Using You

"Lady Highmore, I must admit that your decision to come here tonight brings me great joy."

"Your Grace…" Doubt twisted and turned in the pit of Rosa's stomach like a dancing snake. Could the Duke be playing tricks on Elara? "...I am not here to see you, my Lord. I seek the Master of this guild, someone with information that honorable noblemen such as yourself don't dirty their hands with."

The Duke's hazel eyes, the color of gold beneath the light of the oil lamp, shone with a mix of amusement and challenge. A slow, seductive smile curved his full lips as he studied her.

"You are precisely where you need to be."

He took one step forward and paused with his eyes studying her steady feet. The subsequent moves he took were swift and fluid, not the stealthy movements of street fighters, but the confident strides of sword masters who wielded their blades like an extension of their own limbs. Her admiration had to come to an end when he halted just one step away causing her to tilt her neck back to meet his gaze.

"Honorable noblemen often find themselves compelled to get their hands dirty in order to protect what they cherish," his gaze briefly grazed her lips before returning to meet her eyes. "I am not merely a nobleman, Lady Highmore. I am the Master of this guild, and I possess the information you seek. I hold the power to assist you in achieving your objectives."

Is this the same man I dismissed as useless just yesterday? Whoever dubbed Duke Kael Dragomir the righteous angel of the kingdom clearly never witnessed this side of him. She bit her inner cheek to stop herself from grinning. What a fine, sexy specimen you've revealed yourself to be.

Though a part of her wanted to embrace him and taste those inviting lips, such impulsive actions were not in line with the innocent persona of Elara Highmore. She quickly averted her gaze, staring instead at a corner of the room.

"I'm not an idiot, Your Grace. You're the most righteous man in the kingdom. And I was told that the master of this guild is a…" She deliberately paused, curious to see how he'd describe himself. A monster? A genius? A greedy man with no sense of shame at all?

"I am me."

His answer was so simple that she had to look back at him.

"I simply choose to show different traits at the right place and at the right time. There are no angels that walk among us, Lady Highmore." His expression shifted slightly. "Or are you that innocent?"

Oh, yes. The more innocent and gullible she appeared, the less likely her rival would suspect her true identity. On cue, she brought unshed tears to her eyes.

"Men as powerful as you have the privilege of deciding what to show and what to hide, but someone as weak as I am has nothing to hide at all. As you can see," she said, making a show of uncovering her hair and shaking her head, letting her pink locks scatter around her face. "I come to you with my identity laid bare as the only heiress to Count Highmore. My carriage and my knights are waiting for me outside, but they might not be the only ones. I risk causing a scandal, Your Grace. That's how desperate I am." She sniffled pathetically. "Unlike you, all my cards are on the table."

His face remained emotionless as he stared into her eyes, making her fear he wasn't buying any of what she was saying. Those same sharp eyes drifted toward the top of her head and then followed the flow of her hair. The wicked smirk that appeared on his face made her pulse quicken.

"You're right. Your knights are not the only ones waiting for you outside."

She made sure her eyes were wide and full of horror. "Who else is waiting for me outside other than my knights?"

His smirk vanished and got replaced by a look of disappointment. "Lady Highmore, you just said you're willing to risk a scandal. You refused a Duke's offer yesterday and bravely made your way here. Aren't you seeking strength on your own? Tell me what you came here for, tell me about your end goal. I have all the means to strengthen and help you."

Rosa concealed her inner satisfaction. This encounter was going even better than she had hoped.

"I came here to get information about my fiancé, the Marquess."

He blinked a couple of times, clearly surprised by the inadequate request.

"Information about Marquess Gideon Blackthorn? That poor excuse of a man is a walking disgrace! His list of wrong deeds includes human trafficking, prostitution, and making deals with the barbaric kingdom of the north through our ports." His jaw clenched and unclenched, he was barely containing his fury with veins standing out on his forehead and neck. "The weasel is so good at framing those around him and covering his own mess, but I am certain he is behind all of it. Once I have proof, he will spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars."

A miserable life behind bars? That is way too merciful. Rosa bit her bottom lip and directed her gaze to the corner of the empty room again.

"It is simply infuriating," Kael's voice dropped to an intimate whisper as he leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "I don't know what means he uses to blackmail the Count, but for someone as precious as you to have to sit down and meet with an imbecile who brings his mistress to his betrothed's manor gets the blood in my veins boiling, Lady Highmore."

She looked at her rival with authentic horror this time. The Marquess brought his mistress to meet Elara! The revelation shook Rosa to her core. Why did my sister endure such degradation? How could her twin have suffered so silently while the Marquess flaunted his vices in front of her?

"What surprises you so, Lady Highmore? Do you still doubt that I have access to such private information after everything I told you about being the master of the Western guild?"

Gathering herself, Rosa played the part of the naive heiress once more. "I…I had no idea that the woman he brought was the Marquess's mistress, that's all."

Instead of being annoyed by her naive response, Kael Dragomir looked relieved. "So you have escaped unscathed from the Marquess's dishonorable advances. Thank goodness."

Perhaps he is more of a righteous Duke than he is a monstrous guild master.

"May I touch your hand, Lady Highmore?"

Rosa gulped and raised her hand. He took it between his gloved hands instantly.

"I want to put the Marquess behind bars where he belongs," he said earnestly, his eyes searching hers. "Will you help me?"

Righteous, my as*! Rosa thought as she fluttered her eyelashes ensuring she didn't appear too quick or too clever. "Your Grace, are you asking me to become a spy and work for you?"

Before he could answer, she closed her eyes pressing the back of her hand to her forehead and swayed on her feet. In less than a second, a strong arm wrapped around her waist.

"Are you alright?" Kael asked, concern lacing his deep voice.

She nodded with her eyes still closed then placed a hand on his firm chest weakly pushing him away while pretending to struggle to stand on her own.

"I must bid you farewell now, Your Grace. You have given me so much to think about."

Turning around, Rosa reached for the doorknob and twisted it down then hurried out of the room and through the hallway. It was as deserted as when she had arrived, and the informant who had received her was nowhere to be seen behind the desk.

Only when she got out of the motel did she clench her fists and curse creatively, "Marquess Gideon Blackthorn, you worthless son of a bit*h! Just wait and see what filth I have in store for the likes of you."