanged a concerned glance.

"But Ethan," Mia began, her tone gentle yet insistent, "we could really use someone with your strength. You're one of the strongest in our class."

Ethan shook his head slightly. "I appreciate it, but it's not for me."

"Come on, Ethan," Alex interjected, slinging an arm over Ethan's shoulder in a misguided attempt to persuade him.

"Okay, you know what happens if I accidentally hit someone too hard?" Ethan asked pointedly.

"Yeah?" the trio responded in unison.

"Now imagine that happening during the tournament or when you ask for a high five," Ethan continued. "I can't control the power I put into my arms."

"It's not that big of a deal," Alex said dismissively.

"You're completely missing the point," Ethan countered, his expression deadpan.

"Ethan," Alex urged, trying to lighten the mood with his persuasive tone. "We can figure it out together. It won't be that bad."

Ethan's gaze hardened slightly. "You don't get it," he said firmly. .

"Think about it Ethan," Sarah interjected, her voice tinged with disappointment. "We can train for the tournament; you can learn how to control your abilities..."

Ethan remained silent for a moment. He wondered what's happening with his classmates; it's not like he ever talked with them... Maybe they're just that greedy. To win the tournament, using him as a step tool.

"I've made up my mind," Ethan said finally, his tone flat. "It's not happening."

Alex, Mia, and Sarah exchanged frustrated glances, their desperation palpable.

"We need you, man," Alex pressed, his voice tinged with frustration. He even got on his knees, and started prying to him,"You're letting us down."

Ethan's expression remained unchanged. "I'm sorry," he said. "But I can't, and won't."

With a heavy sigh, Ethan turned away, leaving his classmates behind.

As Ethan walked through the hallways, someone was watching from a corner. She was smirking behind her façade, which consisted of a young girl with peach hair in two pigtails and striking emerald eyes. When Ethan turned a corner and was out of sight, she moved quickly to the spot where he had just been and picked up a strand of his red hair that had fallen unnoticed.

This was perfect: she just needed a sample of his DNA. She placed it carefully into a small plastic bag, her smirk widening as she slipped it into her pocket and continued on with her day, blending seamlessly back into the flow of students.

Change of POV

Finally, a piece of his DNA. This was exactly what I needed. The Syndicate would be pleased with this development.


They will be so proud of me...

They had been after that boy for a while now...

I wonder what's up for him, to get the interest of the Syndicate...

I pocketed the strand of hair and blended back into the crowd. It had taken weeks of careful observation, maintaining my cover as an ordinary student, to get this close.

But alas, it was an easy task for someone like me, of course. But... Everything would be so much easier if it weren't for that white haired freak. That teacher had been eyeing me ever since I arrived. His suspicion was palpable, and I knew he could blow my cover if he wanted.

If he wanted, he could wipe off my face from Earth. If he ever found out who I really was, I wouldn't stand a chance.

I made my way through the bustling hallways, navigating my path with a practiced ease. I needed to get to the hidden location where I could safely transmit this sample to the Syndicate. The school had its share of hidden nooks and crannies, and we had identified a secure spot for our operations. It was essential to avoid any unnecessary attention. Thanks to some of my colleagues, we were able to remove the location from the school's radar.

I slipped through a side door and down a narrow corridor, making sure no one was following me. The route was memorized, and every turn was calculated. Soon, I reached a small, nondescript storage room that served as our covert drop point. Inside, a concealed panel led to a hidden passageway. I quickly navigated through the dimly lit tunnel. This is getting to exciting! We're so close to finish our plan!

Finally, I reached the hidden location, a small, secured room outfitted with high-tech communication equipment. I carefully placed the plastic bag containing Ethan's hair into a scanner, initiating the process to transmit the data back to the Syndicate.

As the machine whirred to life, I took a moment to catch my breath. The DNA sample was a crucial piece of the puzzle, but the mission was far from over.

"Thank you. The Syndicate will consider your efforts of this dangerous mission."


Change of POV

Uh... That girl is really suspicious...

And she has been for the past weeks; not the first time I saw her giggling like a maniac like this.


I shook off the uneasy feeling. Maybe she was up to something, or maybe I was just seeing things. Who could say? Either way, it wasn't worth stressing over right now.

What was worth stressing over was the cafeteria's restocked sweets! Chocolate éclairs, cream-filled pastries, maybe even some of those little lemon tarts I loved so much...

Oops, I've been drooling...

Practically skipping down the hallway, I hummed a cheerful tune. Serious stuff could wait. Right now, I had a mission of my own.

And that was to get the best sweets before anyone.

As I burst into the cafeteria, I made a beeline for the dessert counter.

Cakes, cookies, éclairs—everything I could have hoped for. Piling goodies on my plate, I felt like a kid in a candy store. People say I even act like one, but nah.

I made sure to pay this time, through... Don't want to receive an earful.