Main city

Ryker and Liora made their way towards the main city of the central continent, a place renowned for its grandeur and significance. The city was the heart of the continent, home to the only mythical warrior, a figure of immense power and influence. His faction controlled the sites for the only SS rank gates and other high-ranking gates such as S rank.

As they approached the city, the towering walls and majestic spires came into view, a testament to the power and wealth of its inhabitants. The streets were bustling with activity, filled with merchants, adventurers, and citizens going about their daily lives. The aura of the city was vibrant, filled with the energy of countless powerful beings.

Their first stop was the central marketplace, a vast expanse filled with stalls selling exotic goods, rare herbs, and powerful artifacts. Ryker and Liora moved through the crowd, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling hub.

"We need to find a way to meet the mythical warrior," Ryker said, his eyes scanning the crowd. "If anyone can help us find what we need to reach the Legendary grade, it's him."

Liora nodded in agreement. "His faction controls the most powerful gates. If we can gain his favor, we might gain access to resources that are otherwise impossible to obtain."

They made their way to the heart of the city, where the mythical warrior's palace stood. The palace was a fortress of unparalleled beauty and strength, its walls adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering with magical energy.

At the gates of the palace, they were met by a group of guards, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. The leader of the guards stepped forward, his gaze stern but respectful.

"State your business," he commanded.

"We seek an audience with the mythical warrior," Ryker replied. "We want to become Legendary Grade"

The guard studied them for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Follow me."

They were led through the grand halls of the palace, each step echoing with the weight of history and power. Finally, they were brought before the mythical warrior himself.

The mythical warrior, known as Aric Thalorian, was a figure of imposing presence and regal bearing. His long, silver hair framed a face etched with the wisdom and experience of countless battles. His piercing blue eyes seemed to see into the very soul of those who stood before him. He wore armor that glowed with a faint, ethereal light, and a massive sword rested by his side.

Aric's journey to becoming the only mythical warrior in the central continent was a tale of determination, sacrifice, and unparalleled skill. Born into a humble family in a small village, Aric had shown exceptional promise from a young age. His innate talent for combat and magic set him apart, and he quickly rose through the ranks of his village's defenders.

Tragedy struck when a powerful beast attacked his village, leaving destruction in its wake. Aric, fuelled by a desire for vengeance and justice, set out on a quest to become stronger. He sought out the greatest masters in the land, learning their secrets and honing his skills. His journey took him to the farthest reaches of the continent, where he faced challenges that tested his limits.

Aric's defining moment came when he ventured into the Abyssal Rift, a place of unimaginable danger and powerful enemies. There, he discovered the legendary artifact known as the Heart of Eternity, a crystal that granted its wielder immense power. But the artifact came at a cost: it demanded a test of character and will. Aric emerged victorious, his spirit unbroken and his power magnified.

Returning to the central continent, Aric united the fractured factions, establishing a powerful coalition that maintained order and peace. His leadership and strength earned him the title of mythical warrior, and his palace became the heart of the continent's power.

Aric Thalorian was not just a warrior but a leader and a protector. He was known for his unwavering sense of justice and his commitment to safeguarding the continent. Though his demeanour could be stern and his judgments harsh, he was deeply respected and revered by those who knew him.

As Ryker and Liora stood before him, Aric's eyes softened slightly, recognizing the determination in their eyes.

"What brings you to my domain?" he asked, his voice resonating with authority.

He studied them carefully, noting their young age yet sensing the immense power within them. They have such power at such a young age? he thought. Perhaps they could be the ones...

For a moment, Aric considered revealing the darkness about to descend on this world, but he quickly decided against it. Not yet. They are not ready. If they reach the Legendary rank, then I will tell them.

Out loud, he said, "There is a herb known as the Unwavering Lotus, which blooms in a gate guarded by a legendary beast. This herb is essential for reaching the Legendary grade. The gate is S rank."

Ryker's eyes lit up with determination. "We need to enter that gate. Please, grant us permission."

Aric leaned back, his gaze piercing. "Entering that gate is no small feat, and I do not grant such requests lightly. I need to see your true nature. There is something I require in return."

Ryker and Liora exchanged glances, then turned back to Aric. "What do you ask of us?" Ryker inquired.

Aric's eyes held a serious gleam. "I want the bodies of all the beasts you kill in the gate"

Ryker and Liora nodded in unison, their resolve unshaken. "We accept your terms," Ryker said firmly.

Aric nodded. "Very well."

I will test their honesty by seeing how many monsters they give me, as I can tell the amount of monsters killed from the power fluctuation of the gate. I can also see their power from the wounds on the demons, so 2 birds in one stone. thought Aric.

Ryker left the palace, ready to become legendary grade.