A Night in His Arms

Her head was too blurry to know who broke the kiss first, what time it was now, or when she ended up cuddling on the bed with a man as if it meant nothing at all.

I deserve all of it, I deserve even worse.

All that mattered to Rosa was that there was no longer any crying. She didn't know whether she was asleep, awake, or sedated with what she had inhaled and the medicine she had taken. Her mind floated in a haze, a murky fog where the line between consciousness and dreams was indistinguishable.

"My chest no longer burns..." She started hearing herself mumbling as if she were another person entirely. "...I can't smell anything..." 

The words seemed to come from a distance then reach her through the fog surrounding her mind.

"...Am I dead?"

"You're not dead. Go back to sleep."

Was that Silver's voice? Or was it Kael's? Rosa couldn't be sure. She assumed it was Silver, or maybe it was Kael?