Her Next Move

The first light of dawn seeped unexpectedly through the dark drapes of Kael's study.

"It's not even late anymore; for crying out loud, it's early. You haven't even changed or gotten a wink of sleep yet," Silver grumbled.

"Yeah? Well, neither did you."

Rosa clutched a parchment in her hand, Silver's familiar sloppy handwriting covering the page resembled her own messy scrawl more than she cared to admit.

"Your tea is cold," he said out of nowhere. "Let me pour you another cup."

"Hm, okay."

She leaned back in her comfortable chair with a smile as she observed him in a moment of much-needed mental rest. Rosa had always admired his hands with their long, elegant fingers that she could easily draw blindfolded on canvas. Her smile dimmed giving way to a frown as she noticed him adding a spoonful of honey and a splash of milk to the fresh tea.
