A Lewd Display

Marquess's Gideon sudden order was followed by a wave of his hand dismissing Sir Cedric and Roxan. But the maid who trembled didn't move at all, and the knight stood tall next to his Lady in a silent act of defiance.

As she placed the cup of tea she had been sipping down on the table, Rosa suppressed a sigh while looking at the cowardly Marquess who obviously thrived on submission. I'm not sure what's going on here, but I need to find out without raising his suspicions.

"Leave us." Rosa ordered, but only Roxan complied.

In an unexpected reaction, the Marquess licked his lips again while he watched Rosa's personal maid hurrying outside of the drawing room. He seemed extremely pleased that the knight stayed behind which instantly caused Rosa's stomach to churn. Just what is this animal planning? Whatever it was, Rosa was sure that he had shown it to Elara before getting rid of her.