Chapter 14

The Great Kuraltai Khan's grand hall was filled with the low murmurs of strategists and generals, all gathered around a massive wooden table adorned with maps and markers. The atmosphere was tense, the air heavy with anticipation. The Khan, Nachin, stood at the head of the table, his long, dark hair cascading over his broad shoulders, his eyes sharp as he looked at the people surrounding him. Beside him stood his daughter, Sisi, who was objectively his best strategist and to his left was Vel his heir.A messenger entered the hall, bowing deeply before speaking. "Great Khan, we have received urgent news from the Valthorn tribe."Nachin's eyes flicked to the messenger. "Speak.""The Valthorn tribe has successfully unified the minor tribes in their territory. They are ready to march forth," the messenger announced, his voice steady.A murmur spread through the room as the gathered generals exchanged glances. Nachin's expression remained stoic, though a flicker of satisfaction crossed his features."This is significant," the Khan said, his voice resonant and commanding. "We must make haste, winter is soon approaching."Vel leaned forward, his long brown hair falling over his shoulder. "What are our next steps, Father?""We must pick a date and place," Nachin replied, his gaze sweeping over the map on the table. "Somewhere with a good water supply where we can set up camp."Sisi looked at the map below her, surrounded by wilderness and plains. "We should split our camps into five, we have three generals with us and Ragnar has two. We will stay to the west, they will stay to the east so we will avoid being surrounded."The Great Khan nodded solemnly."Vel, you are my heir, so you will be in charge of our generals. This will be your first war and I hope you learn a lot."Sisi stared at her father blankly, then looked away from such a touching display of fatherly affection, it made her sick."The tribes that cannot provide manpower will be charged with providing food. Those with farmlands should leave their commoners to farm, we need to maintain a good harvest this year. How are the metalsmiths?" The Great Khan asked."They have been preparing for the past two months, we will be able to meet our quota in time," Sisi said.The Great Khan flinched, his hand pressing against his bandages."Great Khan, you should rest; you are still not fully healed," Sisi urged. "We will conclude the meeting and report to you."Nachin nodded, his strength clearly waning. "Very well. Vel, Sisi, you know what must be done. Keep me informed of any changes."The Great Khan left the war room and returned to his Khatun who awaited him. ·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙In the barracks of the Kuraltai camp, Arthur was deeply immersed in training. He swung his sword with precision, each movement causing a wave of pain as his muscles screamed for relief. The barracks were alive with the sounds of clashing weapons and the grunts of men pushing their limits.As he took a break, wiping the sweat from his brow, he overheard a group of soldiers nearby talking animatedly."Did you hear about the Valthorn Khatun's latest escapade?" one soldier said, his eyes wide with excitement."I did! She's been going undercover as a performer and has already taken out several high-ranking officials from rival tribes," another replied, shaking his head in amazement.Arthur eavesdropped, curiosity piqued as he listened to the soldiers nearby continue their conversation about Azul."Did you see the look on the Great Khan's face when he heard about her plan?" one soldier said, his eyes wide with admiration. "He couldn't believe it, but it worked flawlessly.""Not just the Great Khan," another added. "Every general in the room was stunned. Who would have thought of using performers as spies? It's genius!"Arthur leaned against a post, a small smile playing on his lips as he listened."And the way she handled those men," another soldier chimed in, shaking his head in amazement. "No hesitation. She knew exactly what needed to be done and did it.""She's got more guts than half the men here," someone else said. "At least she had more guts than you.""Imagine what she could do with more resources," one of the soldiers mused. "Don't go overboard; she might have done well with a small mission but she is still a sheltered princess, what would she know about war?""Arthur!" one of his fellow soldiers called out, noticing him eavesdropping. "What do you think of the Khatun's latest exploits?"Arthur pushed off the post and walked over to join the group. "I think she's a force to be reckoned with," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "We'd do well to learn from her example.""Come on, we have Princess Sisi; a random woman cannot compete with that." Someone else said proudly. "The world has space for more than one brilliant woman." Another piqued up, "It is just a shame the Valthorn Khatun married a beast, if she married me I would welcome death as I have lived a happy life." Arthur looked at the men, exasperated; how could Sisi compare with Azul? Azul was - he stopped himself. His face blushed and he forced himself to get back to work before his mind went to the gutter. ·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙Ragnar sat in the meeting tent, deep in discussion with General Varok and General Thane. The first battle was dawning upon them and they needed to sort out their strategies before then. As they talked, a messenger rushed in, bowing hastily. "Khan Ragnar, we have word that people are arriving."Ragnar's heart leaped. Every time news came of arrivals, he hoped it would be Azul. He had gone out to meet numerous groups, each time with the same hope, only to return disappointed. Without a second thought, he stood up, excusing himself from the meeting."Is it my wife?" he asked the messenger urgently."I believe so, Khan," the messenger replied, nodding.That was all Ragnar needed to hear. He dashed out of the tent, mounting his horse with practiced ease, and spurred it forward, racing to meet the incoming group.As he rode, he spotted Azul at the head of the procession, her bearing unmistakable even from a distance. She led a line of carriages, flanked by warriors sent by Temur to ensure their safe passage.Ahead of him, a child ran out from the crowd, eyes bright with excitement. "It's the Khatun!" the child called out, his voice ringing with awe. Other children quickly followed, their faces alight with curiosity and admiration as they looked up at Azul.Ragnar pushed his horse faster, closing the distance quickly. He dismounted before his horse had fully stopped and rushed to her side. Without giving her a chance to dismount on her own, he gently helped her off her horse and immediately wrapped her in a tight embrace."Welcome home," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes, then kissed her deeply. "I'm so glad you're home safe."The girls behind Azul, who had accompanied her on the mission, started cheering; their joyous voices were soon joined by the gathered crowd. Azul's face lit up with a smile; she was also glad to be home.Ragnar carried Azul in his arms, much to her embarrassment, as the crowd's cheers gradually faded behind them. He wanted to say so many things to her; he wanted to tell her how proud he was hearing her name through the passing merchants or how happy he was that she chose to marry him. But he was not a man of words.As they approached their tent, Ragnar's voice was gentle but firm. "Prepare a bath for the Khatun, and lay out her newly made clothes," he ordered. The servants, sensing the urgency in his voice, hurried to comply, scurrying to and fro.Azul, still held securely in his arms, looked up at him with a mix of amusement and gratitude. "Ragnar, you can put me down now. I can walk, you know."Ragnar looked down at her, a rare, soft smile playing on his lips. "Let me indulge a little."She laughed softly, resting her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "Alright, just this once."Inside the tent, the air was filled with the scent of fresh herbs and flowers as the servants prepared the bath. Steam rose from the large wooden tub, inviting and warm. Ragnar gently set her down, his eyes never leaving her face."Your bath is ready, Khatun," he said, his voice low and filled with affection.Azul nodded, touched by his thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Ragnar."As the servants helped her undress and prepare for the bath, Ragnar stepped back, giving her space but not leaving entirely. He watched as she was gently lowered into the steaming water, her muscles visibly relaxing as the warmth enveloped her."Do you need anything else?" he asked, his voice soft.Azul shook her head, a content smile on her lips. "Just stay close."After Azul finished her bath, Ragnar helped her out of the tub, wrapping a soft, warm robe around her. She felt refreshed and rejuvenated, her muscles no longer aching from the long journey. Ragnar's eyes never left her as he guided her towards the tent's main room, his hand resting protectively on her back.As they stepped in, Azul's eyes widened in astonishment. Before her was an array of glittering gold and exquisite jewellery, displayed on elegant stands and trays. Necklaces adorned with precious gems, intricately designed bracelets, and sparkling rings seemed to catch the light, creating a mesmerising display. Ragnar had gone to great lengths to gather these treasures for her.Her mouth dropped open in shock, and she turned to Ragnar with wide, incredulous eyes. "Is this all... for me?"Ragnar nodded, a proud smile on his face. Azul's face lit up with pure joy. She rushed forward, her fingers dancing over the various pieces, her eyes sparkling more brightly than the gems themselves. She picked up a necklace made with sapphires and emeralds, admiring its beauty."I don't know what to say, Ragnar. This is... it's amazing!" She turned to him, her eyes brimming with gratitude and affection.Ragnar stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "Seeing you happy is all I need," he said softly."Let's try them all on!" she exclaimed, her eyes dancing with joy.Ragnar chuckled, nodding. "I have to go back to the meeting but stay here and rest, I will join you tonight."At his mention of their unfinished business, Azul was expectant, Ragnar was good at what he did and so she had missed his company for a month now. These were the perks of marrying a khan with great stamina.