House Cleaning

"I expect the information I requested about the Marquess and the Count to be delivered to me today," Rosa whispered.

Silver, her most trusted informant, had watched her toss and turn on the most comfortable bed she had ever laid in all night long. She knew he was as exhausted as she was, and she knew he was worried for her.

"Go on, now."

The only sign of his disappearance was the rustle of the curtains by the window. Once he was gone, she grabbed the bell and rang it continuously until a confused-looking maid stepped into the open door.

What a shame, it's not the bitc* from yesterday. "Go and summon every maid and servant in the manor and gather them in the kitchen. Tell them that Lady Elara is calling for a meeting."

The maid gave a quick bow and left the room looking even more confused than when she entered. Rosa pushed back the pink locks that had fallen onto her uncomfortable light blue gown and smirked.

"Once I show them who's in charge here, I might as well spend the Count's money on an entirely new wardrobe, jewelry, and perfumes."

With a silk hand fan in her grip, Rosa stepped into the bright hallways of the Count's manor, now her own. She hadn't changed her looks from yesterday, keeping her hair styled like her twin's to avoid suspicion. The submissive attitude had to go, and many of the cute, fluffy, pastel dresses that hindered her movement would be sent as gifts to her informants. At least for now, the hair and makeup would remain the same.

The household staff was gathered in the kitchen as she had ordered—the disinterested butler, the chef, the gardener, and the maids. Behind them stood the only four knights assigned to the manor looking rather skinny with their clothes all worn out. She had already noted the manor's terrible security breaches, and now, she could see why.

While the male servants maintained stoic expressions, a few maids, including the one who had pulled on Rosa's hair the night before, barely contained their laughter. She sighed heavily and then pointed a finger at the butler.

"You there."

The old man looked up at her.

"You're fired."

The shock that registered on everyone's faces was immensely satisfying, and she had to bite her bottom lip to hide her smile.

"Well? What are you still standing here for? Gather your things and be on your way."

It took the man two seconds to fall to his knees. "Lady Elara, I beg you to reconsider!"

"Oh? So, you're not going to ask me what you did wrong?"

The man's fists clenched against his knees and a guilty expression overtook every wrinkle on his face.

"Lady Elara, I have a wife and three daughters who are still unwed. I plead with the kindness of your heart, I would do anything to keep this position, I swear!"

She faked a thoughtful expression, tapping her shoe repeatedly on the marble floor.

"There is one way for you to keep your job. Would you like to hear it?"

"Yes!" the butler slurred, "A-Anything!"

Unable to keep the smile off her face this time, she brought the fan to cover half of it and grinned.

"Fire someone else in your stead."

The few gasps from the maids were in harmony with the pale complexions of the male servants. Serves you right for ignoring my sister and bullying her all this time.

The butler rose to his unsteady feet and quickly pointed at one of the maids behind him.

What a coward. The smile on Rosa's face quickly faded when she saw it wasn't the rude maid from the day before but an innocent looking one. Come to think of it, the rude maid looked almost unphased as if there was no way she would be the one to get fired. And the question now was: who was behind her?

Watching the young maid who became the scapegoat running out of the kitchen with tears on her face, Rosa pointed at the chef.

"And you, why was my breakfast not served this morning?"

A bead of sweat slid down the chef's wide forehead. "My Lady, you only have one meal a day at noon."

Oh, Elara.

"...From now on, all my meals including dessert at teatime shall be delivered to my room. You will be evaluated in one week."

"Y-Yes. I will prepare the best meals for you, my Lady!"

"That's not enough."

She waited a moment while she happily watched the chef squirm and swallow.

"The meals for the Count's knights will be double the portions as of today."

The four knights exchanged meaningful glances and then regarded Rosa with looks of appreciation. That's right. Put some more muscle beneath your skin and give me all your loyalty.

"I-Is there anything that pleases your palates in particular, my Lady?"

The chef's question made Rosa's blood boil since it showed how obliviousness he was to Elara's likes and dislikes. But now, she needed to focus. His question had given her the perfect opening to start digging into the identity of the murderer.

Her eyes settled on the chef and she pinned him with a cold stare. "I gathered you all here today because something I was served tasted off last night." She raised her fan to conceal the grin that surfaced. "Were you attempting to harm me?"

Her gaze darted to the first knight who drew his sword, followed swiftly by the others. With his red hair and freckles, his face was easy to memorize. This one will prove useful soon.

Rosa's raised hand halted the knights' advance toward the chef who appeared on the verge of fainting. His terrified expression was all too familiar to Rosa, it belonged to those wrongly accused in the backstreets. This fool has nothing to do with poisoning Elara. She turned her head slightly to scrutinize the expression on another person's face—the raw fear evident on the rude maid's features confirmed what Rosa had suspected. So that arrogant little thing was behind it after all?

In Rosa's mind, the dim-witted maid couldn't possibly be the mastermind. If she were, she would have shown either disappointment that Elara survived or anger about it. Could the substance in Elara's drink have been intended not to kill her? If not poison, then what had caused Elara to choke to death the day before?

"Rosa pointed her hand fan at the culprit. "Everyone is dismissed except that maid and you, butler."

The servants hurriedly exited the kitchen followed by the knights who seemed entertained by the entire spectacle. Rosa studied the butler —who was about to wet his fancy pants— with a great amount of amusement.

"As for the young maid you dismissed, find her and bring her back to the manor. She will now serve as my personal maid."

"Of course, Lady Elara! As you wish!" The butler replied.

Pointing her hand fan at the maid standing behind him, Rosa inquired, "What do you think of that maid's performance, butler? Wouldn't it be best to dismiss her instead of my personal maid?"

A shadow crossed the butler's face. "Her name is May, Lady Elara. With all due respect, I was not the one who hired her."

Rosa's triumphant expression faltered as she noticed the smug look on May's face. It took all of Rosa's self-control not to hurl her hand fan at that insufferable smirk.

"That's enough," Rosa declared sharply.

Closing the distance between them, Rosa delivered a swift slap across May's cheek. The maid recoiled, holding her stinging face in disbelief.

"Since the butler won't dismiss you, I'll make it clear how displeased I am with your performance. Do you understand your place now?"

The maid slowly nodded.

"If you understand, say so!" Rosa snapped.

"I do, my Lady."

"Good! I am the sole heiress to the Highmore family, and I expect to be treated accordingly!" She turned to the butler. "Prepare the carriage; I will be shopping for the rest of the day. When I return, I want my room and bathroom flawless if you wish to maintain your position in this manor, that is."

"Leave it to me, Lady Elara," the butler replied eagerly. But the maid's persistent frown unsettled Rosa.

"You may go," she dismissed the two of them with a wave then went out of the kitchen and ascended to her room. Despite her eagerness to spend the Count's money, the carriage's direction depended on the information her informants would bring.

I may need to protect my source of information sooner than I thought.