Chapter 19: Underground Network

Fa Ma's footsteps echoed softly off the damp walls of the slums as he made his way back to the mysterious building he'd discovered weeks ago. The lack of progress in his investigation had left him restless, and the memory of that hidden map nagged at his thoughts. He knew he had to take a risk if he wanted to break this case wide open.

As he approached the nondescript structure, Fa Ma cast his senses outward, probing for any sign of activity or watchful eyes. Satisfied that he was alone, he slipped inside, his body tense with anticipation.

The interior was just as sparse as he remembered - a few pieces of furniture and that intriguing map on the far wall. But this time, Fa Ma was determined to uncover its secrets. He extended his soul power, letting it seep into every crack and crevice of the room.

For several long minutes, nothing seemed amiss. Then, just as Fa Ma was beginning to doubt himself, his soul power detected something unusual behind the map - a faint mechanical presence that didn't belong.

Heart racing, Fa Ma approached the wall. His fingers skimmed over the surface of the map, searching for any irregularity. There - a slight depression that wouldn't be noticeable to the naked eye. Fa Ma pressed down, and with a soft click, a section of the floor slid away, revealing a dark opening.

"What is it with the slums and hidden tunnels?" Fa Ma muttered to himself, a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through him.

Taking a deep breath, he lowered himself into the opening. The darkness was absolute, swallowing even the faint light from above as the trapdoor slid shut behind him. Fa Ma enhanced his senses with Battle Qi, straining to make out his surroundings.

The tunnel was narrow and rough-hewn, clearly not meant for comfort. The scurrying of rats echoed in the darkness, and the air was thick with the scent of mold and decay. Fa Ma moved forward cautiously, his soul perception extended to its limit, alert for any sign of danger or discovery.

As he progressed, Fa Ma's mind raced with possibilities. Could this be part of the Beast Emperor Sect's trafficking network? A secret passage for moving "merchandise" undetected? Or perhaps it led to a hidden base of operations?

After what felt like hours but was likely only twenty minutes of careful navigation, Fa Ma's outstretched hands met solid stone. A dead end.

Frustration welled up inside him. It couldn't end here, not after everything he'd risked to find this place. Fa Ma knew he was missing something crucial.

He retraced his steps, this time paying closer attention to the walls and floor of the tunnel. About halfway back to the entrance, his foot caught on something - a slight unevenness in the floor that he'd overlooked before.

Kneeling down, Fa Ma ran his hands over the spot. There - another hidden mechanism, similar to the one that had opened the trapdoor. With a soft click, a section of the wall swung inward, revealing a new passage.

This tunnel was different - smoother, with faint glowing moss providing dim illumination. The air was fresher too, suggesting better ventilation. Fa Ma's pulse quickened. He was on the right track.

As he ventured deeper into this new passage, Fa Ma began to hear distant sounds - the murmur of voices, the clanking of machinery. He slowed his pace, moving with utmost caution now. Ahead, he could see the tunnel opening up into a larger space.

Pressing himself against the wall, Fa Ma inched forward until he could peer around the corner. What he saw made his blood run cold.

The tunnel opened into a vast underground cavern, easily the size of Canaan Academy's main hall. Cages lined the walls, many occupied by huddled figures - men, women, and children of various ages. In the center of the cavern, a group of men with Beast Emperor Sect tattoos were overseeing the unloading of a new "shipment" from a hidden lift.

Fa Ma's fists clenched at his sides, rage building inside him. This was it - undeniable proof of the Beast Emperor Sect's involvement in human trafficking, on a scale far larger than he'd imagined.

But he couldn't act, not yet. He was outnumbered and unprepared. He needed to gather more information, to understand the full scope of this operation before he could hope to shut it down.

For the next hour, Fa Ma observed the cavern, committing every detail to memory. He noted the guard rotations, the layout of the cages, the location of exits. He listened to snatches of conversation, piecing together fragments of information about upcoming shipments and buyers.

As he was about to retreat, a familiar voice made him freeze. Peering out once more, Fa Ma's eyes widened in shock. There, speaking with one of the Beast Emperor Sect members, was a face he recognized - a high-ranking official from Canaan City's government.

The implications were staggering. This conspiracy reached higher than Fa Ma had ever imagined, extending into the very heart of Canaan City's power structure.

With his head spinning from this new revelation, Fa Ma carefully made his way back through the tunnels. He emerged from the building into the pre-dawn light, his mind racing with everything he'd discovered.

As he hurried back towards the academy, Fa Ma knew that the stakes had just become much higher. He would need to move carefully, to gather allies he could trust implicitly. The Beast Emperor Sect was deeply entrenched in Canaan City, with tendrils reaching into places he'd never suspected.

But now he had proof, and with it, the beginnings of a plan. Fa Ma's resolve hardened. No matter the cost, no matter the danger, he would see this through. The innocent lives trapped in those underground cages were counting on him, and he would not let them down.

Hey guys, I try to aim for at least a chapter a day but I am busy with an internship. Also, thank you guys for the 100 collections! Absolutely, insane stuff and something I couldn't imagine. Are you guys enjoying the mission arc? If not, I'll change the outline. If you do, please comment below. I have only got four or five comments so far, but I would love to get your guys feedback on what's going on. Ideas for techniques, skills, herbs, beasts. Any of that or criticisms on where the story is going and the plot, etc. Have a great day guys!