His Grace’s Interrogations – Part 1

A magnificent golden horse emerged from the forest and landed right beside Silver's brown horse. Rosa's heart should have been filled with fear, but instead, it brimmed with admiration for the beautiful creature and the well-built rider in full black armor, he looked outwardly, like an angel of death with his face obscured by a helmet.

"Bring at least one of them alive back to me!" the rider's deep voice ordered.

"Yes, Commander!" replied multiple voices from behind him.

Commander? As in Kael Dragomir?

The rain of arrows ceased as more horses ridden by fully armed knights emerged from the forest with eyes that struck terror into all they landed on. The golden dragon emblem of House Dragomir on their armor looked almost alive, as if she were witnessing not men, but a pack of dragons riding horses and charging towards the hills.