intense loves 2

game enemy inch comic match dance cousin cage federal disagree enrich unawareheard, Kristen disvirgined you". Amanda began, how could she have possibly heard that but did not hear that Kross's initial plan was to marry me?

"You must be important, despite everything Kris still making you his partner" Amanda Said smiling devilishly.


I turned to look at Kris who nodded meaning I could go ahead and tell her a piece of my mind.

"You are right, it turns out that Kristen couldn't resist me," I said dishing out my breakfast and Kris couldn't stop smiling either.

"Ohh least I forgot Kris, why is Kross not coming home frequently?." I asked Kris who smiled before responding.

"Maybe he is avoiding something." Kris played along while Amanda just stared at both of us.

"Is it because I refused to marry him". I whispered and Kris just chuckled.

"That's true he seems to be avoiding you because he still feels embarrassed due to the rejection" Kris added before calling the maids to bring his coat.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked.

"I need to be somewhere but I would be back before dinner." He replied and walked out. Why, how could he leave me alone with Amanda, does he want us to start fighting with each other?

"So you have the triplets wrapped around your fingers because of what?" She asked standing up from her initial seat and now standing at my front while I just ignored her presence, she pulled my hair aggressively making me shout in pain as I tried to push her away from me but shouldn't let go.

"Amanda, stop pulling me and talk ". I pleaded but all she did was giggle at me.

"I was gently talking to you like a person but you kept pretending like you were deaf or something". She said before letting go of my hair and pushing my head at the same time.

"You bitch". She added and just as she turned around Kross was standing at the doorway looking very angry.

I know my hair which she pulled pained me like hell but still I loved the fact that Kross caught her trying to manipulate me.

"Why are you back in this house Amanda?." Kross asked giving his coat to the maids standing beside us.

"Honey, this is my house too". She cooed like a child which was annoying.

"I don't want you hear, pack your stupid belongings and leave". Kross instructed but she was still seated like she could not hear any of the things he just said.

"Are you deaf!!". He yelled making the both of us shiver.

"Kross, stop this rubbish you know I am still pregnant with your child and I am supposed to be under your care so don't try to abandon me". She pleaded.

"You already made a mistake by saying stupid things to Amaya, despite knowing how impossible she is to me". Kross said to her while I tried my best to hold in the laughter in me.

"I never knew she was important to you".

"But you were aware that she belongs to Kris". Kross asked making Amanda more surprised that Kris was not trying to protect me when he called me his partner but it was the truth, I belonged to Kris.

"I thought it was a joke and nothing else, I never believed anything I heard". Amanda opposed making me laugh.

"Well, you better believe it because she belongs to my brother and Kristen marked her so be careful how you talk to her". Kross warned before walking upstairs, after he had climbed up the stairs everything started to make sense to me. Kross ignored me earlier, the only thing he did was warn Amanda not to harm me.

Amanda sat there totally silent, I stood up and found my way to Kross's bedroom.

I prayed to my God multiple times and breathed in heavily before knocking on his door which he opened almost immediately.

"Amaya no". He said about to close the door when I quickly placed my foot on the door stopping him from closing the door.

"I am trying to not disobey Kris". He said.

"I am not here to flirt or tempt you, I just want to know more about Kris". I replied.

"You should ask him that, the only thing I can tell you is Kris can be very crazy sometimes". Kross replied but everything was still very confusing.

"Please Kross, I want to know what I wrong and why Kris I training to be like him instead of just a mere fighter". I asked but he groaned.

"Kristen told you all this right?" He asked which I nodded positively to.

"That bastard, can you believe what he told people in the club?" How was I supposed to know that, all I have been doing since I came to this mansion was training and becoming good at standing up for myself not gossiping, but I can't say all that to Kross.

"He claimed you and said I got interested in you after you accepted him, he is making it seem like we are all at war with each other because of you ". What's going on with the triplets, they all seem to be saying different things to me but all in all end it with a war between themselves. I don't love any of them, even with what Calvin did to me he remains the only man I ever loved.

"Kristen would never get through to me and that includes loving him, he is just playing tricks with you because of what conspired between you two so do not worry about him anymore," I said about to leave when Kross pulled me back.

"Don't fall in love with any of us, that is the only way to protect us from each other's wrath". He whispered before letting go of me.

Later in the night after training with a few other fighters, I still couldn't feel at ease so many things were going through my mind and mostly the fact that Kris was no longer reacting about the gem I lost, they said it was his most precious possession and I lost it.

Does that mean that I am his most priceless possession?


Kim Mi-kyung as Jo Min-ja, Hacker Ahjumma, a former detective specializing in cyber crimes.

Oh Kwang-rok as Ki Young-jae, Jung-hoo's teacher (and the first "Healer"), one of five friends from the past.

Choi Dong-gu as young Young-jae, Motorcycle rider and distractor during the illegal radio broadcasts.

Taemi as Kang Dae-yong, "Healer's" assistant.

Ji Il-joo as Seo Joon-seok, Jung-hoo's father, an engineer of the illegal radio station and later a photographer working with Oh Gil-han.

Lee Kyung-shim as Jung-hoo's mother

Song Ji-in as young Jung-hoo's mother

Park Sang-myun as Chae Chi-soo, Young-shin's adoptive father, a lawyer specializing in defending clients accused of burglary who also runs a café where he has employed many of his former clients.

Woo Hyun as Chul-min, a former convict and one of Chae Chi-soo's clients who now works at the café.

Park Won-sang as Jang Byung-se, head of "Someday News", an internet tabloid news site where Chae Young-shin works.

Choi Seung-kyung as Yeo Gi-ja, "Reporter Yeo" at "Someday News".

Park Sang-won as Kim Moon-sik, one of the initial five friends, now a highly successful CEO of a news agency.

Son Seung-won as young Moon-sik, driver of the truck from which the five friends ran their illegal radio station.

Do Ji-won as Choi Myung-hee, Young-shin's biological mother, living in the present with Kim Moon-sik and using a wheelchair.

Jung Hye-in as young Myung-hee, one of the lead reporters in the illegal radio station.

Woo Hee-jin as Kang Min-jae, news director at "ABS News", where Kim Moon-ho works at the start of the story and also his love interest.

Jang Sung-beom as Lee Jong-soo, Kim Moon-ho's assistant.

Park Sang-wook as Bae Sang-soo, head of a rival "night courier" agency.

Hong Seung-jin as Yo-yo, employed by Bae Sang-soo.

Jo Han-chul as Yoon Dong-won, a detective specializing in cyber crimes, formerly Jo Min-ja's hoobae.

Oh Jong-hyuk as Oh Gil-han, Young-shin's biological father, one of the lead reporters in the illegal radio station and a regular reporter after the fall of the Fifth Republic.

Jung Gyu-soo as Oh Tae-won, Moon-sik's secretary and agent of "The Elder".

Kim Ri-na as Joo Yeon-hee, an actress who turns to Chae Young-shin and her father for help.

Choi Jong-won as Park Jung-dae, "The Elder", a shadowy figure operating behind the scenes and the CEO of Omega Holdings formerly known as Omega Venture Capital


Ji Chang-wook as Seo Jung-hoo / Park Bong-soo / Healer

Park Si-jin as young Jung-hoo

Go Woo-rim as child Jung-hoo

Choi Jung-hu as toddler Jung-hoo

An illegal "night courier" who works under the alias "Healer". Renowned for being the best in his field, Jung-hoo is equipped not only with advanced technology and a trusty hacker sidekick, but also his superb fighting skills. He will perform any task except anything involving murder. His ultimate goal is to save money and buy an uninhabited island off the coast of Panama and to live there alone, but that changes after being given an order by his client, Kim Mun-ho, to find and protect a girl named Young-shin from the people who want her dead but he later falls in love with Young-shin.

Park Min-young as Chae Young-shin / Oh Ji-an

Kim So-yeon as young Young-shin

Shin Soo-yeon as 10-year-old Ji-an

Park Ji-so as 8-year-old Ji-an

Ku Geon-min as 5-year-old Ji-an

A strong-willed and quirky internet news reporter who dreams of becoming a legendary reporter. However, her dreams are put to the test when she finds out about her hidden past as the lost child Oh Ji-an. Due to her abusive past, Young-shin is traumatized and suffers from panic attacks whenever she sees violence. She later falls in love with her protector, Jung-hoo.

Yoo Ji-tae as Kim Moon-ho

Kim Seung-chan as young Moon-ho

Lee Woo-joo as child Moon-ho

A star reporter, and brother to Kim Moon-sik, the CEO of a large news company. His goal is to last each day and to find Oh Ji-an, a supposedly dead child whom he suspects to still be alive. He pays Jung-hoo (as "Healer") to find and protect Ji-an (now known as Young-shin) from the people that want her dead, out of guilt for not fully investigating the truth about a 1992 incident that ended in the tragic deaths of two out of five best friends, and the crippling of a third.I had a very good friend in college. We were sort of best buddies. My life was straight and simple. I was enjoying it with best people. And then somehow we fell for each other. It was a tough war between what's right and what I want.

That time I was in a long distance relationship with a guy. And then things messed up.

My boyfriend left me. My friend left me as he could not take this fact that he was one of the reason behind all this. (I am not blaming him as it was me who messed up).

And then I n he(my frn) didnot talk for almost 3 years. Left college, went on our ways.

One day I received a msg from him stating 'hi'. I was like what and why now?

He said he is sorry and wants to be friends again. He said it took him a lot of time to come out all this. I was like ohk. We had long discussions of what we did and what was right. He was not there when I needed him the most.

But its life and eventually we change and learn to live with all our mistakes.

Today we are best of friends again. Who knows what happens next.