chapter 1

As he slowly stirred, his eyelids fluttered open, revealing a gaze that was both disoriented and unfocused. the world around him was a hazy blur, a cacophony of sensations that assaulted hiis senses like a tidal wave. his mind struggled to grasp the fragments of her shattered consciousness, piercing together the shards of memory that had been shattered by the darkness.

"where am I?" he asked himself. He tried to sit up but a wave of dizziness washed over him forcing him back to the pillow. As he laid there, helpless, he realized that his injuries were gone. The pain and bruises, replaced by a numb sensation.

As he further scanned the room, he took notice of a man, sitting towards the side of the bed he laid on. "who's he? Was he the one that saved me?" he asked while browsing through his memories of the encounter.

"No... it had a more feminine build" he replied to his own question. As he pondered to himself, he took notice of a small gold tag on the chest of the stranger and it read, "TEACHER".

"Teacher?…. Is this a school?" the boy muttered with a voice barely escaping his throat. but even the feint sound that he made was able to instantly wake the stranger from his slumber. "ahhh.... so you are awake?" he said with a calming voice, " its a miracle you survived. trust me".

"who are you?" the boy asked. His face never changing emotions. "take it easy.... u don't need to talk this much, you just woke up after all" the stranger replied with a grin. " I'm Akihito Hiro and i'm the one that saved you".

The boy's eyes flashed with confusion, his face set in an unsettling expression. "that's not true!" he protested. "I remember it being a girl, you weren't even there!".

in the middle of their argument, the door swung open and a girl with long yellow hair walked in. her gaze darted between the two, a look of concern etched on her face. "hey, you're awake!" she exclaimed, rushing to the boy's side. "how are you feeling?"

the boy's eyes lit up with recognition. "you!, you're the one that saved me, not this man" he uttered.

"well..... that's not entirely true" she stated. " i did try, but that mokeru was too strong". the man stepped forward, a proud look on his face, " ha! told you so...I saved both of you…. Now thank me" he demanded and the boy thanked him hesitantly. This caused the man to sit back on the chair angrily.

"do you still feel any pain?" the girl asked, her face changed to that of worry. "No…..Not anywhere" he replied. "and how did my wounds heal so quickly?" he asked, looking at the girl, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

"I healed you"

She said, confidently, a warm smile spreading across her face. "so you're one of those sorcerers, huh?" the boy said while resting back on the pillow. "yeah, and your in one of the most prestigious schools for sorcery in the world. The SilverMist Academy!" she exclaimed.

The poker expression on the boy's face changed ever so quickly. His eyes widened in disbelief and his gaze frozen on the girl. "you're looking at a first year student, Yumi Kimura" she concluded. "Yumi kimura….I'm Ryuuji Tachibana" he introduced his self "so when can I leave here?" Ryu asked.

"actually.." Aki said, returning back into the conversation. "...we were offering you a free tuition here at this school" he gazed intensely, waiting for ryu's response. After a brief moment Ryu spoke, "why should I join? I mean, the school is for sorcerers, right?" he inquired. A look of confusion washed over their faces. "you are a sorcerer, Ryu" Yumi uttered.

Ryu disagreed, "that's a load of nonsense!". The tension in the room rising, "I've never even used a my life!" he concluded, resting back again.

Aki asked, "if you're not a sorcerer then how did you see the mokeru that attacked you?" his tone neutral. "its common knowledge that non-sorcerers can't see mokerus". Ryu's eyes widened in realization. "That's true" he thought to himself.

"if you join the school you will be able to hone your sorcery skills and protect yourself and plus its fun!" Yumi added. Ryu thought about everything, he also remembered that his dad was killed by the mokeru. He paused his thought, "why I am not bothered that my dad is dead" he asked himself, he brushed off the thought as quickly as It came. "I don't have a place to stay anymore" he also noted out and reconsidered the offer made to him.

After a brief moment of thinking Ryu came to a decision. "I'll join… is free after all" he declared. The tension that was once in the room seemed to have cleared out now. Aki stood up abruptly, "well, that's good. I'll go finalize the procedures" he walked to the door, opening it, "Yumi, why don't you show him round afterwards" he said, leaving the room.

Now both Ryu and Yumi where alone. The room once filled with discussion was now deafeningly quiet. Yumi shifted her weight from one leg to another, her eyes fidgeting avoiding eye contact with Ryu. This was because Ryu was staring the devils out of her and it was really uncomfortable for her. "hey! Is there something you wanna ask?" she asked aiming to break the awkwardness.

Without answering her question, he stood up from the bed and stretched a little before asking her to show him around now. She agreed quickly, also forgetting the question she asked. They both leave the room, Yumi taking the lead and Ryu shutting the door behind him. His eyes widened in astonishment as he turned around to face a grand, castle-like hallway that seemed to stretch on a long distance. The walls adorned with intricate stone carvings and tapestries, rose high above him. Students walked around, some dressed in long dark robes with silver trim, their faces intent on their destinations. The sound of murmured conversations, the rustle of pages turning, and soft clinking of glasses echoed through the hallway creating a hum of activity.

"I see you're already taking in the sights. Ready for a tour?" Yumi gestured for Ryu to follow her which he did. They navigated through the throngs of people, Yumi pointing out various landmarks and sharing stories about the school's history. They passed by a grand staircase that curved like a swan's neck, a library with shelves that seem to stretch up to the ceiling, and a courtyard filled with strange and exotic plants.

Ryu noticed that all through their little adventure, the students they pass-by keep staring at him like some specimen under a microscope. Some whispered to each other, their eyes flicking towards him with a mixture of fascination and suspicion. Others simply stared, their faces expressionless.

"Yumi, whats going on?" he asked trying to keep his voice low. "why is everyone staring at me?". Yumi's smile faltered for a moment, "you're new, and different…" talking about his unusual hair color. I mean, its not every day you go about seeing a young boy with silver hair. "some are wary." she hesitated, her eyes darting around the hallway.

Yumi led Ryu to the cafeteria, a grand hall with high ceilings and long tables that seemed to stretch on forever. The room buzzed with conversation and the clatter of dishes. They both joined the queue, and Ryu still couldn't help but notice the glances from other students. Yumi chatted with a few of them, exchanging smiles and laughter. As they reached the front of the lines, Ryu's plate was loaded with an assortment of dishes. "try the roast beef, its amazing!" Yumi whispered, as they made their way to a table by the window. Ryu took a bite, and the flavors exploded on his tongue. "wow, its incredible!" Ryu exclaimed, and Yumi grinned, "told you!".

After a few moments, they both finished their meals, got up and ready to go. As they aprroached the exit, Ryu called Yumi, "hey, kimura, can I ask you something?". She turned to him, her eyes sparkling with interest. "yeah, what's up?" she asked.

"if I'm really a sorcerer, then whats my technique?"

He asked, seeking clarification. After a brief pause she finally answered him. "well, that's really up to you to show us. I can't tell you what your technique is" she replied, both resuming their journey out of the cafeteria. He then asked her if there was anyway other to find out what his technique was. She claimed not to know anything. Before long, a gleam of insight flashed in her eyes, "aha!" an idea popped into her mind.

"I do know of someone else that might be able to help" she turned to Ryu smiling.

"lets head to her dorm. She's a friend of mine" she stated. With a new destination in mind they both headed to the friend's dorm.

They approach a grand staircase, its steps carved from gleaming white marble. As they both ascend the stairs, Ryu is left thinking about all the possibilities of what his technique might be. Pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, or some uncanny abilities. Although he still held the thought of not having a technique, as it was rare but still possible for sorcerers not to be born with a technique.

They both finally reach the top of the staircase, revealing a large hallway that stretched far with doors that looked like they led into apartments. The sight made Ryu wonder just how big this building was.

"this way"

Yumi pointed in the direction they were supposed to be heading and they both walk there. Ryu looked at the other students that were walking by them still trying not to think about the stares. He thinking came to a halt as Yumi suddenly stopped in front of a door with a doorplate that read "No. 0172". Yumi knocked on the door.

"come in Yumi!" the person inside yelled.

Ryu was shocked to how she knew who was at the door. Yumi opened the door revealing a not so big apartment, desk cluttered with books, a huge rug on the floor covering the majority of the room with a nice caramel brown color palette, a bed, neatly made with colorful bedding and plush pillows. The room was entirely in contrast with the rest of the building.

"so your back from your scouting? That was quicker than usual".

The girl sitting on the chair next to the desk said, while turning the chair to face them who just entered the room. She was about the same height as Ryu, her hair was smooth pastel blue with a shade of black at the vertex and bangs, her eyes matched her hair color, she was really a beauty.

"Yeah, and I would have bitten the curb if Aki-sensei hadn't shown up"

"was it that serious?"

"yes, indeed"

Ryu just closed the door and stood there watching them catch up. He gazed around the room, taking in how it was so different from the palces he had alreaady seen in the school.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Ryu, this is Saori, the friend I told you about and Saori, this is Ryu, the boy we saved and a new student of the school." Yumi did the introductions, saving Ryu the stress.

Saori turned her gaze to Ryu who was also staring at her. "nice to meet you…" he said with a soft tone, giving off the feeling that he was someone that could easily be approached which was different from the way he looked. He looked unfriendly, and almost never smiling.

"nice to meet you too Ryu." she replied. They both shook hands indicating a possible friendship in he later future.

"we were wondering if you could help us tell what his technique was with your powers" Yumi stated.

"That is something I can do" she said. "Ryu, if wouldn't mind sitting down?" Saori asked while pointing at the green bean bag cushion next to her.

He sat on the soft cushion wondering what she was about to do to him. Afterwards, she just adjusted her chair so she would be directly facing him, then she stared at him so intensely that he was sarting to feel uncomfortable.

"what the hell. Why is she staring at me like that. Like I haven't had enough of the glares" he yelled in his thoughts

just then Saori's blue eyes suddenly changed hue to a milky white color and the air in the room seemed to have tightened as it felt like she had just gained access to his soul and was searching for something. After a while her eyes gained color again and they were able to move again.

"so… what did you see" Yumi asked as eager as she has always been.

"I… I saw nothing"

"heh" both Ryu and Yumi uttered out of confusion.

"what do you mean… Nothing?" Ryu asked.

"well, there are two possible outcomes. Either you don't have a technique at all or you just haven't awakened it yet. She said while turning back towards the desk.

"how's that possible? He was able to see the mokeru that attacked him. That alone means that he is a sorcerer" Yumi stated. Her excitement seemed to have disappeared.

"doesn't she know its possible for a sorcerer not to have a technique?" Ryu thought.

"he was able to see a mokeru, that shows that he has spiritual energy but not that he has a technique. Every sorcerer has spiritual energy but not all have a technique" Saori explained to Yumi.

Yumi appeared to be more affected by this sudden revelation than Ryu himself and Ryu had already taken note of this.

"erhh… kimura, its fine if I don't have a technique now, besides, I might get one along the way" he tried to dispel the tense atmosphere in the room while trying to understand why she was this worried about him. "maybe that's just her" he said.

"don't think too much about it, his right, it will come, just not now" Saori said, flipping a page of the book she was reading. Well its appeared that Yumi had cheered up. Her enthusiastic demeanor had returned.

"ok, thanks anyway" she said, standing up. "we'll be heading to meet Aki-sensei now, see you later"

Saori waved them a goodbye and returned back to her book. Ryu got up from the bean bag and headed towards the door where Yumi was and they both left the room. They were heading to the faculty room to look for Aki but they ran into him in the hallway. He was holding some kind of package in his hand

"ah, perfect timing you two!" he exclaimed, "I was just coming to find you both, some students told me that they spotted you heading the Saori's dorm so I was going there."

"we just left there to find you too!" Yumi replied. "what about the enrollment, have you finished it" she also asked Aki.

He smiled then stretched out his arm to Ryu the one with the package. Ryu collected it and just looked at it, wondering what it was.

"what's inside"

"why don't you open it and see"

Ryu proceeded to slit open the seal of the package. There were two pairs of clothing inside. Hiro explained that one of it was for normal classes and school activities while the other was for training and field activities.

"if you're giving me this that means…?"

"yes its complete and you're now formally a student of this school and I am officially Ur teacher, so you must address me with respect." Aki declared with a grin on his face ever so confident. "you are to start classes in two days, so get familiar with the students before then.

Ryu was relieved but his face wasn't showing it at all. Yumi asked if he was assigned a dorm yet and Aki told them that since he is resuming late the dorm registry was closed so hell have to share with someone for the time beign before hell get his own dorm.

"who'll I be sharing dorms with?" Ryu asked, not excited about the idea of living with a stranger but since he had no choice he just had to go with it.

"ohh, don't worry about that. You'll be staying with my best third year student" Aki said reassuring him.

Aki instructed Yumi to take ryu there. She agreed quickly and gestured Ryu to follow her. They depart and headed off to meet Ryu's new roommate. They didn't walk very long before stopping again at a door that read "No. 0084". Yumi once again knocked on the door.

"I'm coming in!" she exclaimed before opening the door. This time the room seemed to fit perfectly with the theme of the building. Well furnished walls and flooring, a section of the room had been turned into a miniature library and stocked with books. This time there were two beds instead of one with desks next to each of them. It was how an actual students room should look like.

On one of the beds, a person laid. He looked taller and had a more muscular build than Ryu or Aki. He had black short hair that looked roughed but on purpose.

"hey! What up Yumi?" he greeted, his voice cheerful and friendly but also deep. "haven't seen you in a while. How's things going"

"Good actually, thanks" she replied

looking at Ryu he asked, "is this the boy You and Aki-sensei were supposed to recruit"

"yes he is, and his enrollment was just completed" she replied

"he seems like a really chill guy" Ryu thought to himself. "I should introduce myself this time"

"I'm Ryuuji Tachibana, nice to meet you" he stretched his hand.

The boy looked at him for a moment before responding to his shake. "I guess you'll be staying with me from now on.

I'm Manabu… Manabu Takahashi." he shook Ryu's hand. "I hope we get along like bros" he concluded.

"yeah, me too" Ryu responded.

"well… I'll leave you two to bond now, so bye then" Yumi said and opened the door to leave. Ryu and Manabu greeted Yumi goodbye as she closed the door. It was just both of them now.

"you'll be using that bed" Manabu pointed at the bed at the other side of the room. Ryu walked up to it and sat on the cloud-soft bed.

Manabu starts up a conversation with Ryu, "so how ya first day go?" he asked

"its been good. Yumi showed me around the place. Its real nice"

"Glad you like it! Ive been here three years, its a great place to stay"

"I can tell"

"so how ya feel about Yumi"

The question hit Ryu by surprise but he was able to deliver an answer, "she's real kind and helpful, and I see she can get along with pretty much anybody she wants to" he said.

"That definitely sounds like Yumi! She always looks out for others." Manabu stated smiling and lying back on the bed.

Ryu drops the package on the desk next to the bed and proceeds to lay down on his bed too. "you should rest. Musta been a long day for you" Manabu tells him.

"rest? it was getting late anyways and I'm sure I have a big day tomorrow." he said inwardly.

"a day…just a day. That was more than enough for everything to change. My dad's dead, I almost died and now I'm a sorcerer in training I'm one of the best schools in the entire capital. I wonder what'll happen tomorrow and what kind of people I'll be meeting here. Lets just hope its not boring" he thought as his mind slowly drifted away and he fell asleep.