Count Dorian Highmore

Sir Cedric bowed respectfully to Count Dorian Highmore. "My Lord."

Rosa's thoughts became uncharacteristically mingled and jumbled. What does Dorian Highmore want from Elara now after all this time of leaving her to the wolves to shred her to pieces? A frightening thought occurred to her. Being Elara's twin, she could fool the world and assume her identity. But wouldn't Elara's biological father be able to tell that the woman standing in front of him now was not Elara Highmore but someone impersonating her?

The worst thought about him came to her yet: that he was the one behind the murder of Elara, setting her up with Gideon and allowing him to slip drugs into her food. He must already know that the woman in front of him was not Elara but one of the twins he left in the orphanage years ago.

No, stop that! He doesn't know anything and thinks I am Elara. This is my opportunity to study him.