Chapter 6

Azul decided to give up waiting for Ragnar; if he was sulking, he wouldn't be back anytime soon."Open training simulator," she commanded softly, addressing the small white snake that served as her link to the system.The snake uncoiled from her wrist, its eyes glowing momentarily as it activated the simulator. In an instant, the luxurious bedroom around her dissolved, replaced by a vast, open virtual space designed for training.The new environment was a dense forest clearing. Trees with thick trunks and lush canopies surrounded the area, their leaves rustling gently in an unseen breeze. A variety of targets were set up at different distances, some stationary and others moving slowly, mimicking the movements of people.Azul took a deep breath, feeling the familiar weight of the recurve bow in her hands and reached back to feel the quiver of arrows on her back. She nocked an arrow, drawing the bowstring back smoothly, and released.It felt like hours had passed but merely an hour in real time passed.Her training was only interrupted by a warning from the system.[There is someone outside]"End simulator," she said quietly.The virtual forest faded away, and she found herself back in her room. She gathered her bearings and waited for the front door to open, but it didn't."Where is the person?" She asked the snake.[By the window]Azul felt that was odd; why would someone be by the window? But her question was answered quickly, the sound of clay smashing followed by a light flame being thrown in set her room on fire.Panic surged through her as the flames quickly began to spread, licking up the curtains and catching on the wooden furniture. She ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked."System, find a way out!" she shouted, her heart pounding.The snake's eyes glowed again, scanning the room rapidly. [The window is the only escape route. Break it and climb out.]Azul hesitated for only a moment, the only other window was in the bathing room. Smoke began to fill the room, making it difficult to breathe, so she rushed to the bathroom. The window was too high for her to reach on her own.Desperation clawed at her as the smoke thickened, stinging her eyes and making her cough violently. She needed a way to get out, and quickly.She grabbed the small wooden stool and the ceramic washbasin, dragging them to the window. She stacked the washbasin on top of the stool, praying it would hold her weight.Climbing onto the makeshift step, she still found it difficult to reach the window. She stretched as far as she could, fingers just barely touching the ledge. With a final desperate effort, she managed to pull herself up and push open the window, the cool night air rushing in as she did.The fire was now roaring behind her, the heat almost unbearable. She knew she had no choice but to jump. Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself through the window and dropped to the ground outside. She landed hard, her ankle twisting painfully beneath her, but she was free from the burning room."Help!" she screamed, hoping someone nearby would hear her.The sound of her cries drew the attention of palace guards and staff. They quickly moved to her, some rushing to help her while others went to put out the flames."Azul!" a voice called out, and she looked up to see Ragnar pushing through the crowd, his face a mask of worry and anger. He reached her side and knelt down, taking her hands in his. "Are you alright?""I-I'm fine," she managed to say, though her voice was shaky and her ankle throbbed. "Someone set my room on fire."Ragnar's expression darkened. "Find out who did that, I need an explanation!" The guards surrounding them nodded and disappeared. The servants started to put the fire out, they were about to use water but Azul stopped them."Don't use water! Use sand!"They looked at her confused but Rangar backed her up, "listen to the Khatun! Use sand!"They nodded and got to work. Ragnar lifted Azul in his arms, his hands shaking."Where did you go?" she asked softly."I needed to cool off; I'm sorry. I should have come back sooner."Azul remained quiet, holding onto his neck, feeling the tension in his muscles. As they moved away from the burning room, a guard rushed to the scene, seeing the fire. He quickly grabbed a servant's shoulder."Is the Khatun inside!?""No sir, she escaped. She's with the Valthorn Khan."The guard released the servant and sighed in relief, but he didn't give himself time to stop. An assassination attempt on a Khatun was a grave offence, one that could not be taken lightly.Ragnar was fuming; an assassination attempt in his godfather's territory. Who was stupid enough to do that?"Call a physician!" he instructed."Khan, there are no healers." A servant broke the news, scared out of his wits."Where are they all?""Khan, the Kuraltai Khan was injured during the hunt! They are on their way back!"Ragnar's face darkened; someone had tried to kill both him and the Kuraltai Khan at the same time, two birds with one stone. To get them out of the way!"Ragnar, we need to prepare for the Great Khan's return," Azul reminded Ragnar, knowing he was the godson of the Great Khan; he couldn't afford to be muddled now and mess things up.He looked down at Azul, who was still in pain, and decided. "Does anyone know how to stabilise an ankle?"The servants cowered away, afraid of making a mistake with the Khatun and incurring the Khan's wrath. Azul just wanted some time alone so she could drink some health potions."I can," a voice said.It was the guard from earlier. She almost didn't recognise him; his helmet was off, revealing his black hair and intense black eyes."Then follow me," Ragnar commanded, taking Azul to another room while the other servants went to prepare for the Great Khan's arrival.Once inside the room, Ragnar gently laid Azul on a cushioned seat. The guard quickly approached, his movements sure and confident."Khatun, Let me see your ankle."Azul nodded, wincing as she extended her leg. Arthur examined her ankle with practiced care, his fingers probing gently."It is swollen, but I can help reduce the swelling and stabilise it," he said. He quickly tore a strip of cloth from his tunic and began to wrap her ankle with firm, precise movements.As Arthur worked, Azul glanced at Ragnar. "Ragnar, you need to be with the Great Khan when he returns. I will be fine here."Ragnar's expression was torn between concern for her and his duty. "I don't want to leave you alone after what just happened.""You won't be leaving me alone. Arthur will stay with me," she assured him. "Go, Ragnar. The Great Khan needs you."Ragnar hesitated for a moment longer before nodding. "Alright. I will return as soon as I can. Stay safe, Khatun."He was calling her Khatun; to remind her of her place next to him. It was his way of apologising for this mess. As Ragnar left, Arthur finished wrapping her ankle and secured it with a knot. "This will help keep it stable, Khatun.""Thank you, Arthur," Azul said, her voice filled with gratitude. She watched him carefully, noticing the calm determination in his eyes. "You seem experienced in this.""I was a healer before I became a guard," he explained, his tone modest.Azul nodded, feeling reassured. She leaned back, trying to relax despite the pain in her ankle and the chaos that had erupted around them. She still had the small health potion hidden in her clothes, but she needed to wait until she was truly alone to drink it."Arthur, can you fetch me some water?" she asked, trying to buy some time."Of course, Khatun," Arthur replied, bowing slightly before leaving the room.As soon as he was out of sight, Azul pulled the small vial of anti-pyrexial and anti-inflammatory potion from her clothes and quickly drank it. The warm, soothing sensation spread through her body, easing the pain in her ankle and calming her nerves.She took a deep breath, feeling the potion's effects take hold. Despite the turmoil, she knew she had to stay strong and focused. There were too many unanswered questions, and she needed to be ready for whatever came next.Arthur returned with the water, handing it to her with a respectful bow. "Here you are, Khatun.""Thank you, Arthur," she said, taking a sip. "I need you to find out what happened to the Great Khan."Arthur nodded and dashed off, leaving Azul with the system. "Is this related to the battle?" She asked the snake.[Not sure]She really needed to finish the mission and level up quickly, this ability to not know what was happening was anxiety inducing. The palace quickly descended into chaos, shouts and instructions were given as the Great Khan's injured body was brought in.Arthur came back with a grim expression, whatever happened out there - the Great khan wasnt looking good."Is it bad?" Azul asked."He fell off his horse and was attacked by a while bull, his organs are literally spilling out. He will die."Azul felt a chill, if the Great khan dies, then his protection over the Valthorn clan will cease to exist."Who is the current heir?" She asked"Vel, he is the son of the Great Khan's Khatun, he was also out today hunting.""Does he have any animosity with Ragnar?" Azul asked trying to decide her next move."The Great khan isn't fond of Vel and often talked about making the Valthorn Khan the heir."Shit.Why was everything so muddled.The Great khan could not die yet.Azul stood up much to Arthur's shock."Your ankle is sprained you cannot walk around.""I need to go save the Great Khan."Right now it seemed like Vel would have to most to gain from killing Ragnar, that or a third party is keeping a close eye on the situation in the Kuraltai clan. None of this was good news to Azul."What could you possibly do Khatun? You are not a healer.""Oh, but I am."